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Everything posted by MikeBiDude

  1. Really? How long do you think it takes?
  2. Often quoting the link is all that's necessary vs. a posting that takes lots of scrolling?
  3. https://www.daddysreviews.com/cruise/2017-08-24/mitch_la
  4. Very nice....I'd like to find out more (Ahoy tattoo police, we know....we know)
  5. Thats appropriate because I was going to write a reply that there is "silver and gold" (and diamonds) in the rough and tumble fields of teasers and shills. Gold mining takes patience and a bit of understanding and respect.
  6. From my way back machine, a favorite Dodger, Steve Sax, met him once. He aged pretty well too p
  7. So true....but shills from both the sugar "baby" and the "daddy" sides as well.
  8. I've visited with a MTF in transition....a beautiful mid twenties twink boy who was transitioning to female. I had visited with him 3-4 as a male, and later in transition while he still had male genatalia, but then with amazing breasts and on hormones. He will make a very beautiful woman, but I lost contact with him after wishing him luck on his final surgeries.
  9. And there's why you're so successful (not) on SA
  10. Yeah co-dependent types should not be on SA
  11. Maybe me but I'd be careful including the actual link to the guy's name as you (inadvertently?) did...
  12. Not from South America (yes I'm getting those too) but from our very Midwest/heartland, a "flyover" state. "Hey, I'm not going to beat around the bush out of respect of eachother's time, I am in a hard place right now. I am a little over $3,000 away from being able to move to university. It is disheartening because I have gotten as far as I could by myself, graduating top of my class, getting my associates even before graduating high school, supporting myself financially, but there is just no further I can go towards my goals, living paycheck to paycheck. I am asking for a loan, you can set the interest and even organize some notarized contracts, we can talk on the phone, get to know eachother, I can provide identification documents, etc. Or another type of arrangement of interest to you. I do crave a relationship with someone older, that can offer me guidance, but just depends on how you connect with me. I am not asking for a hand out, but for someone to get to know me and invest in me."
  13. "...High Castle" A rare example of me liking the film production better than the book
  14. Have you tried filtering your messages? Frankly that's never worked for me the way I think it should, but you should be able to filter out messages from outside a range of miles. Of course is a Columbian guy puts your hometown in his profile.....won't work!! I've gotten really good at just deleting *anything* overseas, and 90% of any messages from profiles more than 1000 miles from me, the rest keep me busy.
  15. Yup, I hinted at similar stories in a post above...while I don't have any ink I love the convos I get into with younger people when I express interest in their ink and ask about "the story"!!
  16. And there always a mentoring role and special connection with Jon and Master Aemon (Targaryen)...
  17. Chemistry with Jorah Mormont and Daenerys as well?
  18. I caught it! Even scanned back and replayed to make sure I heard it right. And John's interaction with Drogon gave me goose bumps.
  19. http://orig14.deviantart.net/1c84/f/2012/097/6/8/ticking_time_bomb_by_atigerschild-d4vcha7.jpg
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