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Everything posted by tristanbaldwin

  1. Hey- Have had a sticky note on my desk for the longest time to make this comment. One of my longest standing clients(10 years), has seen the gentlemen above- and he’s seen a TON of people. Every other week, typically, someone’s on his plate. Doesn’t have an account here; married and discrete- but a solid guy that I’d consider the word of as Gold. He crossed paths with these three over the past year, and had awesome things to say about all of them. Just thought I’d pay it forward; that honest guys get some lip service.
  2. Holy Fuck did I just jerk off to you writing this. I mean it. And not a small load either. @Mocha , I’ve said it once I’ve said it a thousand times- you’ve got enough looks to carry you but the minute you engage in conversations like this you need to bury your head in the sand like an Ostrich @ArVaGuy - You Nailed it. It’s not about whether it’s 1000 or 100 or 40 dollars...You do NOT BLACKMAIL or EXTORT clients. PS @Mocha again- does Colorado have a good State assisted Medicare / Insurance program? If I let you use my address in Connecticut, where we have HUSKY care, which is PHENOMENAL....will you get fucking help? I can’t believe I’m reading some of this shit; this is the reason guys don’t wanna hire PERIOD- because of blowback.
  3. Omg im dying at that, R...
  4. “What is this ‘Priceline’ thing you speak of? Is it new? . You mean there’s deep discounted hotels out there you just have to COMMIT EARLY? And follow through? Alien language. Ill just leave my opinion short and sweet here: there’s absolutely no reason to conceal the name of the hotel until Day of appointment, as the client deserves the opportunity to consider travel time, parking rates, SAFETY of the area etc before coming there. You can still protect yourself by not giving out the room number until just before. This is an industry / game that requires trust. The more you extend the more you’ll receive. This ‘Secret squirrel’ concealing information from clients is for amateurs. Lest you forget; the average client has more to lose than you do, young grasshopper.
  5. Thank you all for your birthday wishes...! Means so much to me that A) You’d remember, and B) You’d take the time to find all these cutesy memes to send to me! Blessings back at each and everyone of you- and for those of you headed to Palm Springs..see you soon!
  6. Typically; while on Parole- you can’t leave the state as easily...it’s not like they have your ID flagged and you can get jammed going through TSA...but unfortunately if you do get caught; even while not committing a crime...it can be considered a violation of parole. Thus, if he’s returning to it and intends to do it in different states...needs to use fake pics, maybe operate as ‘D.A,’ or something tongue in cheek, or stick to regulars. I used to vouch for him regularly to people- so I’m kinda split on this. I really liked him as a person; but I think that city eats people and changes them...and some of the people he no showed had spent considerable $ to fly there and get hotels were clients/friends of mine so I feely partly responsible. Really do hope he turns it around; swear to god if you knew him in Begining he was down to earth soldier boy fresh out of 10th Mtn. Division; tough as nails and grounded. ? for him. TB (Shows Edited* this because I spelled ‘hope’, ‘help’ accidentally, final paragraph)
  7. “Sent here to destroy all other escorts” was his opening line on his ad; (since changed). For the guys that like straight guys that flex and pose; that’s his forte I guess. However, he burned a 70 year old Man I know and see regularly in Florida(vanilla with relatively low expectations; but gee whiz, SOME participation would be nice). When clients come away from sessions literally questioning whether they ever wanna do this again with ANYONE let alone just that escort; that’s when I have a big problem with it. TB
  8. I’ll weigh in here on something. Few years ago, without putting too much of his business out there...A big named escort from Boston had a brush with the law completely non escort related; body building related. As a result of their grab- they had his phones, computers all that- but they didn’t give TWO shits about chasing this down. They had it on a silver platter- saw the big picture....but they didn’t care! Bigger fish to fry! Police Didn’t act on setting up a single client, nor flipping any additional crap on him, even misdemeanors just to pile it on. They were there for the juice, and they left it at that. And to his credit, he could have set up people above him, below him, and clients to probably spring himself or reduce charges but instead he kept quiet and did the right thing. Took a pretty raw/harsh deal to, but he’ll get spoken of positively till the day he dies for his honesty / loyalty at least! But again, circling back- I wouldn’t panic. Completely unrelated to you- what state, someone asked too- unless it TN or AL or some bored Bible Belt state...fairly sure it won’t matter.
