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Posts posted by Mocha

  1. I use Mr. Number to try and screen for any comments/warnings about new inquiries. Also, in my experience, over engagement, such as suggesting hotels, is a yellow flag at least.


    Yeah that I should have known. Luckily I changed hotels unannounced from the time he confirmed earlier that day, to the time he flaked.


    Just like the one who kept calling me 3 times yesterday and talking about how it doesn’t matter that I’m black and he’s white, and how Trump is messing things up with his bigotry ??‍♂️ Only to cancel the same day he contacted me to meet the next day. That’s the other thing I’m stopping: no more phone calls until they’re verified.

  2. I agree. Certain messages get responses certain ones don't. Certain appointments can be counted on, others book with low expectations on it actually occurring. Pivoting and being extremely flexible is also key. Recognizing when expectations should be low based off conversation, and how to mange those expectations will help with the sanity part.


    Unfortunately it’s become harder to tell who’s low expectation or not. For example, a guy in Milwaukee had set an appointment for 7 pm. He had already reached me like the days prior. Seemed totally cool, even suggesting hotels. As the time neared AFTER we confirmed, he went no respondó. Then tried to claim that he didn’t make an appointment...


    When I posted a public warning about him...turns out he screwed over another sex worker as well. So yeah, I’m peeping their game.


    I should mention: I’m not going to ask for entry fee until I make sure they’re cool with everything as far as rates. But there won’t be no telling of hotel name/address as in the previous thread, until they pay the initiation fee. I don’t need someone who’s not going to show, to know anything about where I’m staying. That’s creepy.


    Because I did that last week, thinking that maybe I should give out my hotel info to them early...they still flaked.


    I’m learning this from a popular and successful photographer I worked with recently, who told me how he does business. He don’t even speak to clients unless they pay the deposit first. It made me realize, I’ve got to lock this DOWN.

  3. Do you need to reply to all? Delete the ones the ones you feel needs to be trashed. Ignore the rest. Fuck happily ever after ...?


    I try...but it’s not working. It’s becoming harder to tell the difference. People will seem real right up until the time...others will drop off the face of the planet in the middle of setting something up. Or they’ll go thru with all the right things, but say, “umm I gotta make sure my aunt’s husband’s brother’s sister is not still inviting me to her birthday tonight”


    I’m not a friend they’ve known for years. They contact me like we have a relationship or like I’m available in their in their city forever. I don’t care about their family or their job or any of that shit if they can’t balls up and meet. When people call Uber and Lyft, or book flight tickets in advance, do they tell their whole life story? NO. So why do it to me? Once you (pay) and get into the Uber/Lyft/Plane, you can small talk with the driver/passengers all the way to your destination. But not before even inputting a credit card. So why should escorts be any different?


    It’s just too much time. It’s not professional, it’s making me feel unprofessional. I can’t, I just can’t. Only thing I can do is start getting paid within a pre-determined amount of messages. If not...end of conversation. Cut, off.

  4. Hopefully this can be discussed in tact. This isn’t a should I do this or not, but more of an overall step that I feel needs to be adopted.


    The current market of ads right now is just ripe with people who do nothing more but contact us to play games. I feel like the whole industry has lost its business demeanor, and ads have been lessened to mere “profiles”. Even many of the pictures on Rentmen are Grindr-ish. Nobody is taking anything seriously right now. On an average day, I will answer to 2-4 texts from different numbers...and nothing coming out of it.


    At the same time, I have been in this industry for over 10 years and am well aware there’s some clients who don’t mind, and others who don’t like to send because they’ve been ripped off before, don’t feel they need to, or simply aren’t serious enough about booking and mainly just want to socialize with sex workers without actually booking one.


    Have any other providers implemented an initial “consult” fee? If anyone is interested in my complete deposit script, PM me. I believe it can definitely help cut down on meaningless and wasteful conversations.

  5. ...babe, that’s all of our clients. Your body is the last thing we’re looking at, I assure you.


    What you look like has no relevance to why the escort is there. If the escort cares or ask, he did you a favor and now you know who not to hire.


