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Everything posted by tristanbaldwin

  1. There is an urban legend amongst escorts, both male and female...that asking for a picture of the client will ensure they’re not being jammed by an undercover cop. The reason? Once that cops picture is out there, he may be walking into an ambush in the future. Again, the MM side of the fence gets less attention from law enforcement, but females out there routinely ask for pictures, won’t open the door if it’s not the guy in the picture...and generally, a detective isn’t gonna want his picture out there because he doesn’t know when he’s gonna be in the sights in the future. Just my 2 cents on why he was trying to get a picture.....and ESPECIALLY in Vegas, guys ask for pictures since that city chases hookers.
  2. Cannot wait for the Springs; my greatest regret is that I'm only there Sunday, Monday, Tuesday. I had booked the ticket initially thinking I was working Friday Saturday dancing out here in New England, but because I sold out my share, I'm actually doing nothing in that time period! And of course, with the airlines, it's brutally expensive to change the flights and dip out early...that crossed my mind already!
  3. I still think we need to coordinate a Forum Gathering for Florida / West Coast Florida as well. Would love to get the core group of you(you know who you are!) together to discuss it...just didn’t wanna mention any of that until after Lee’s big event goes off; as to not confuse people! LOL.
  4. Thank you all for the positive comments. Truth be told..(and not just the reviewer LOL...)...not much will be changing...will still be touring just as much, it's just that 'home base' on the weekends will be Vegas instead of Connecticut. So, instead of videos of me splitting wood going on twitter with my free time, maybe I'll actually have time to enjoy a life a bit out there? Or maybe I'm like a jedi apprentice moving to Vegas to have a Jedi Master like @peterhung85 teach me! =) I've seen so many UNRELIABLE, awful, unnamed escorts do well in Vegas...that I can't even imagine that someone worth their salt will do. We shall see! Thanks again to all of you, and if you find yourself out this way...all your support over the years will pay dividends in spades. Jordan.
  5. Hey Guys! Wanted to drop a little note on the forum here, indicating that things have changed somewhat in my life. Sold out on my half of the dancing company in New England, and am relocating to Las Vegas. Many of you know that my Father isn’t in great health back East, so it’s a poor, shitty decision on my part to be moving FURTHER away from him rather than closer...but I’m actually trying to force his hand to move to Vegas for half the year each year as well, and get away from these winters. Much like my schedule was when I was dancing more, I’ll still be touring MON-THUR or SUN-THUR each week, but will be in Vegas each and every weekend, and then some. Hoping this will amount to less and less time on the road, and more and more time working ‘home city’. Now, instead of being an East Coast boy always touring Western cities....I’ll be a West Coast boy always flying East....so you’ll probably see me just as much. For any clients that might not be getting as much access, you’re always welcome in Vegas, and I’ll do as much as I can to make your experience in this city more than just ‘an escort session’- will snag you at the airport, show you around, do as much as I can off the clock. You guys have always been the very best to me, it’s my goal to do the same to you. Shifting to more of a ‘boutique escort’ when in Vegas....cater to a little bit more time and involvement rather than my previous model. Thank you all for your support at this interesting time to shift gears in life! Regards, TB
  6. I spied with my little eye, a great picture of Victor on the boardwalk in front of the beach in Oahu. Meanwhile, I’m in Cleveland about to head to Pittsburgh....right on the edge of a Nor’Easter with 4” snow on the ground. Normally, I wouldn’t take money from a friend...but right now I’m so jealous I just might! Safe travels back to the real world, Bro!!!
  7. I’d almost guess airline attendant as well, if he’s bouncing around like that...
  8. Are you cheating on me with another Connecticut boy? GASP...how dare you!!!!!!!! You couldn’t find a boy from a different state, you literally reach into the same cupboard?!!!!
  9. Need somebody to pass me the box of Kleenex. And no, this time it’s not to clean up a nice thick load...that’s 97% of the time. This time it’s to wipe a tear, and no...not being dramatic here...I mean it when I say it’s touching that a group of people would take the time to reach out with nothing but positive energy. Some of you are emotionally / sexually invested because we’ve spent time together....and others are just monikers and avatars, colleagues and contemporaries...but you all took the time to do this..and it means so very much to me. Hope your days this week are as bright...returning the positive energy 10-fold to each and every one of you. Hope to see many of you in Palm Springs...and let’s have a great entrance into Spring! -fingers crossed, as New England is getting ASSFUCKED as we speak with another Nor’Easter-
  10. Hey Guys! Responded to Daystar in private messages as well...but figured I’d share my experiences/what I know, here: Have known Xander on 3 different levels- 1) have worked with him as a dancer up in New England, 2) have done some 3-somes with him and clients, and 3) at the gym. It says something about you when you never seem to have enemies in any of your major realms- his name is spoken with such positive connotation up here, it’s not even right. His body is top notch; voice super deep and masculine- he’s huge...an absolute monster....and the ‘unit’ matches the rest. Huge. In my experiences he’s less of a top and more muscle worship or perhaps selectively bottoms....but everyone I’ve sent his way has texted me later with nothing but gratitude. If you’ve tried out your standard cookie cutter ‘muscle guys’ online that have X given thresholds, you’ll find this guy does much more and is very interactive.
