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Posts posted by Mocha

  1. Truthfully, he just sounds super paranoid, frustrated, or both. I always encourage clients to look at the bigger picture when an escort replies out of anger. Potentially a slow day, lots of flakes, etc. It’s not about VoIP nor you.


    That’s so true, I was going to bring that up the other day. Clients have to understand that contacting a provider may be like waking a sleeping bull. You never know what that provider may be going thru on the other end. Not that lashing out is to be expected, but some people instigate such scenarios. Especially when clients say stuff like, “I’ll pass”. No, you can’t pass on something you never had to begin with.


    Like the example I was referring to the other week, the guy was pestering me at a time when my friends had just “forgot” me to go to the beach on 4th of July weekend, (I was tricked into dog sitting their 100 pound pooch for the day). I had already had 2 flakes that day, and I was trying to figure out what to cook for the 4th since my friends usually BBQ, but not that day.


    Granted, I should have just put the phone down and walked away...but it’s the 4th, people are usually off work and have a little play time. Problem is, that’s exactly what they do: play, like children. But when my mood is already bleh, I can go from 0 to 100, real quick.


    But lately, I’ve just been working on my script, putting the phone down, and walking away. However in this case, I don’t think someone should quickly dismiss someone using such numbers. You really have to have probable cause that the person using such numbers is a scam or otherwise. I don’t think the advertiser in question was any more justified than those annoying clients who are like, “you have a different area code than where you say you’re from, you’re probably a scammer or a cop.” (I’ve had that before too)


    Sometimes I think it just be people who aren’t okay with the industry, just trying to be slick. And not everybody who advertises on Rentmen is actually an escort either. I know that may be shocking.

  2. Use Burner




    It's easier to use and you can quickly create and drop phone numbers in seconds.



    Hmmm...I’m not for it.


    One of my stalker clients who I’ve met (mistakenly on the 2nd time) 3 times, but has been booking and cancelling on me for years...has contacted me from 2 different numbers, using 2 different names even when I told him to not contact me again because he’s so unreliable. When I said I would no longer be taking correspondence from his number, he says, “that’s fine, this is a burner number anyway”.


    Last thing we need, is people using those services in unscrupulous manners. And most honest to goodness people shouldn’t have to use that, unless they’re from overseas and coming to America. People are more likely to waste multiple people’s time with “burner numbers” than to do anything with someone’s personal number.

  3. For me, it’s not so much that it’s a scammer or cop. For me, it’s more of the fact that people who tend to use them, tend to use them as a way to be unaccountable. Whenever my caller ID shows no verifiable info, it’s usually one of those “burner” numbers. And those tend to be an issue with reliability from the “client” (who does often end up usually a fake or scammer).


    I personally don’t have beef with them, but if something doesn’t add up and I call and the voicemail says, “the text mail subscriber you called...” or “the google voice number you dialed”...I forward it to my assistant for verification.


    If you want to sound atleast half way legit, try adding a personal voicemail to your number, and include your name.

  4. Everywhere you go, it's going to be saturated. My suggestion would be to Just focus on where you will thrive regardless. I live in Los Angeles and when I've traveled, I've done really well in places that were surprising to me so just travel a bit, explore and go where your business gets the best response.




    Thing is, I already travel extensively. It’s fun, brings me to a lot of client bases, and almost gives me this unspoken sense of “popularity” even though I have never done studio porn (yet ? )


    However, I just don’t want to always be NEEDING to travel in order to stay busy. I just want to be in a reliable city where if I want to, I can just do the proverbial sitting at home, dick and lube in hand and just have clients coming and going. Not all this going 1 and 2 weeks without a client foolishness as it’s been in my current area. I know I’m not alone. One of my regulars told me of one his regulars who have to travel outside of his state to make ends meet.


    I’m just finding the challenge right now in many cities: either it’s heavy with competition, or the areas with no completion are fluctuating small markets that have seasonal demand. On top of that, some of these cities which are ultra conservative (and low key economically repressed) seem to be rivaling the big markets in the amount of competition.