  9. @LongIslandGuy any shade I threw wasn’t directed at you, trust me. I appreciate your interest and just messaged you my private cell- i Promise you you’ll get a response back on that much faster. You couldn’t control the direction this went...but I thank you for steering it back on course and putting things in perspective.
  10. I actually typed out a more blistering response....and sent it to myself in an email to remind myself of how I previously would have responded to *this*. Now, I’ll simply say the following: Have been concentrating on my body, my family, international travel, and the fall back plans I have for when I choose to stop escorting. I have long said...this isn’t my only iron in the fire. If YOU feel your response or inquiry isn’t gaining traction, don’t worry about losing interest- that’s your right to do so. Business is exactly where it needs to be for me; I don’t stuff unnecessary appointments in...I take care of the guys I DO see and balance it with my other work, family, etc. Spend hours a day just shooting the shit with clients I have that I might not be seeing for months- because preserving the type of relationship / friendship I have with them is more important than chasing *new money.*. Keep posting whatever you care too, the SMILE FACTORY is still open for business and working three shifts over here! ????
  11. By commenting, it’ll keep this thread near the top, where it rightfully belongs. Many of you knew him...were fortunate to know him, and were brightened by his presence. A kind man...whose intelligence and experiences enriched all those he care across. TravelerNorth, our friend..colleague..and mentor, passed painlessly yesterday in Amherst NY. Joseph(last name kept discrete) was truly something special. Previously married to a woman; he never once ventured into this arena until she was passed, out of respect for her. Afterwards, he began a second life...one that he didn’t regret until his passing day. As one who was enriched not just monetarily by his presence...but more so experience wise and his knowledge / thirst for travel...he will be missed. Let us please set an empty place setting in Palm Springs this year in his memory, and in Jack Hammers; or anyone else that we may have lost along the way. With love, Jordan(“Tristan Baldwin”)
  12. Couldn’t find that exact video...could you direct link it in here? Just tried searching through but not seeing him...
  13. (Sorry for deleting the comments; just not something I/we widely publicized LOL)
  14. Whoops I thought this was a private conversation...didn’t realize it was a thread post!
  15. This one didn't seem to have anything 'Ramada' ish about it...it was 4 stars, and walking distance to Tawan 556...or whatever the muscle bar that you recommended to AzDr and I...
  16. I escorted at the Tawana Bangkok...awesome breakfast included...was like 60-80 US a night and within CLOSE walking distance of the gay bars.
  17. If he's only escorting intermittently, perhaps a small website like that would work...but if you're touring, looking for decent volume...or want to remain relevant...Rentmen is the only choice. I wish they still employed my friend Rick; was a bad call on their part to distance themselves from North American employees...and from what I hear their customer service is going downhill...but they've still been overwhelmingly the biggest game in town.
  18. I didn't do a TON of anabolic steroids back in my heydey; but I did just enough that it probably permanently lowered by natural count(coupled with my increasing age into the 30's)...that my count was low enough to warrant Testosterone Replacement Therapy. 1 shot a week, 200 mg strength....and man. What a difference it is. Energy wise, vitality wise, sexual wise. Your only mistake with TRT is waiting even ONE SECOND LONGER to research, before going to your doctor to get it. Your keys should already be in your hand. YOLO.
  19. Yooper- great to hear from you on these boards again; and was truly appreciative of your text the other day. PLEASE continue to show face; as we missed you at this years' Palm Springs gathering! It's safe to say you were someone everyone was fond of, the year before! Thanks again for dropping in! <3
  20. You’re right. Nothing helps me wake up with a smile on my face like caffeine, sex, cardio, and cunty, unsupported comments from anonymous people online, in exactly that order.