  11. I had to bump this thread for anyone who might have missed it. Just got to reread it as leisure; with a stiff drink in front of me. Opted to leave the bottle after this one; holy fuck.
  12. Pleasure was all mine; I literally friggin’ blush when people post threads like this about me, because I know it’s probably getting certain people to dislike/hate on me....but for the people that really matter....it’s really touching that you guys take the time to say these things. For the record, Caddy33 is coming out of retirement at his normal professional, and becoming a masseuse....for primarily muscular clients........magic hands! Thanks for a great time...I’ll sleep like a baby tonight!!!!!! Actually, first I have to go read this ‘crazy meth-head’ thread that Caddy pointed out to me earlier today. Such a train wreck that I have to read it again with a drink in front of me.....
  13. @Tonyko Thanks stud...it's appreciated. I can't always expect every single thing said about me to be a positive one...it takes all kinds to make the world go round...all types of tastes. However, the SUBJECTIVE input we as workers CAN control. What we look like, the efforts we put in, etc....what we either absorb in selfishly energy wise or what we release/reflect back with our clients- I prefer to do the later....and if it attracts to me guys like you and a grocery list of other people on this board(I'm afraid to start naming them, because I'll get skinned alive if I accidentally leave one out), then that's all that matters to me. The men on this board have taught me more about sex, sexuality, and the world....then I ever learned from any institution, instinct, or family. With gratitude, TB
  14. Woah! Just now getting a chance to see this thread, and the slightly negative direction it seemed to have momentarily turned. Thanks, as always, for those of you who I've met with who know the real me, and know the efforts I go through to make every connection as intimate, genuine, and ENJOYABLE as possible...for BOTH parties involved! I'm sorry that someone would ever have a negative experience; and thank you for at least telling the truth about my positive qualities too! Each of us as escorts tends to appeal to a very certain type. Generally, we don't have to 'sift out' the connections that aren't going to be strong...the first time clients are doing that for us, when they read our profiles and decide whether or not to make that first phone call, or shoot that first email. 'Older' than expected? Too muscled or masculine? Voice that was too straight? Well, I put 35 in my profile and I sure as shit can show you a driver's license that reflects 3/10/82 as a birthdate. I'm never going to apologize for what I look like- some escorts with the more feminine or thin physiques don't have to invest one minute of time to look that way. They don't have to spend one minute shaving. They can wake up, shower (if you're lucky enough for the scrappy looking twink to do so) and boom- there they are, ready to bottom for you and the 5 other people behind you. That's not my type of client....I'm looking for educated, traveled guys with personalities who can engage me on multiple levels....and ones who I can go out in public with, enjoy museums, restaurants, hell ANYTHING with, and not have people wondering 'what type of arrangement' is that? The sheer majority of people I connect with on here, when we do something off the clock when the time ends- we don't get so much as a second glance- because they don't sound or act effeminate, *I* don't act or sound effeminate, and so on. Alright guys- instead of going off to split some wood to help heat my house this winter....I'm going forego any physical activity for the remainder of the year; take hormones to make my voice lighter, and I'm gonna start dancing on floats in every Pride parade from now until Southern Decadence. Again, everyone has their types, but the 'different' experience that you had from your 'norm' cannot be chalked up to 'naivete or stupidity' on your part, I'd view it as a better way to reaffirm what you're actually into. Almost like using ginger at a sushi restaurant to cleanse the palette in between different dishes- it'll help you further appreciate what you like really like. View it as that, versus a 'bad investment', because believe you me....I open a VEIN in my arm to please people, there'll never come a day when I'm a bad investment versus some of the absolute DISASTERS that are out there doing this...
  15. That guy looks IFBB level; similar to Roelly Winklaar in shape. Good lord.
  16. I swear, I’m usually good with maps....! And I knew a building of that size wouldn’t be empty unless there was a reason...thanks for the update!
  17. I actually walked from my hotel(Lennox, Buenos Aires), to the Recoletta today- and on the way, I attempted to stop off and see the Holocaust museum. However, it simply wasn’t there- I searched a block over in each direction from where iPhone maps had it...perhaps it’s closed? Was truly intrigued to see a foreign country’s view on the Holocaust...especially one that had so many Nazi transplants. Tomorrow am taking the high speed ferry across to Uruguay- @latbear4blk - if you get this message in time..any recommendations there? I’d just as soon ask in private message; but in all honesty the entire community benefits from your great responses, so I might as well ask open..
  18. I have hammered down Argentinian beef every single meal here....it’s so absurdly cheap i can’t even rationalize it....