  5. I mean, it's the Tin Room. I don't think it's getting better before it gets worse.


    There was chatter a couple of years ago about Swinging Richards opening a Dallas branch, but then this happened:




    Dallas could use a legit, gay strip joint.


    That is a tragedy, re: Swinging Richards.


    I thought the laws in Dallas were too strict to allow full nudity, hence the lack of a legit gay strip joint? As far as I know, Tin room was at one point the legit strip club. One of my regulars used to frequent there often...

  6. I’d encourage you to do a filtered search on RentMen for “Visitors Only,” as this will show you all the providers coming to town which may have otherwise had little visibility on the grid for whatever reason.


    Speaking personally, I prefer giving little notice and not weeks and weeks because that results in a slew of inquiries a month (or more) old that don’t come to fruition. For me (with the exception of overnights/weekends) the further out arrangements are being made to meet, the less likely it is to happen. On a rare occasion someone may still be eager to meet you when you’re local two months later, but not often.


    Once in awhile, I may advertise in a city that I want to visit in the near future...and pick up some interest. If I do, I don’t answer any phone calls from that city’s area code, because I know they’re going to be asking if I’m there now. I just text and email.


    I call it, commercial breaks. It’s like advertising which city the February Super Bowl is going to be in, but it’s only November. Yes, it’s 3 months away, but we’re going to nudge you to buy that 60” TV, and nudge you to save for that plane ticket now “in case” your team is going.


    Btw, I just noticed Miami got picked AGAIN to host the Super Bowl next year. Last time I was there during Super Bowl, all of South Beach was closed off. It ends up being more of a “all sexes” gay pride weekend ??‍♂️

  7. My casual participation on this forum is nothing more than an exercise in my patience and writing.


    I agree, Same here!! ?? At the same time, I know there are a handful of my fanss$ I have on here, who don’t get involved and remain in the backdrop...but they’re always willing to give helpful advice when needed.


    At the same time, people need to realize that some of the things they say can be taken in offense, or are simply uncalled for. Somebody (preferably an administrator who is immune to rebuttals) needs to be able to step in and say, “hey, that’s not right to say that. Offer a more positive alternative”.

  8. Not being a provider, as either an escort or a masseur, I have no idea how the system works on your end. I don’t check the usual sites (Rentmen, Rentmasseur, Masseurfinder) every day, but when I do, it’s very frustrating to see an ad pop up with no advanced notice that a certain provider is suddenly in my area for a few days. Granted, some providers (Victor Powers is a good example) post their travel schedule weeks in advance, and it’s much appreciated. But is the lack of posting the fault of individual providers or of the sites (and some complicated rules)? There are providers with whom I would’ve liked to make contact, if I’d known in advance they would be in my city, whether at home or on vacation.


    It’s not a 1 answer fits all topic, tbh. On one hand, I’ve had success travel guys tell me that advertising further than 2 weeks in advance is going to be ineffective, because the guys who were horny 2 weeks ago may not be available and horny 2 weeks later.


    On the other hand, you have people who book weeks in advance....like has been mentioned.


    Rentmen is doing the best they can to make the travel schedules noticeable (there’s often in green letters in the list view of profiles, of when someone is visiting the area).


    In my experience: with the exception of the Palm Springs weekend which is booked months and years in advance, I find 1 to 2 week notice is ample. Sometimes even 1 day notice is ample. I can’t recall how many times I’ve deviated off my travel schedule, only to go to an unexpected city and still ended up busy.


    In today’s market, advertising too far in advance tend to carry cancellations or “sorry, I’m out of town this week”. I tend to post with no dates, so people don’t get confused if I decide to postpone/push things back...and then when I’m ready, I’ll put a date up and whoever is ready when I get there, is ready.