  21. Just want to make sure I follow this thought process correctly...I can be a little slow in the mornings before caffeine and cardio. An inability to communicate to your liking at times because I focus on existing clients, family and another income stream...is a BAD move? FYI, before you slam someone unnecessarily in this section(I don’t know what prompted you, as this was a thread of positivity), you might want to fact check. Never have been to Sydney...advertised for three days there years ago before it was determined I cannot gain entry to the country with a long form visa. Not worth the hassle. Gotta tell you, your argument doesn’t hold water here, saying that I don’t communicate or that I’m a joke. There’s a different forum member from your same country who’s commented on this very thread, that I’ve only met once....yet talk with on the regular. No business involved. Communication to me is with what my gut tells me...and if my gut tells me spend X time talking with these certain clients even though it’s not about $ or sessions, versus only concentrating on money / work calls...then guess what, I’m gonna go with it. And at the end of the day, I’ll be a ‘joke’ to you for it...but my friend, I’ll be rich. KARMA rich, the only type that matters. Peace from the Midwest! (Hadn’t expected to wake up to this one! )
  22. I’ve stood in boxer shorts on my back deck cooking for @whipped guy before. The meal plan is this: the money from this industry may be great, but having the situation mirror a friendship more than business is far better. So very many of you have cooked for me.... @Traveler North ’s legendary meatballs for instance... @Epigonos prime rib’s...that why wouldn’t an escort want to return the favor whenever he could? I’m just not always home to be in control of my own surrorundings/kitchen. The fact is, the little things that we do for one another are more important then the sex, or how each of us might look. And when you take an act that is borderline illegal...right on the fringes of society...and true friendships come out of it...that’s what makes this great. But...for the record...the Tristan Baldwin meal plan is food at a homeless shelter compared to @Epigonos masterpieces. You at the forum gatherings(which I can’t wait for next year’s, by the way...I’m coming out for the whole weekend this time), haven’t even gotten a taste of what he really can do. ‘Cook for 60-Don’ is different then ‘Intimate Cook for 2-Don’. Night night y’all! Can’t wait to be back West!
  23. He’s stunning and owes a certain someone a meal..
  24. Finally getting a chance to login here, from London. As many of you surmised(and thank you to those of you who correctly explained my situation), it’s hard to keep up with the messages. I’ll explain it here, kinda plain and simple- it’s NOT because I’m so slamming jamming busy, seeing a gazillion people in the day and rolling in $....it’s because I attempt to maintain close relationships with my Dad and my family(brother, Niece), have two dogs, and involvement in a dancing business on the side. I believe in BALANCE, only doing this X amount of days a week and taking time off for church(yes, I know that sounds weird, but it’s true, it’s a UCC Accepting church) and for family. Those mental rest days keep me from getting ‘cooked’, and allow me to hit the ground running a few days later with FULL energy for sessions. For those of you who’ve seen me, you know I’d rather see only 2-3 people a day tops and have great energy and fun with it, then see FIVE, make more $, but do poor work, that’s my business model. Doesn’t allow me time to see everyone, and for that, I apologize. I always attempt to keep my cool on this forum, but I’m gonna call a spade a spade and address this: Really? You’re gonna sit here and try and take a potshot at me, fuckstick, when you’re the one who books a session...I commit to airfare on my own dime, plan a trip around, and then you make a silly post saying ‘Tristan Baldwin or Legendary Dave?’.....do I need to remind everyone of this saga? You were EMBARASSED publically on here as a result of that...you even got caught editing the titles and text of your post...deleting posts, to try and make yourself look less a clown. You then RAGEQUIT the forums, only to quietly reappear again, wondering why escorts are VETTING you on a thread a few weeks ago? Well, you want an answer to that? You have a history of publically burning guys. Perhaps it gives you some sort of thrill to have control over different escorts changing their travel plans to see you(Three that I know of, and have talked to), then you do these games. The gentlemen on this forum who make up 99% of it’s members are the BACKBONE of the escort hiring world. They treat guys good, we aren’t even talking about financially here...we’re talking about the communication and interaction...and as a result, they get amazing results back from the guys they connect with. You might do well to take notes on some of them..their posts and their conduct. With any luck....after 5 years of hard study, you’ll actually find someone to come out and see you. TB
  25. Flattered by your patronage, Big! And of course, I know he’s a sore spot for you....but the very first home video I released was me and Derek Atlas in a wrestling jerk off match....
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