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José Soplanucas

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  1. Like
    + José Soplanucas got a reaction from + WilliamM in Be alert around Pride or other LGBTQIA+ gatherings this year   
    What is your argument, besides whining? The fact remains that the people you are trying invisibilized is not going for anyone else's rights, they only demand their owns. They are not trying to censor you, you are going for them.
  2. Applause
    + José Soplanucas got a reaction from Marc in Calif in Be alert around Pride or other LGBTQIA+ gatherings this year   
    Censored? Actually, intolerant voices are loud and clear, and broadcasted in plenty of multi media channels, and are even ruling in many states where people all of kinds are losing rights. Even you and your friends are talking about the current backlash. 
    The fact is that you and your friends are the ones who advocate for suppressing some people's visibility. Some are brave enough to own their intolerance. Some show their cowardice hiding behind "Middle America". No one is advocating for suppressing any of your rights. You are the ones with such an agenda.
    And once again. Please, keep talking (writing). I do not want to silence you or your friends. Au contraire. You guys, are much more transparent than you comprehend. 
  3. Thanks
    + José Soplanucas got a reaction from Marc in Calif in Be alert around Pride or other LGBTQIA+ gatherings this year   
    Diversity is hard to digest for the intolerant.
  4. Applause
    + José Soplanucas got a reaction from Marc in Calif in Be alert around Pride or other LGBTQIA+ gatherings this year   
    So you call out as intolerant those asking for more rights and denouncing intolerance? Another very convincing argument for the bright  and squared minded. 

  5. Haha
    + José Soplanucas reacted to KeepItReal in Be alert around Pride or other LGBTQIA+ gatherings this year   
    I've apologizes 3 times already! Will you please stop throwing it in my face? It was Pride. We were drinking a lot of gin and tonics and a severe case of the hornies came over us. We used condoms and didnt make a mess. I promise - it won't happen again! 

  6. Like
    + José Soplanucas got a reaction from + WilliamM in Be alert around Pride or other LGBTQIA+ gatherings this year   
    Diversity is hard to digest for the intolerant.
  7. Party
    + José Soplanucas reacted to Danny-Darko in Be alert around Pride or other LGBTQIA+ gatherings this year   
    Thank you for just proving my point made about you! 😂 You exposed your own ignorance. I rest my case, thanks! 
  8. Agree
    + José Soplanucas got a reaction from + Italiano in Convicted Felon   
    I will not discuss politics, but only share that from now on 34 is my favorite number. For reasons that I would never mention, today I had a multiorgasmic experience with 34 spasms of joy and pleasure. THIRTY FOUR. Imagine for a moment whoever you find a disgusting person, and imagine him/her being smacked 34 times. Thirty four. THIRTY FOUR. 
    Now I am addicted. Hopefully, we will have some more. 
  9. Haha
    + José Soplanucas got a reaction from + FrankR in Be alert around Pride or other LGBTQIA+ gatherings this year   
    Everyone should watch John Waters' interview @Real Time with Bill Maher. It is quite relevant. I love one of Waters' lines: gay is a good start, but it is not enough.
  10. Haha
    + José Soplanucas reacted to Danny-Darko in Be alert around Pride or other LGBTQIA+ gatherings this year   
    "You people" will say anything just to keep an argument going by purposely nitpicking at things to take them out of context, deliberately missing a point. Just like KensingtonHomo in the last thread. You have no sound counterargument, so you resort to babbling attempting in vain to ridicule the poster with hopes to appear as the "winner", silencing the opponent. No matter what name you post under, we all have seen through you for years now and your little WOKE clique. Never anything of value to contribute, just your asinine opinions. 🙄  I've said my piece, I have nothing more to add. So keep up your senseless narcissistic rant if you must! 