    I agree with you on the 1st half, but the last sentence I’m a little on the edge about. I my ad, I have 3 things clients must provide as written here


    ?? All types welcome. If using text to arrange a visit, please introduce yourself:


    1) Name:

    2) Age/Basic Stats:

    3) City You’re In:


    I try to emphasis “all types welcome” to let people know that it’s not about what they look like...it’s just me not wanting to meet someone solely based off of a few text messages. I also do want to have an idea of whom I’m meeting. If they’ve got 50+ photos of me to stare at, I feel it doesn’t hurt for them to share something about them. I don’t need a picture. I already know what 5’9 and 200 pounds looks like, or 5’9 and 160 pounds looks like.


    Majority of callers don’t have an issue doing so. Even the timewasters. Remember, even when anonymous Craigslist and face-less a4a ruled the hookup world, people still had to put in atleast their most basic info like age, to get started.


    I didn’t start asking until calls and emails were taken over texts. If I hear a voice, I can atleast tell whether it’s a 50 year old or a 20 year old.

  6. Escort should realize that they have competition not only from other escorts but also from masseurs and other service providers.


    I’ve been on that level for awhile. Fact: many of the guys who go for escorts, usually started with a male massage first. I used to bring them in round the clock when craigslist and backpage were around. And men4rent and rentboy were for the full service clients.


    But I know people have discussed the rates. When I was having people in and out of my door, charging something like 60-80 (nearly 10 years ago, and an ad was only like $5 a day, and I only needed to post couple times a week) for a rub. The issue was, most guys wanted to more...way more. And trying to upsell from $60 to $200 was too much of sticker shock.


    So I let go of the volume, and just focused on what would be best for me. And considering now there’s no “bargain” sites anymore and everyone is consolidated to the Rent enterprise (a double edged sword), there’s really no reason for me to offer low rates anymore. People are now accustomed to:


    If you want a gay, nude massage, and a lil touchy feely on the side, it’s not going to be $60 for 60 minutes. That’s the point I was making in my other thread in the spa. I have known gay masseurs who don’t advertise on any of the gay massage sites. Those guys are content seeing multiple clients a day, for $60-$100...and they do good, but usually work out of a studio.


    But someone like me working from home or a hotel, I don’t want that constant volume. It’s too much traffic in my personal space. So when people on sites like Adam say, “oh well my regular guy only charges me $60”, I’m not interested in bargaining with them because that’s not how I run things.

  7. That is one of the new trends. The new euphemism amongst adult entertainers is "let's collaborate" instead of "let's fuck". The established guys need fresh meat, and the newbies need the followers platform of the established guys, or both need access to a new audience, so it is a win-win deal.


    Correct...hence the fans pages at that point. It's not slick studio porn but it's not in-person either. The fans pages get us in their mind for later. That is IF we are still around when they are able to afford...ROFL.


    Speaking of Twitter/Only Fans, I must say despite being on Twitter since 2014, I’m continually trying to establish my place there. I know I’ve spoke with Bryan Knight and Alex Hawk about their presence on Twitter.


    I’m still trying to figure out the ultimate place of Twitter, for escorts who aren’t combining their work with filming. I am appreciating the ability to socialize/network and get “likes” to my content. This year I’ve also hit it off with someone else’s “follower” and did some shoots with a photographer in Chicago, who’s posting of 2 of my photos to his Twitter page, earned me an extra 150 followers in less than a month.


    However, I’ve not actually gotten an appointment from Twitter...but I do have existing clients who happen to see or follow me on Twitter. And as far as connections outside of escorting, I still seem to be getting better results on the regular routes of meeting.


    As much as I find Twitter intriguing and appreciate that it keeps us sex workers in “the know” and connects you to any and everyone you’d want to follow, sometimes it gets to be too much. It goes back to what I was saying about “shine on your own”.


    Even though Twitter can inspire a person to step their game up, it can also be a distraction. It can be difficult to shine on your own, and be a distraction in strategizing your own success...when every 5 seconds another entertainer is updating their latest escapade.