    The things I’m not fond of when people reach out and say,


    “are you in...” (the map shows the city I’m in)


    “I thought you were here already” (never assume)


    “How long are you going to be here in...” (Before I even there, which doesn’t sound like they’re trying to nail down plans)

  9. Bad move. Make that "very bad move." Here's why:

    1. There are perfectly legitimate prospective clients who want to use the RM messaging service. There are various reasons for this, including guys not wanting to hand their number out to a stranger, guys who can't always stop what they are doing to reply to a text, and guys who just feel more comfortable using email. (Granted, RM's messaging service isn't "real" email)
    2. A guy who wants to jerk you around will do so no matter what communication method you use to communicate with him.
    3. RM does not accept reviews from clients who did not contact the escort via the RM messaging service. To many Forum members, no RM reviews is a red flag (even though the reviews' reliability is dubious) and refusing to book clients from the RM messaging service will appear to be an attempt to avoid getting reviewed.

    I'd suggest that you accept messages via the RM service and switch to text before booking. If that's your intent, your statement did not convey that.




    To me, private vs public photos is not a big deal. What is a big deal is when a provider advertises, ahem, "characteristics" and is afraid to show them. It sends a signal that the advertiser does not possess quite the "characteristics" he is portraying in his ad.


    It sounds like you are pissed off (rightfully so), are blowing off steam , and in the process might not be making carefully-considered decisions. You might want to keep your ad as-is for right this very minute and revisit this tomorrow or the next day.


    Good point about the review and message preferences. Accept a message by email, but don’t meet without a phone number, even if the guy claims to be married to Anderson Cooper and has to “Uber discreet” (not an actual event).


    But otherwise: is it just safe to say: can we just let the man run his communication the way he sees fit? It seems whenever a provider suggests not doing something or doing something that’s different than conventional or given the option to do, people are quick to give 100 reasons why they shouldn’t do it.


    For awhile I had rentmen emails disabled. The only reason I turned them back on, is because when people looked at my private pics, I could message them and see if they were interested. Now, my private gallery pics are for sale only, so I don’t really have to do that much.


    It similar to how a4a is. I exchange a couple of messages, then I leave my number (which is already posted) and walk away.


    You've moved on and clearly, he hasn't. Keep taking the high road.


    Let him stew :)


    Them be the same posters that be like, “You're mean, I’m never going to hire you!” But then the ones they do hire, they go back and talk smack about them later.


    I thought I graduated high school back in 2005, why am I still seeing this behavior in 2019 ?

  10. Pack mentality is everywhere, not just here, and only a relatively small amount of individuals have the mentality to do their best to avoid it.

    Yes, race can be a factor in our business. I had one inquiry from a Caucasian male who got upset because I don't speak Spanish and fit into his stereotype of a Hispanic provider. However, you continually ignore and dismiss the fact that the tone that you present yourself with is the reason why some "crap" on your threads.


    " It doesn’t matter if the message is delivered with a bow and ribbon or wrapped in foil. It’s the same message."

    It might be the same message, but the primary point of any message is to reach its target and be interpreted as intended, so the delivery does matter. Interpretation of the receiver ends up being the reality, regardless of how the sender views the message.


    I even look back at that same 411 thread about me, and realize if I had had the mind to frame my responses better, but I was still holding on to a regular world overnight job with great benefits, and probably was a bit fatigued and distracted when responding.


    What I was trying to communicate is that there are some actions and traits within escorts that may be circumstantial and should not be final grounds to judge the merit of an escort. And then there are some that should be. And clients and humans everywhere should be a little more open minded and inquisitive to find the difference. But if you keep lacking humility and an open mind yourself to the reality you have a hand in creating as well, you are most likely going to keep being met with the same attitude.


    That is true, and I’m working on that.

    I realize some conversations and messages just aren’t worth getting fussed over, but when you’re suffering from LBT like me, it can be hard to tolerate:





    That’s also why I’m using this deposit script strategy as well. Once I feel that feeling of temperature change going over my body, and their texts are what’s causing it, I’m just going to leave the payment information, and tune them out until I hear that cash app tone go off. “CaChing ? “

  11. To be clear I am not making excuse for anyone, because part of this job is having the ability to deal with all the negatives. But, if we were all a bit more helpful and not as quick to point blame or jump to conclusions, there would be a lot less negativity here.