  11. Haha
    + José Soplanucas reacted to Danny-Darko in Be alert around Pride or other LGBTQIA+ gatherings this year   
    I get your point, and maybe you haven't seen it, but I've been seeing this all over for a long time now. Some women do go to men's clubs and spaces with gay male sexual themes! And honestly as a gay man it really puts a damper on the mood and vibes! Yet women can have their own "Women Only" places and spaces and not be obliged to open the doors to men of any kind gay, bi or straight. Even us men are not allowed to go in unless chaperoned by a woman to Chippendales type shows that cater "For Women Only"! Yet straight or any other kind of woman can and must be let into a Gay Male Strip Clubs! Funny how those things always seem to work one-sided! And about the private membership places, most all offer some sort of "Day Pass" for the onetime visitor or out of town guest. 
  12. Like
    + José Soplanucas got a reaction from + WilliamM in Be alert around Pride or other LGBTQIA+ gatherings this year   
    Censored? Actually, intolerant voices are loud and clear, and broadcasted in plenty of multi media channels, and are even ruling in many states where people all of kinds are losing rights. Even you and your friends are talking about the current backlash. 
    The fact is that you and your friends are the ones who advocate for suppressing some people's visibility. Some are brave enough to own their intolerance. Some show their cowardice hiding behind "Middle America". No one is advocating for suppressing any of your rights. You are the ones with such an agenda.
    And once again. Please, keep talking (writing). I do not want to silence you or your friends. Au contraire. You guys, are much more transparent than you comprehend. 
  13. Confused
    + José Soplanucas got a reaction from Becket in Be alert around Pride or other LGBTQIA+ gatherings this year   
    Censored? Actually, intolerant voices are loud and clear, and broadcasted in plenty of multi media channels, and are even ruling in many states where people all of kinds are losing rights. Even you and your friends are talking about the current backlash. 
    The fact is that you and your friends are the ones who advocate for suppressing some people's visibility. Some are brave enough to own their intolerance. Some show their cowardice hiding behind "Middle America". No one is advocating for suppressing any of your rights. You are the ones with such an agenda.
    And once again. Please, keep talking (writing). I do not want to silence you or your friends. Au contraire. You guys, are much more transparent than you comprehend. 
  14. Agree
    + José Soplanucas got a reaction from + Just Sayin in Be alert around Pride or other LGBTQIA+ gatherings this year   
    Diversity is hard to digest for the intolerant.
  15. Like
    + José Soplanucas got a reaction from + WilliamM in Be alert around Pride or other LGBTQIA+ gatherings this year   
    So you call out as intolerant those asking for more rights and denouncing intolerance? Another very convincing argument for the bright  and squared minded. 

