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Everything posted by Lohengrin1979

  1. Huh. I’ve noticed an uptick in solicitations from masseurs as well lately. I’d chalked it up to the lead up to Pride but now I wonder
  2. Don’t worry about it. I’m convinced there are some people on this board who lose sleep if they aren’t able to admonish someone for “not searching” at least once a day. They apparently aren’t trying to fit 20k clients into a five year span so they have more time to scan posts. 😁
  3. Oh my gosh. Cannot agree with the above enough. Booked him while visiting Dallas and it was hands down one of the worst massages. No skill, insisting on “getting to know each other so the flow is good,” and other nonsense. He also offered choice weight loss tips like “only eat fruit and protein during the week.” I wish I could say I cut the massage short but I endured it, hoping for more skill as it progressed. Alas. I will say I don’t get offered the shower session. 😂 Maybe I didn’t book enough time.
  4. Yup. Server crash or something. There goes my plans to browse tonight.
  5. Another thing I never understood. The price with some of these providers can be so ambiguous and I swear some of them make it up on the spot. You can tell when someone has a price, and a criteria to fit that price, and when they’re waffling. I always wonder if it’s because they want to see how attractive and/or well-to-do you look first. The optimist in me hopes it’s just a lack of business acumen but alas, probably not.
  6. This exactly. I have had to rein in some masseurs from taking things past the original agreement. Their reasons are their own for doing so but, in most cases, I was not there to get topped or anything else. Some were offended by me doing so, and those were providers I never saw again. We agreed to a set of services and you decided to move past that. I want what I ask for, and if I want more, I’ll ask for more. Those of you acting all indignant when someone dives down on your dick are all big boys and can say no too. If you accept those services, do as Simon says, and pony up.
  7. So his profile has sensual highlighted, and he didn’t even take off his shirt, like the numerous pics he posted? Bait and switch. Masseurs like that boil my fish oil. At least do what your profile says you’ll do. Fully clothed therapeutic massage does not a sensual experience make.
  8. He has probably been inundated with requests since he is new on the scene and his body is amazing. Add good technique to that and he can command a high price. After all, you yourself thought it was too high but paid it anyway, unless I’m misunderstanding. As long as clients in LA are willing to pay a premium, providers will charge a premium. Ah, the beauty of the free market. The only way to combat all that is to not pay those prices, but, alas, our big head doesn’t always control the purse strings.
  9. And now the ad is gone. Trying for a clean slate, methinks.
  10. I haven’t noticed a price drop in LA at all. Quite the opposite with all these new masseurs starting at $250. Send some of that our way, please and thank you. 🤣
  11. 6 one-hour massage appointments in one day?! I would never hire a masseur who packed their day like that. That’s a cash grab. They aren’t interested in providing quality service to their clients if they’re stacking appointments like that. I highly doubt your 90 minute massage, had it ever finally occurred, would’ve been worth the money paid.
  12. Tell us how you really feel. 🤣
  13. Late to this but he’s great. Personable and always delivers. And hot as hell to boot. He just lives so far away. Lol
  14. More often than not, it's arrogant/selfish behavior from the younger "daddies." In my experience, anyway.
  15. Agree with what Cap said. I had him over a couple more times despite my inclination to not repeat. Both times he shorted on time and didn't warm up personality wise. The last time he mentioned that he offers "more" so there it is. As was said, looks like his pics, hot body, and an a la carte menu. If that's what youre looking for, he fits the bill.
  16. His ad does state that he'll "tailor your experience to your needs" which is often code for "ask, pay, and you shall receive."
  17. That line about intimate connections with his clients is confusing. I still may bite the bullet on this one.
  18. He needs to come back to LA for a visit. He is missed.
  19. Funnily enough, this just happened, and with a masseur that I've been seeing for years. During the massage he started going on about being followed and tapped by the government because of his activism and asking me what I knew. Extremely unnerving. Needless to say, I won't be hiring him again. Not sure what's going on with the poor man but I am sure I don't want to be near it.
  20. It's happened a couple of times and, both times, it knocked me out of relaxation mode. I found it so out of character for a massage setting it was almost jarring. More power to those that like it but kissing during a massage does not work for what I'm trying to accomplish in a session.
  21. Someone with the pics for "davidknight" was advertising a while here in LA as like Str8dude(random numbers) or something similar on a4a and rentmasseur. I'm positive the masseur you hire will not measure up to those photos.
  22. Cap nails it. I gave him a second chance and since then it's gotten better every time. I think he likes to build a repoire before he broadens her repertoire, so to speak.
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