    People here have a pack mentality. When one person doesn’t agree, they all want to disagree. They don’t even try to take the time to understand fully what the person is referring to. They turn a whole topic into something negative by bringing irrelevant things to the forefront.


    I invite anyone who is a naysayer about our issues, to try being one for a day. I don’t care what age or how hot your body isn’t. Try putting up an ad with your phone number and photos and email out to the public, and then report back. Closest thing to it now is an ad on Craigslist selling items. I’ve bought 2 cars from Craigslist, and each time I meet the buyer, they are so exhausted from having to deal with people not showing up or not having the money, they practically just give me the car because they see I always look like money.


    Imagine doing that everyday, for years. It wears on you.


    This the same thing I was talking about in the hotel thread and the same one in the deposit thread. 2 threads that turned nasty, and yes it is about race. It’s always about race. When @TylerandAce posted their thread about flakes on Twitter, nobody came in and crapped on their thread. It doesn’t matter if the message is delivered with a bow and ribbon or wrapped in foil. It’s the same message.


    I already know how this thing goes. It’s evident in the people who post and the ones who don’t. The BL posters here like @hypothetically who don’t catch much flak, do so because they very rarely start any new threads, and if they do it’s very light in nature. Many don’t even come back to respond because they’re afraid of being treated like they do me. Because that’s how they want us to be here.


    The only ones who can make a post on here asking people to adjust their behavior, are...well, I won’t pull the R card. But it’s he majority of the posters on the forum. And at this point, if anyone wanted to see my real life personality, they should have booked their hotel and travel in advance like I did to Palm Springs...and got to meet the in person me, like 50 other people did.


    So anything else is null and void. But anyhow, I’ll walk away because I don’t want to distract from the ultimate goal of this topic.

  12. Pretty much the same thing I said in another thread regarding deposits and clients from Rentmen. Hopefully being that you are a White provider, people will now take this issue more seriously instead of trying to scapegoat the ethnic providers by suggesting they “find other lines of work, are crazy for taking deposits, and aren’t happy”.


    I recently got selected to offer tips to Rent-men (and it was a very generous thing they offered, as I have suggested things to them before in the past), and one of my suggestions to them was they need to get more proactive about helping us to weed out flakes. We are giving them our money, but they aren’t putting enough protocols in place. We pay $79.95, only to be fooled around with for the 1st few days our ad hits. Being able to block users isn’t enough.

  13. This is a slap on the faces of the many fine members of this forum, mine included, who have been spared from bad experiences and even harm by using this forum as a decision factor in hiring.


    Okay, I’ll admit to being mistaken on that one. I meant to say “solely” based on OUR conversations on the forum. I wasn’t referring to 411s on guys in the Deli.


    The reason I say is because, escorts then become reluctant to post anything out of concern a client may not like something that is posted or discussed. Trust, if an escort posts here long enough, at some point a disagreement is going to come up.


    That’s why you see most escorts don’t post here much, and if they do it’s seldom or under a different name. Because people are quick to announce how they are offended and how their business will be forever tarnished.


    What I’m saying is, it’s not that serious. Yes, some clients may get offended in the process. But it’s a forum, the risk is there for that. You can post on a forum about puppies, the universe, religion, politics. Someone is bound to get offended. Using a forum to dictate hiring someone or not based on how they talk about things on he forum, is petty. That’s like not hiring a guy based off of how he acts on the basketball court. It’s a BASKETBALL COURT. Not the Divine Mercy Shrine of the Holy Mary Magdalene.


    And then someone keeps bringing up me blackmailing a client, but yet I just read a thread where someone said if they didn’t get their deposit refunded, they would write a bad review. No one hollered blackmail about that.


