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Posts posted by down_to_business

  1. Case in point, just read through this thread



    Based on his posts alone, what do you think this escort would do to the two or three individuals who dared to speak out about their less than perfect experiences. One was even warned "I remember you. And where you stay too."


    And by the way, clients do not do self vetting or moderation. That is performed by administrative staff as it should be.

  2. No, the one time I used Friendboy, clients can leave a comment for a provider. Once that happens, the user is marked clearly as "verified by meeting."


    That is my understanding as well. I think it might have been verified by staff back when the website was new, but that definitely changed a long time ago.

  3. I see the huge (400,000+ total attendance) EDC has been rescheduled for October 2-4, but that is outdoors.


    Just FYI Electric Daisy Carnival, commonly known as EDC, is an annual electronic dance music festival, with its flagship event held annually in Las Vegas, Nevada. It was originally scheduled this month.

  4. I am leaning towards August. It helps me to be strong (in the present) when I actually have a future date planned.


    When I do, it will be with someone I have already met and trust.

    I will ask about where he has travelled prior to meeting and will not meet up if recent travel through a hotspot.

    I will not wear a mask for the meeting and kissing will definitely be a part of it.

    I will self isolate after.

  5. This is direct from an escort ad:


    Available only for video or videocall. Can travel



    I have no confusion about why someone would only be available for video... but can someone help me understand why I would pay for someone to travel who is only available for video? For those who hire for this sort of thing, does it improve your experience that the video is being made in your home town?

  6. While most on-duty police are required to wear both a uniform and a uniquely numbered badge identifying themselves as police and police must generally identify themselves before executing a search warrant or arresting someone, the myth that undercover police must admit to being police if asked has been around since at least the mid-1970s (I remember watching TV cop shows like Hill Street Blues where this was how it was portrayed).

    The truth is that undercover police are given a great deal of latitude when investigating suspected criminals. They may lie, break controlled substance laws, ask to buy substances by name, offer drugs for sale (etc. etc.) and are not required to identify themselves during the course of their undercover investigations. This means they absolutely do not have to answer truthfully if asked.


    There are many providers (and clients) who believe this myth. I find it easiest to just answer the question "no" if I am asked. Besides, if you try to explain this, they just wind up thinking you are a cop anyways.


    I never discuss that I am not law enforcement if not asked first..

  7. Thanks for the cookie, but I really don’t believe I asked for it. I have been in retail my entire life and, unless you are at a swap meet or a garage sale, a listed price is the price. Period. It’s just how I was raised. Now that’s class!


    Class got nothing to do with how much you charge or pay for something, it's more about how you act and treat others.. but we will just agree to disagree.


    By the way, can I refer you to a realtor and a car salesman. They tell me they love "classy" people like you ;)


    p.s. the cookie wasn't just for you, please share with the others.


    But thing is, this thread wasn’t about “hyper inflated” $300+ rates. It was a general “will you lower your rates” question. It’s certainly a broad answer. Will a masseur who charges $100 lower their rates? Will an escort charging $150 lower his rates?


    Not to mention, there is no “list” price anymore with the current trend of sites not letting us post rates. So therefore, clients have to recognize that the prices they get might not be what they expected or wanted to hear.


    It may be different from the original thread, but it jumped the shark several postings before me. I just responded to the misdirection.

    I don't think that anyone should lower their rates who does not want to or need to. I also agree that the removal of posted rates has simply opened a big can of worms for all of us and led to unnecessary wasting of time for both escorts and clients. Finally, I don't think anyone should value themselves based on how much they charge or pay for something. But this too varies from the original post.

  8. I will see my existing providers at our agreed upon rates when I start meeting up again. If I decide to be open to new providers, I will not be paying hyper inflated $300+ rates of the past-- but I will pay whatever reasonable rate we agree upon. I do not insult anyone (i.e. offer them $50).


    For the guys that always pay full list price for anything they "buy", congrats.. here is a cookie as you appear to really want the acknowledgement.



  9. AND it sets the tone that their time is more important than mine.


    Let's be honest. Reading your posts you definitely project that your time is more important than potential clients. I think many people do feel this way (that their time is more important than someone else's, I suppose its even normal to feel this way). Nevertheless, you definitely have a right to your feelings on the issue and to manage your business as you feel fit.


    You could post something about absolutely no last minute appointments or 24 hours notice required to host or even something along the lines of non-refundable $X deposit required to host immediately payable now (or any other such options). Of course I am sure many people either won't read it or will ignore it.


