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Posts posted by foxy

  1. https://www.metopera.org/season/2019-20-season/agrippina/


    Recently at a midtown bar I started talking to a handsome young guy and asked what he did for a living.? He told me he was a dancer and I asked where he performed. He told me at the Metropolitan Opera House in Lincoln Center and he'd be in this new production of Agrippina. Intrigued I went online and bought myself a ticket for the Sunday matinee February 9. It's scary what they charge for opera tickets but I managed to find a good seat in the Balcony for $167. I'm looking forward to this production and it will be fun that someone I know (sort of) is in it. I'll bring opera glasses.

  2. I wanted to see the Laura Linney play My Name is Lucy Barton but didn’t realize tonight is opening night and no Wednesday matinee. So over to TKTS and picked up a half price ticket for Grand Horizons. I’m glad I did. It is very funny and also quite touching. Certainly resonates with an older crowd but there was plenty to keep a younger audience laughing also. The end of Act 1 was certainly a big surprise. Worth the price of a ticket just for that entrance. Go see it!

  3. The holiday season in NYC can start to seem like a nightmare in mid-town but rather than fall into the bah humbug frame of mind I’ve tried to fling myself into the holiday spirit. One way is seeing the Rockettes who are always fun to watch. I’m surprised at the number of people I know who have never seen the show. I’ve been going almost every year since I was a kid when my mom took me and my sister. Every year they tweak the show a bit but keep the classics like the toy soldiers slowly falling down and the nativity complete with live camels and sheep. It’s become pretty high tech with lots of projections that are impressive. But it’s the precision dancing of the Rockettes that’s the real star of the show. So brave the crowds and go. Tickets are easy to come by at TKTS and TDF. Radio City is an Art Deco jewel and holds 6,015 people which is impressive.

  4. The opera yesterday was wonderful. Anthony Roth Costanzo who sings the lead role of Akhnaten has received quite a bit of press. Almost every article has discussed his 5 minute nude scene as he makes his entrance. I’m sure there were quite a few people yesterday who picked up their opera glasses at that point. I admit I did. He’s a countertenor which is not everyone’s favorite but I’ve come to enjoy the sound. But roles for that voice are somewhat limited so he’s been involved in many projects beyond singing. A very interesting guy and he’s openly gay which is a plus in my book. There are a number of interviews with him on YouTube worth watching.

  5. I’m looking forward to seeing this Saturday December 7. I believe it’s the last performance. From what I’ve seen and read about the opera it looks to be a stunning production. Reviews have been generally great. Looking forward to the jugglers. The score from what I’ve heard sounds astounding. Wondering if any others here have seen it and what they thought?

  6. I saw parts 1 & 2 last Wednesday. The play is so good that time passed quickly. Having lived in the city from 1973 to 1985 it was like stepping into a time machine. I was there, I saw it happening. A lot of the play was very funny. But a lot will hurt so be prepared. As for tickets I paid full price for row C of the orchestra and was glad to be sitting close to the action. But it’s been listed at TKTS for half price almost every day and occasionally on tdf. I’m tempted to see it again. Also I’ve rewatched the film Howard’s End to see how it inspired the play. I should read the book next.

  7. Saw Little Shop of Horrors yesterday’s Sunday matinee. Great show, great cast highly recommended even if you’ve seen other productions. Special applause must go to the 3 urchins, Ari Groover, Salome Smith and Joy Woods who kept the energy so high. I was in the second row center and Jonathan Groff sure is a spitter. He just missed me at times. But if you’re going to get spit on, well, he’s my guy.

  8. Written by Harold Pinter in 1978 this new production with terrific performances by Tom Hiddleston, Zawe Ashton and Charlie Cox moves back and forth in time making great use of it’s stark set. Jerry has had a seven year affair with his best friend Robert’s wife Emma. What I found most poignant was not just the words they were speaking but the silences which said so much more.

  9. Regarding Marlene Dietrich. I recently returned from 10 days in Berlin. The deutcsche-kinemathek.de The Museum of Film and Television is highly recommended and has a large collection of Dietrich’s costumes, props, personal letters, recordings and films. Even the saw she used to play. Who knew she played the saw?