    And the admin of the forum wasn’t in a hurry to enforce the rules about posting “reviews” on the forum either. How ratchet is that for 2 forum members to air their dirty laundry about a particular escort and their business transaction? But yet...I’m wrong and get called all sort of names because I talk about situation with some bullshit MOFO off adam4adam faking to be a client who nobody knows of, that blatantly stood me up, and said I was worth 0? That’s hypocritical and shows there’s a continual air of favoritism on this forum.


    I may talk sh!t here and there, but nobody has heard me call out any of my clients out by name in a negative way directed at them.

  14. I'm not going to try and hit a moving target.




    Not sure what that means. But I would think as an administrator, you’d be playing both sides of the field. It’s not just clients here, is it?


    I think if you disagree to something, I would welcome if perhaps you could give an alternative solution to the matter that both clients and escorts can agree on. By disagreeing all together, I feel it sides with the “buyer” and dilutes the overall issue all together: ways that providers like myself and [uSER=12155]@Dominiking[/uSER] and @DevDaddy have experienced with phone callers (and I’ve said it to people on the forum before, it’s not “clients” it’s people who call our ad. 2 different things.)


    A client isn’t a client until he books an appointment and shows up. A person doesn’t get client status just by texting/calling us. It’s like just because someone walks into a gym doesn’t make them a member. They’ve got to get a membership and actually work out. And many gyms have a key fob or fingerprint before you can get in to workout. That eliminates non-members from simply walking in to workout.


    Same for us: a deposit will prevent non-clients from wasting our time.

  15. A think the unspoken sincerity behind some of the criticism here is that any new client could read what's posted here online and change their decision from a yes to a no. While not part of an ad, what is written here is still part of your brand image. And what's on the internet lives forever.


    Yeah, but that’s what Ads, Twitter and social media is for. This isn’t the only place to make an impression.


    I personally don’t think clients should use this forum as a decision factor in hiring. I bullshit here all the time, just because it’s “a place to learn what makes a good encounter with an escort”. Which means you must eliminate the bad in some circumstances.


    If people are going to get their breeches in a knot, then all you’re going to get are clients answering to other clients about questions posted to escorts.

  16. All I am trying to say is that the way you present yourself is likely costing you clients in general. You're right I am never going to hire you because of the way you talk about your clients. But there are now probably another dozen or so on this forum who are probably also not going to hire you for the same reason. The fact that you significantly edited both your original post and the title of this thread shows that you probably too understand how your messaging may be alienating to your clientele.


    Well guess what? I’ve also met about a dozen clients from the forum as well. So...it goes both ways. No 1 person is going to meet every poster on the forum anyway, so you throwing your weight around like you’re so important...is just huffing and puffing.


    If you don’t hire me, guess what? I guarantee I’ll have someone else lined up who will. Free and paid.


    Yeah I shortened my post and edited it, to get straight to the point. And? I can do that. Stop acting as if this forum encompasses the entire amount of clients who contact us. Majority of clients I see have never even heard of this forum before. I used to think @marylander1940 was a client of mine in Maryland using an alias, who passed away. I asked my (bless his soul) client out of shits and giggles and showed him the forum, and he said he doesn’t know anyone here...never cared to come on here. We were friends for 3 some years. But he passed away and Marylander was still posting.

  17. Note how the escort presented his issue. Yes, they each have similar challenges with client contact and communication. No where in his original post nor subsequent replies does he react negatively. He didn’t start off with a complaint and announce he’s going to start charging prospective clients for the privilege of contacting him.


    Furthermore, the escort has a long history of positive interactions on this message board. His dust ups with various characters around here has been rare and altogether nonexistent as I can recall.


    Thus the difference in tone and replies. That escort reached out seeking advice from a wide ranging and experienced group of clients and providers. He did not announce an asinine policy of charging a prospective client for the privilege of communicating with him.