    I would also recommend that you type up a FAQ, that you can send to any inquiry with ease that covers some of the issues you hate dealing with. It could include something like this:


    Do you host?:

    Only with 24 hours notice or immediate payment of $X deposit


    Where are you hosting/located?:

    12345 (just list your zipcode or a major intersection or landmark nearby).


    Send this premade FAQ to anyone as the sole reply to any question it covers. No fuss, minimal effort, minimal frustration. One size fits all solution.

  10. I possibly let Covid-19 scare me a little more than I should... but keep these 2 things in mind if you are looking for strength to stay safe...



    Example: Nick Cordero

    Nick is 41 years old. He had no pre-existing health conditions. We do not know how he got COVID-19, but he did. He went to the ER on March 30th and intubated on a ventilator on April 1. Since then has he has suffered an infection that caused his heart to stop, he needed resuscitation, he had two mini-strokes, went on ECMO, went on dialysis, needed surgery to [remove] an ECMO cannula that was restricting blood flow to his leg, a [fasciotomy] to relieve pressure on the leg, amputation of his right leg, an MRI to further investigate brain damage, several bronchial sweeps to clear out his lungs, a [sepsis] infection causing septic shock, a fungus in his lungs, holes in his lungs, a tracheostomy, blood clots, low blood count and platelet levels, and a temporary pacemaker to assist his heart. This disease does not only [affect] old people. This is real. A perfectly healthy 41-year-old man!



    'I gave this to my dad': COVID-19 survivors grapple with guilt of infecting family

    A haunting feeling afflicts those who believe that in the fog of the coronavirus’ early spread, they unwittingly exposed the people they loved the most.



    Paul told his father he believed he was the likely source.

    “I’m sorry, Pops,” he said.

    On April 9, after Robert had been in the hospital for a week, they had their final conversations. Paul thanked him for being a good parent. He assured his father that he would take care of his mother, and help pay the bills.

    “Thank you, son. You are a wonderful son and I’ll see you in heaven someday,” Robert replied.

    Later that afternoon, the hospital called Paul to say he could visit his father the following morning. As he was preparing to leave, his sister called with a palliative care nurse on the line. Robert had died.

    “I just killed my dad,” Paul told his girlfriend after hearing the news. “I gave this to my dad.”

    She told him he was not responsible because he didn’t know if he had the virus, and he never intended to harm his father. His sister and his mother also reassured him.

    But he could not let it go. A few relatives questioned why Paul didn’t call an ambulance sooner. He overheard his mother defending him on the phone.

    “It’s an odd feeling, like you’re not at peace,” he said. “You can’t get rest because you’re still dealing with the guilt.”


    Even if you survive, could you handle being the cause of killing others?

  11. There really isn't a right answer for everyone. We all have to make our own risk/reward decisions.

    I am currently practicing strict social distancing with the exception of weekly grocery shopping (where I try my best to be careful). Therefore, I am not currently hiring. I also am not meeting up with anyone else. It isn't ideal, but that is my choice.


    Let's start with the easy questions:

    So are people hiring, yes, some are.

    Are escorts working, yes, some are.


    And now the harder one:

    Are you stupid to take the leap, maybe. If you have underlying risk factors ( i.e. age, chronic health issues, heavy smoker etc.) then it wouldn't be wise. Likewise, if you are sharing space with your elderly parents and/or children. If not putting yourself or others at great risk, then it is probably not so bad. Consider self quarantine after.


    Final thoughts:

    I don't think saying or thinking you (or your partner) are not infected with Covid-19 is helpful. I mean, definitely don't meet up if either of you are experiencing symptoms, but remember that Covid-19 appears to have a solid history of asymptomatic transmission. Therefore, it might be safest to assume you are both potentially positive for Covid-19.

    Consider temperature checks for both of you just prior to interacting. Also consider discussing whether or not your potential partner might have recently travelled to or from an area associated with a high infection rate.

  12. Lol, then what do you call them?

    "Fantasy" instead of "Sex Act"?

    And "Donation" instead of "Compensation"?

    Just looking to confirm...



    No the terminology isn't the issue, it is any discussion of tying specific actions to value.

    I see no issue having a conversation (oral or written) with someone about what they or you are into, enjoy doing, etc. I even think its ok to ask if the into section of someone's profile is accurate. I also think it is probably ok to have a separate conversation about the rate for someone's time.


    Where I believe the trouble starts is if the conversation heads to combining the two.

    client: what is your rate?

    escort responds: what do you want to do?

    RUN don't walk away from this.


    Likewise completely avoid asking things like this:

    Does kissing cost extra?


    Again, just my humble opinion.

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