  16. Haha
    + José Soplanucas reacted to Danny-Darko in Be alert around Pride or other LGBTQIA+ gatherings this year   
    A diversity so diverse that it can't swallow nor tolerate opinions and people that differ from their so diverse clique! Being so "inclusive" it excludes and censors all who differ from their perception of how other should reason and behave. So VERY diverse and inclusive that it's now facing a global backlash. 🙄 
  17. Agree
    + José Soplanucas got a reaction from + Italiano in Is Gay porn site https://www.williamhiggins.com down permanently?   
    It works in Safari for me.
  18. Like
    + José Soplanucas got a reaction from + Charlie in Be alert around Pride or other LGBTQIA+ gatherings this year   
    Diversity is hard to digest for the intolerant.
  19. Like
    + José Soplanucas got a reaction from + APPLE1 in Convicted Felon   
    When you ask to Chat GPT what a convicted felon can and cannot do in the US:
    The rights and restrictions for convicted felons in the United States can vary significantly based on the nature of the felony, the state in which the felony was committed, and whether the felon has been granted any form of relief or restoration of rights. Below is a general overview of what convicted felons can and cannot do in the US:
    ### **What Convicted Felons Can Do:**
    1. **Work:** 
       - Convicted felons can seek employment, though certain jobs may be off-limits, especially those requiring professional licenses or involving vulnerable populations (e.g., schools, hospitals).
    2. **Vote:**
       - Voting rights for felons vary by state. Some states automatically restore voting rights after a felon completes their sentence, including parole and probation, while others may require additional steps.
    3. **Own Property:**
       - Felons can own property, including real estate and personal property.
    4. **Travel:**
       - Felons can generally travel freely within the US, but international travel may be restricted depending on the destination country's policies on admitting convicted felons.
    5. **Education:**
       - Felons can attend college and pursue educational opportunities, though they may face challenges in securing financial aid.
    6. **Get Married:**
       - Felons retain the right to marry.
    ### **What Convicted Felons Cannot Do:**
    1. **Possess Firearms:**
       - Federal law prohibits convicted felons from owning, possessing, or purchasing firearms and ammunition. Some states have additional restrictions.
    2. **Serve on Juries:**
       - In many states, felons are disqualified from serving on juries, though this right may be restored in some cases.
    3. **Hold Certain Professional Licenses:**
       - Certain professions, especially those that require state or federal licenses (e.g., law, medicine, real estate), may be off-limits to felons, or they may require additional steps to obtain licensure.
    4. **Vote (in some states):**
       - In a few states, felons permanently lose their right to vote, even after completing their sentence.
    5. **Hold Public Office:**
       - Some states prohibit felons from holding public office, although this restriction can sometimes be lifted through a pardon or other forms of clemency.
    6. **Receive Federal Benefits:**
       - Certain federal benefits, such as public housing or welfare, may be restricted for felons, especially those convicted of drug-related offenses.
    ### **Variations by State:**
    - **Voting Rights:** 
      - **Maine and Vermont** allow felons to vote even while incarcerated.
      - **Florida** has complex rules involving restitution before rights are restored.
    - **Firearm Rights:**
      - Some states have processes for felons to petition for restoration of firearm rights.
    - **Professional Licenses:**
      - States vary widely in how they handle professional licensing for felons.
    ### **Clemency and Expungement:**
    - **Pardon:**
      - A pardon from the governor or the president can restore many of the rights lost by a felon.
    - **Expungement:**
      - Some states allow certain felony convictions to be expunged or sealed, which can alleviate many of the restrictions.
    ### **Additional Restrictions:**
    - **Sex Offenders:**
      - Felons convicted of sex offenses often face additional restrictions, such as residency restrictions and mandatory registration with sex offender registries.
    - **Restitution and Fines:**
      - Felons may be required to pay restitution or fines as part of their sentence, which can affect their financial situation.
    Understanding the specific rights and restrictions for a convicted felon often requires consulting state laws and, in some cases, seeking legal advice to navigate the complexities of the legal system.
  20. Eye Roll
    + José Soplanucas got a reaction from BSR in Be alert around Pride or other LGBTQIA+ gatherings this year   
    Diversity is hard to digest for the intolerant.
  21. Eye Roll
    + José Soplanucas got a reaction from Danny-Darko in Be alert around Pride or other LGBTQIA+ gatherings this year   
    Diversity is hard to digest for the intolerant.
  22. Applause
    + José Soplanucas got a reaction from Xavitv in Be alert around Pride or other LGBTQIA+ gatherings this year   
    Diversity is hard to digest for the intolerant.
  23. Like
    + José Soplanucas reacted to Simon Suraci in Disabilities   
    That’s horrible providers respond to you this way. Pervasive ignorance around disabilities makes life much harder.
    I see clients with disabilities, both physical and neurodivergent. One of my regulars has cerebral palsy. Another is on the autism spectrum. One has parkinson’s disease. Some others use a wheelchair, cane, or other assistive devices for various conditions.
    My studio is not 100% accessible by California standards, but I chose it in part because it has accessibility features. Everyone benefits because it makes things easier to use, whether you have a disability or not. My architect background informs so much of what I do! I like my disabled clients and want them to feel comfortable and welcome. Any provider worth your time will do the same.
    Disabled clients want escort services and massages the same as everyone else. I see accommodating them no differently than accommodating other needs and preferences. I help them on and off the table, transferring to the shower, and getting dressed. Many times they don’t want help with things like getting dressed, as this is a way for them to maintain their autonomy. In that case I allow more time for them to do what they need to do, and remain patient while a client does tasks a little slower than others.
    Andrew Gurza puts out a lot of interesting content around being gay and disabled. He talks frankly about sexuality and openly about hiring. Anyone interested in these topics might check out his podcast Disability After Dark.
    Disabilities manifest in so many different ways. You don’t always know by looking at someone that they are disabled. My partner, for instance, suffers from many chronic conditions. I won’t get into it all of the medical specifics here, but basically he has physical limitations, like he can’t sit, stand, walk, or drive for long periods. No step ladders or anything requiring balance or significant coordination. No heavy lifting. He works half time from home because that’s the most he is able to do. He spends a lot of his time recovering from physical exertion, even from basic daily life activities when he pushes himself too hard. You would never tell by meeting him for a few minutes or passing by him in a grocery store. He started using a cane recently, so maybe you would see that, but he is embarrassed to use it outside our home. He’s only 43 years old.
    We need more compassion and understanding toward one another. This work requires empathy, respect, and adaptability. We serve everyone. Online we focus so much on how different we are on the surface. At the end of the day, we’re all just people. People with people needs. I may not be saving the world, but approaching this work the way I do gives me a strong sense of purpose.
    Good providers will not shun clients with disabilities. Try to shake off cruel commentary as best you can. Keep looking. We exist, and we care.
  24. Sad
    + José Soplanucas reacted to Thomas_Belgium in Disabilities   
    Because this topic is closed:
    & I don't want to go too much off topic in this topic:
    Yes, indeed, I'm looking for a guy (to hire) for years. My search started befor covid, I always write in de first message I'm in a wheelchair because I have a muscle disease. All guys I contacted didn't reply or didn't want to meet. Last year a guy replied "I don't do diseases"....
  25. Haha
    + José Soplanucas reacted to DWsoccer in Convicted Felon   
    Mental illness is one of the biggest problems in the country today.  There are many resources to address your problems and addictions available to you free of charge.  Findtreatment.gov is one example.  I wish you luck and hope you get the help you need.
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