    This level of professionalism is sorely lacking in Mocha’s initial post. Perhaps if he’d honestly asked for advice on how to deal with his frustrations he would have gotten more positive results. Instead he continues to post complaint after complaint, dismisses criticism and responds negatively more often than not.


    Please don't compare me to someone else. We are both talking the same subject, with a different packaging. I didn’t even notice his thread, but if [uSER=12155]@Dominiking[/uSER] is willing to make amends for a misunderstanding last year in a another thread, I would gladly refer him to my deposit script and post a response in his thread, as that could be a solution to his issue as well. If not, he nor I are under any obligation to make amends.


    But If you’re not okay with how I discuss something, you might want to a section that talks about lighter stuff...like the gallery. I am just boggled that people think we need to sit around and be all lovey dovey and ultra nice on this forum. Who said that? For the record: I had a friend tell me of a TS male escort in Milwaukee he knows who STABBED a client. And got away with it. I don’t condone that in any way, but this stuff I’m talking about is nothing in comparison to the real world.


    I’m going to tell you exactly how I feel, exactly what I’m doing, and exactly what is going on. I don’t even think I used any “language” in my first post either. Yes, I’m not going to chat for free. What’s so offensive about that?


    People have gotten so comfortable chatting up providers endlessly thanks to apps and other guys not setting boundaries, that now it’s “AWFUL” if you dare not talk for free to me. I’m paying you!!!


    Okay, pay me, and then we can talk ??



  18. This is like a sales job.....you are going to have people wasting your time no matter what.....some guys will have a conversation just to see your pics and than you won’t hear from them again. Others are trying to set something up for the future and then they forget. The reality is you have to take the good with the bad. You are not going to win every battle or get a meeting from every conversation but you still have to show up and put yourself in the batter’s box. It’s annoying Mocha, I know, I deal with the same BS myself but I know who I’m dealing with and just bite the bullet with time wasters.


    That’s true: and that’s the thing, when I signed up for this...I had left the sales business. Hence when I say “script”, I used to be a telemarketer before I started college...and was among the top 4 sales. And these weren’t small amounts. We would contact people (versus people contacting us) and ask for hundreds of dollar over the phone, for the “prospect” of them getting a big return. Once I realized the business was a scam, I got out. Plus it was becoming too stressful being turned down all day. I had applied for 2 more similar jobs after that, but left after a couple of days. I’ve never went back to telemarking sales and don’t plan to.


    I now feel like escorting is reminding me of those same days. Being flaked on and turned down (even though it’s not really turn downs, but more of them contacting me and not following thru). I didn’t sign up for sales, and the fact it’s become that way does change the frame of business for me.


    But, I feel I can get rid of this whole “sell” thing and make it more of a “reserve your time” thing. If people aren’t okay with it, that’s fine by me. The point of this is to turn people away, namely those who aren’t invested. I’m not afraid. Like I said, I’ve already stopped 2 people in their tracks by asking for a deposit in the past couple of days. Had I not, they would have still been wasting my time, and I would have still been not getting paid.


    I have also had lots of people willingly pay me a deposit, or even guarantee they would show up without deposit...including my lil hot 20s something year old tattoo boy who I fuck from time to time and he gives me $300.


    I have already had a couple escorts to contact me for this deposit script, and I’ll accept advice to make it better. Let’s make it normal. No, we’re not going to ask for $500. But try $50. Try $20. Or like the price is right: $1. Something small and risk free. I’ve done it like a million times already, but now I’m making it more standard.

  19. Cray cray


    Batshit crazy baby.


    Tristan Baldwin was right when he said I needed some fucking help. You goddamn right, and I’m going to help myself in the best way I know how: setting boundaries with people. I refuse to continue to let people invade my personal space (my phone, my schedule, my time) with no accountability.


    I plead insanity!



    @Mocha I do understand what you are saying. I am sure it is frustrating from the provider perspective dealing with us clients who can be flaky and inconsiderate.


