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Everything posted by tchm

  1. tchm


    I had to put on my glasses! Satan? ??
  2. tchm

    The Green Book

    I know. Racist, right? Ho hum.
  3. tchm

    The Green Book

    " ... And if you want every movie to be like "Beale Street," White people might not want to see them. Based on its box office grosses, seem like Black people do not want to see it either.
  4. Average massage, keeps briefs on, $40 more to take them off, MT allowed but no HE. Totally straight with girlfriend, so he says. Definite no repeat for me.
  5. tchm

    The Green Book

    Now that this movie has put the name Don Shirley in the public conciousness, I hope some Hollywood producer (Octavia Spencer, perhaps?) would think about a companion movie all about Dr. Shirley's life. I think that would be a very interesting movie going experience.
  6. Ha ha! My first thought also.
  7. tchm

    The Green Book

    I guess it all comes down to how we view movies. Hard to do sometimes, but when I watch a movie, I try to divorce myself from everything else that`s going on outside the theater and focus entirely and solely on what`s up on that screen. As such, I enjoyed The Green Book tremendously. Just a simple straight forward story of two guys from completely different backgrounds who, at the end of the movie, realized they`re not so different after all. That`s it! And that it was presented with great cinematic skill, terrific acting, and entertainment value also contributed to a satisfying time at the movies. I refuse to feel guilty about having a good time at the movies. I prefer to do a deeper dissertation about race relations and other social issues going on in the world in another time and venue. One critic even implied there should have been more homoeroticism between the two leads. Seriously? Saw Beale Street, too. Cinematically, I found it pretentious and left me cold and bored. Sorry.
  8. tchm

    The Favourite

    The only Oscar-nominated films I've watched more than once are A Star Is Born and The Green Book. I'd be happy if either one won Best Picture.
  9. Bored out of my mind. Felt sorry for Lin. Did his character supposed to have a speech impediment? I like Meryl but between Mama Mia and this, she should give musicals a bit of rest.
  10. tchm


    Thank you for this, LoveNDino. Saved me precious time and money. You just confirmed my gut instinct about this movie.
  11. tchm

    The Green Book

    The PGA, which has been aligned with the Oscars for Best Picture 12 out 18 times this century, picked The Green Book as Best Picture this year. Is the backlash against this movie getting its own backlash?
  12. Yeah, she's been doing nothing but variations on that Bridesmaids character. So refreshing to see her tackle a completely different and challenging role. And do it convincingly well.
  13. I think a no-host Oscars have been done a few times before. Just an off camera voice introducing the presenters. They went more smoothly and faster paced IMO.
  14. I went to a masseur in his 20's who started the conversation saying he's doing it part time while waiting for publication of his book. I made the mistake of asking what's it all about. He talked nonstop about some really traumatic horrific and depressing atrocities done to him when he was a child which he described in graphic details. By the time for the HE, I was so depressed I lost all my libido and couldn't get it up at all. I felt like I was molesting him. Left unsatisfied, depressed and feeling sorry for him. Too bad because massage was good, in the nude, and he was good looking.
  15. tchm

    The Favourite

    Love this movie. That line by Colman about Emma Stone's "tongue" caused outbursts of shocked laughter. I just wish it went full on bizarre and weird like Dogtooth and Lobster.
  16. A Star Is Born is notches above Bohemian Rhapsody technically and in general. Aside from the LiveAid concert, Bohemian Rhapsody is a network TV movie. HBO's Liberace and Versace TV movies were more daring and challenging. I enjoyed The Green Book more than I expected . I can see why it won Supporting Actor, Screenplay, and Best Picture Comedy. It's funny and moving with terrific performances. I think the backlash is coming from the PC police.
  17. Oh, you too? I thought he was just not into me. What a tease!
  18. Umm... why pay any amount for any service not rendered?
  19. Excellent massage but fully draped and strictly therapeutic. Strong straight vibe. No sensual feel or nuance of any kind at all.
  20. I find that all I need to live is about 30 regulars. [/QUOT Well, wait till they have to make a choice: pay the mortgage or a massage. (And it won't be long under Trump). Standards would be lowered, pride swallowed and egos shrunk a bit.
  21. This did it for me. You HAVE TO shower with and change clothes in front of 20-30 other naked guys. You share a room with 3 other guys and have guys running around naked in the barracks. By the time I got out of the military, every last bit of my inhibition and guilt about nudity (thanks to a fanatically religious family) has been shredded.
  22. Clients ALWAYS hold the purse. In the marketplace, consumers ALWAYS set the demand.
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