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Everything posted by gallahadesquire

  1. When in doubt: bite. My personal trainer usually offers me an arm to get up from the bench. He put his arm out the other day, and I went for it with a bite. well, feigned. Scared the shit out of him.
  2. After talking for awhile: Wow. I never would have guessed you're gay.
  3. God, Grant me the Strength to change what I can The Serenity to acdept what I can't change; and The Wisdom to Hide the Bodies of the People I Had to Kill Because they Pissed Me Off! My apologies after the fact. I'm on the side of: Legal counsel NOW; Look for a counselor for yourself DO NOT LEAVE the premises. Our Legal Beagles can explain that to you.
  4. This fellow pops up in Boston from time to time. No problem with his ego. Nice photos. I tried to book a massage with him once before, but got nowhere. Any info? https://rentmen.com/Billybaldwin
  5. Until I ruptured my [first] Achille's tendon [the first time], I used to walk on the balls of my feet all the time. It was an acquired habit. I had great calves, though.
  6. Caveat: You'd best know what you're doing, and not just giving him a rub +/- a tug. Otherwise, it's kind of like bringing a ham sandwich to a banquet.
  7. *Un petit, d'un petit ... the little one of a little one. The inevitable result of a childhood marriage. [footnote to said quote]. My favorite was Reine, reine [then I can't write it phonetically]. It finishes un Horreur! Te. Translation: Queen, queen arouse the rabble / Of those who use their girdles as [Horror!] pillow-slips.
  8. I was sure they were going to release a Chia using Forsythia.
  9. And the Monty Python Sketch, where Mr. Raymond Luxury Yacht goes in to the Ear, Nose, and Throat surgeon: Well, it's Mister Raymond Luxury Yacht now, isn't it? That's not my name. It's spelled Raymond Luxury Yacht, but it's pronounced Throatwarbler-Mangrove. Then there's the tale of the fellow who has visited his Chum in the UK, and was completely awestruck by the name pronunciations: "Mawdlin" for "Magdalan", for instance. His Chum comes to visit the US. They decide to go look at some geographical highlights. "Oh, let's go to Niagara Falls!" the Chum says. "It's not pronounced Niagara Falls," the American says. "Really? How is it pronounced?" "Niffles." Of Worcestershire, it's kind of like ... well ... wʊstərʃər. The town in Central Massachusetts is
  10. From November, 2016. Justin is on the right:
  11. Recent thread: http://www.companyofmen.org/posts/1181992/
  12. Yes, please DO submit a formal review at Daddysreviews.com
  13. https://rentmen.com/KyleStrong
  14. I kinda think the fuzzy photo in the shower (his one penis pic) is not him. And the face does change, but that could be photoshop or lighting.
  15. Very handsome young fellow. Any into? https://rentmen.com/GloriousGio/
  16. Reference: https://rentmen.com/collinsgotback/ He's a young hottie, and his emails show intelligence. I have to be in Boston 11/5 anyway. any advice / previous knowledge? Nothing like a 19 year old protege, says I.
  17. BUMP Any experience? I wish he had a few more photos and a head shot.
  18. I ran into Dr Carl Sagan once … literally. I anesthetized Peter Wolf of the J. Giles Band, while he was still married to Faye Dunaway.
  19. I hate when men wear black. You can't see details!
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