    I see that you are coming to Denver soon, but from my perspective, I would not be inclined to hire you because of the way you talk about clients and the way it appears you have a lot of hoops you make clients go through. The same weekend you are here, I have two semi-regulars visiting Denver and they are the ones going to get my business over you because I don't want to deal with a provider with such a negative attitude towards clients (even though it is probably often justified).


    I don't say this to antagonize you. I think you often add a thoughtful discussion to this forum and probably do a great job for many fo your clients. But I am probably not the only potential client who is turned off by the way you decide to present yourself both on this forum and in your Rent.Men ad. Maybe it's worth it to you to avoid those flaky clients that you have to deal with, but I also feel it's quite likely that you're losing business in the process.


    But best of luck with whatever you are trying to do.


    I don’t think my postings would have anything to do with whether you hire me or your semi-regulars. You will have made up your mind regardless as to whether you wanted to see them or any of the other guys listed in Denver regardless.


    You say you aren’t trying to antagonize, but what benefit are you giving by saying this? You comparing me to 2 other providers who I don’t even know. I may not even be your type, and them and I may not even have anything in common. And if 2 are them are going, are you going to be able to afford both within the same week? Would you have hired me if I wasn’t on the forum in the same week? You would have likely been one of those who contacts all 3 for appointment, and flakes on 2 in favor of 1. Which would make a client liable for a cancellation fee based on my policy (even if the excuse is; “My cousin’s sister is having a baby shower, I can’t make it”.) So in the process, you magically forgot about the appointment you scheduled? And why did I have to contact you first, you couldn’t just reach me first? ??‍♂️


    And I’m being nice! Miss a court date, that’s a warrant! I’m just asking for a measly $10 deposit. Less than the cost of a movie ticket ??‍♂️


    People here expect me to bow down, kiss their feet, and agree that I should say things the way THEY want to do it, otherwise tell me how you would rather hire so and so and not me? ??‍♂️


    If you wanted to hire me, you would have. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t have either. To make some claim that my postings here are distasteful to you and you won’t hire me when I’m in Denver, is nothing short of being controlling and manipulative. Don’t expect me to ingratiate myself when you can’t even show me respect by pulling me aside in private and expressing this, versus sizing me up with some providers who I don’t even know from a hole in the wall ??‍♂️




    I don’t plan to be asking for whole amounts. I want to specifically ask for small, low commitment amounts so that I know who’s serious and who’s not.


    In fact, I will be purposely making it low: $5 to $10, so that in the event I can’t make it...I can pay it back. Granted, that amount may vary depending on if travel is involved, which would be more.


    I can’t keep taking chances not taking deposits. It’s not doing me any justice to keep doing the same thing I’ve been doing. At this rate, my time is being wasted more than I’m spending in actual appointments, therefore it makes more sense to do than not.

  21. @Mocha I have now read the thread from the beginning again. I do not agree with your solutions. But, I do respect you as a person, a nice person.


    That’s understandable. But I think of it like the lottery:


    The lottery (and casino) is a multi BILLION dollar industry. You pay anywhere from $1 to $50 for a lottery ticket in any state.


    Granted: I understand the clientele who plays the lottery is not “always” going to be same clientele who hires us (but then again, a client friend of mine I knew would buy lottery tickets, and on the last census that was taken...I noticed he had put his annual income at $100,000).


    Point is: if someone can spend $20 on some horribly odded lottery tickets, then it shouldn’t be much of an issue for me to ask for like $10 for a client to show that they’re real. Heck, a $1. Same thing the gas station does to make sure your credit card is an actual card and not your supermarket discount card ??‍♂️


    So far, it’s been working for me. I’ve already run off 2 potential time wasters, they wouldn’t shut up until I gave them my deposit script. One wanting to ask more questions “how big is your dick”...and he got the same script sent back to him.


    I’m actually going to start sounding like a robot so they don’t think it’s me lol. IF YOU WANT TO CONTINUE WITH THIS CONVERSATION, PLEASE DEPOSIT MORE COIN TO CONTINUE.





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