  19. Just wanted to put out some quick notes for Forum members / Escorts alike, in case their travels take them here. @latbear4blk is problably a better resource then me, but here’s my two cents so far: Cost(Gearing this for most US people, not international): Obviously, it’s a long flight- so expect to be in the 800-1400 range, just for the flight, unless you find a steal. However, your mileage on hotels and meals is going to go a lot further for the dollar- completely offsetting the cost of that flight, in my opinion. Getting to / from the airport: If you take a taxi, expect to be 40+ range; however, there is a minibus service called Manuel Tienda Leon that runs every 30 mins or less for 12 USD, takes you near the Sheraton Hotel near the North docks. From here, it’s literally a block and a half to the subway system that connects the entire city, and cheap. Entrance to the subway is 7.50 ARG, or approximately 45 cents. Ride that bitch all you want for that- go clear across town. It’s VERY effective, clean and safe. Weather: Not sure about other times of the year, but it’s been 85-92 and completely clear, ALL this week for me. INTENSE UV- 10+, but with a perfect breeze to offset the heat. Attractions: Museums and Attractions are generally VERY cheap to get into, and there’s tons of them. Watch out, streets become somewhat empty and have a more dangerous feel after 9PM. It’s like people turn into pumpkins- steel shutters come down and vibrant streets close up. Daytime- this is a GORGEOUS city with parks everywhere, and CLEAN. Nightlife- The Gay disco ‘Amerika’ is the place to be, if looking for that sort of hookup- very energetic. The People- Arguably some of the most attractive men and women I’ve seen as a cross-section of a populace, anywhere in this world. What a vivid combination of hair and eye colors...most everyone is in shape, and TALL. Body types are very attractive. Now the downside: If you’re an ESCORT, unless you speak Spanish fluently....communication here is difficult. And these types of clients want communication(as would I, to be fair...), before they book sessions. They’re very aggressive, Alpha, and want to break you down price wise. However, most have gone out of their way to stress that they’re not into anal play of any kind- surprising. Expect counter offers for your services for more ‘vanilla’ play only. If you’re a CLIENT....as @Epigonos informed me, www.soytuyo.com is where you want to go to find guys. They’re stunning, they’re cheap- but you may have some difficulty bringing them into a hotel. Hotels tend to flag what appears to be locals going in, so you may have the awkwardness of explaining who they are. For me, I had an ideal situation- a restaurant in the hotel I stayed in....that was already past the front desk...and near the elevators...so the clients could sneak up. Same thing would work for escorts. I think the larger the hotel or an AIRBNB will be easier to make this work, vs. a boutique hotel. A city I truly have enjoyed for vacation purposes, but not one that I’d encourage most American-born escorts to take a stab at, if they’re intending to actually turn a profit. -Jordan
  20. @jbsjbs99 and I nearly shared a heart attack together! It was that intense....it became a group session without us expecting it. (And obviously bro, that was completely random and not in our control- because it’s been things as usual since...no issues anywhere. Remember, I still owe you one! )
  21. @Kevin Slater It's your choice to drop 540 a month to be PLATINUM FIRST PAGE in the LARGEST ESCORT-DRIVEN CITY IN THE WORLD. I often find no direct correlation between amount of money spent / placement on the pages, and work received- the quality people who are going to hire quality escorts will go all the way to page 10, doing their due diligence to find the right guy. We mere PEASANTS who get by with 'Gold Ads', pay less than 100 a month, and somehow have no problem staying busy. I don't bother doing a SPREADSHEET for my $80 a month RENTMEN expense that floats my entire boat. I just fucking pay it and move on. #ANOTHERFACT #ANDTHISONEISASTRUEASMYFIRST ONE #DONTTHESEHASHTAGSANNOYYOU #SPREADSHEETLIFE
  22. If you don't like that option, Healthcare Advocates International in Stratford CT(good distance of a ride from you), is a VERY friendly open clinic that accepts MassHealth and other types of insurance, besides CT. The head doctor there(Gary Blick), has both a private practice(for profit) and operates HAI as a nonprofit to assist the LGBT community and especially though at higher risk of STI / HIV. Super solid guy, switching from a bible belt doctor in my hometown to a doctor I could be transparent with about what I do was the single best decision I made in 2017....
  23. Personallabs.com is who I use, they're great. Sample is gathered locally and sent out; then you receive results via email. Address not neccessary.
  24. As a dancer who performs in Boston(Guilt nightclub- Men In Motion), the Chippendales left Boston 8 years ago. We got two of their leftovers working with us. There is ABSOLUTELY a height requirement of 6' or more to work with them. I'll literally post pictures of myself with Garo and Jeff Kozinski, the two leftovers still around. Furthermore, he says 'Chippendales Promo Model'- meaning he owns a bow tie and cuff links, and takes pictures up in old town vegas at Freemont st, next to the Chippendales ticket booth there, for $. If you want to preview this guy's personality, head up to Freemont st. and you'll see him there. They have two guys with really good bodies at all times, who NEVER ACTUALLY DANCED IN THE SHOW, but are aesthetically on point, working there. TB
  25. FYI- offer a service for free for 6 months to a year, get people hooked/used to it, then introduce 19.95, then 39.95 then 89.95 rates; that's what Rentboy surely has in store for you. It's called taking someone to 'Training School'- how they get naive people hooked on drugs, then they're in for the long haul.
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