    I watched Shanghai Express while there and really enjoyed it. She seems to have slept with almost everyone famous.

  10. I have only recently listened to the music of Akhnaten and the choral music reminded me of Carmina Burana. To my ear orgiastic. I’m not sophisticated when it comes to opera. But I love when many people are singing at once. I’ve come to enjoy the sound of counter tenors. The duet between Akhnaten and Nefertiti I found stunning. Also the juggling looks incredible from what I’ve seen on video. I’m really excited about seeing this opera.

  11. The price of opera tickets often takes my breath away. When I think I could buy a round trip plane ticket from NY to LA for less it makes me shake my head in wonder. But I really want to see the Philip Glass opera Akhnaten. So after much tapping away on the website I’ve settled for row B center in the balcony for $160. I’m seeing the matinee December 7. I would have liked to be closer but the seats available for twice that were way to the side. I really like being close to center. From videos I’ve seen the production looks pretty breathtaking. I’ll bring binoculars. Happily next week I’ll be in Berlin so I’ll get to see the Nefertiti bust at the Neues Museum. April in NY should be nice.

  12. I just discovered that Jake had been in a revival of Sunday in the Park with George. I didn't know he could sing (or perhaps he can't).

    Did you see that, Foxy?


    I did see Sunday in the Park with Jake. I had a second row Orchestra seat so was very close to the stage (and Jake). I’ve seen previous productions of the show but I thought this was the best I’d seen. Jake sings very well indeed. Months later after the show closed I got to meet him at a private screening of the movie Stronger. I told him how impressed I was with his performance. In fact I couldn’t take my eyes off him.

  13. The last few nights I binged watched the last season. I’ve always thought this an incredibly well done show. When you like something you often hate to see it end. But everything ends and sometimes a series goes longer than it should. So hoping for a satisfying ending to a series is a tricky thing for writers to negotiate. GOT comes to mind of course. I think OTB got it right and I did like seeing some of the actors from past seasons taking a bow and saying goodbye.

  14. I saw the original production in 1982 at the Orpheum Theater and loved the show. Ellen Greene was so wonderful. I saw a revival in 2003 with Hunter Foster. At that performance they were taking donations for Broadway Cares. For a $20 donation I had my photo taken with Foster which I’m pleased to say I still have. I’m sorry I missed the Encores production with Ellen Greene and Jake Gyllenhaal. In 2017 I saw Once on This Island. As the lights were going down two men came into my aisle and sat next to me. One was Jonathan Groff. As they squeezed by me I made a joke about “tourists” showing up late for a show. Groff responded about being “bridge & tunnel”. He was very enthusiastic during the show. As we were exiting the theater I was walking next to him. I rarely engage famous people thinking they deserve their privacy. But I had just finished binge watching Mindhunter and I told him how much I liked it and was looking forward to a second season. He was very charming and we had a short conversation. In the lobby a few people went up to speak to him and he was very approachable. He’s such a talented guy and really handsome in person. I have my ticket for this new production. I’m sure it will be good.

  15. Saw the play yesterday and I liked it very much. It is about sad events but it raises some thoughtful questions. A Life performed by Gyllenhaal actually is very funny half the time. Both actors engage with the audience in a good way. After the performance there was a discussion with the actors led by one of the producers. Audience members could ask questions and the actors talked about what led them to the play and why they wanted to perform it. It added a lot to the experience.

  16. Last nights performance was truly magical. The singers and orchestra were of course terrific and the music, well, it’s Mozart. Can’t really go wrong there.

    But the interaction of the performers and the animation was quite incredible. It was a roller coaster ride of pure fun from beginning to end. I’m hoping this production will be constantly revived as it’s something I’d want to see over and over again. Certainly the best show I’ve seen all year.

  17. A friend who lives in London saw this a while ago and thought it brilliant. I went to the box office the other day but it wasn’t open so had to get tickets through the website. I hate those extra fees they tag on but bit the bullet. I’m seeing it November 13, row C in the orchestra. Tickets were $195 each and I’m seeing both parts in one day. If a play is really good I don’t mind sitting that long. Now that I’ve paid full price I’m wondering if discount tickets will be available? We shall see. Wondering if Vanessa Redgrave is coming with the rest of the cast. She can be pretty astounding.

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