    So the way I see it is: Are people there to actually connect and establish a relationship with a provider, or are they there just to voyeur and look at all the already free content being put out? And if so...is it bringing the desired result to my bottom line?

  8. Clients are sending fake pics now? It’s turning into Russian roulette on both ends now!


    Well, I don’t mean that clients are sending fake pictures. But I’ve gotten pictures from “potential” clients where it shows their dick and ass, and they make like they want to do an appointment, only to flake. So it leads me to believe it could be a fake, because who does that?


    I understand guys don’t have that “outlet” now that Craigslist is gone, and there’s nobody to waste time with who wants to trade pics and endless messages and not actually meet up. But a Rentmen ad is not an app profile. Calling an escort should be as serious as calling an Uber/Taxi, and have the same strict cancellation policies as booking an airline.


    The reason I can be swift with those who contact my ads, and ask for cancellation fees, is because they aren’t contacting a free ad. If my ads were free, I wouldn’t pay any mind to flakes. I pay a $150 a month for my ads, sometimes more depending how many times i platinum boost. People play on apps all the time, I don’t even care most the time. It’s all free, I’m not losing anything but a little battery life being on there.


    Granted, there are those who volunteer regular pics of themselves, and are actual clients. Those I can appreciate.

  9. Why? Haven’t you read that in the exorcism manual?


    I grab every exorcism movie that comes out: the conjuring, Annabel, etc.


    I know it’s Hollywood, but in all of those movies the priest is so compelled to cast out demons and always “gets what coming to him”. It’s almost an irony.


    damn. But now the demons are in his tummy.


    That’s how it would work in the movies lol.


    But on a serious note, and to not make light of the situations...casting out demons is no laughing matter, and it doesn’t require a priest to do it. Just requires asking the authority of a higher power (God), to cast them out, as he is the only one who can. All the movies show them speaking and engaging demons directly, that’s a dangerous game because evil is stronger than human. You want to go thru a higher power.


    Nowadays, that’s rarely an issue. When Jesus died on the cross, that restored humanity and prevented demons from “physically” taking possession of people. Simply being gay is not the result of a demon spirit, as some ministers preach. We all were given the right to freewill, and there’s many lines in the scriptures that have been misused due to misinterpretation.


    Most “demon possessions” nowadays are really just drug abuse and mental illnesses, or titles to describe anyone who lives a life outside of people's idea of “right” . The problem is, some unscrupulous false prophets use “demons possession” to their advantage, and either deny people the help they need, or capitalize on a simulated flaw.

  10. @Mocha, I am on your side. But, please realize at one time escort agencies took care of most of those details.


    That is true. That’s what makes the game more work now: secretarial work, detective work, on top of sex work.


    My assistant analyzes every new number that comes thru to my phone. If the investigation leads to blank or incongruent details, I do not proceed. At times I took texts without running them by my assistant, it turned out someone was texting me from a burner phone, and wasting my time.


    I no longer take those anymore unless the client has a picture AND atleast a membership on one of the Rent sites. Because nowadays, people are sending pictures, and it’s not even a real person! They still turn out fake.

  11. Maybe he prefers quality over quantity. He’s blonde, young and 6 feet tall... how many pictures of his dick and ass does he need to show to close the deal?


    In my case: non, because on RentMasseur I removed all of “private” private pics because that site doesn’t even give us the option to fully lock. Despite what I said in the Spa, I still get booked from there every week, and some book the 1st day they see my ad.


    Many times they don’t even ask for a picture before meeting. Which is starting to lead me to believe...primitively speaking, you don’t need to show full nudity to close a deal. People have been meeting in bathhouses and gay magazine ad for thousands of years, never knowing what the package looked like until they were face to face, in private.


    The reason I do show nude pics, is because I don’t want to have to be asked for them, and because everyone else is doing it. So now some people may think it’s “weird” if you don’t. Well then maybe I’ll just have to be weird because sometimes I get fucking tired of people texting me with meaningless conversations, asking if I’m available today, where I’m staying and then asking stupid questions (do you BB?) and then, “oh sorry, I can’t make it because today is my aunt’s birthday, I’m on a conference call at 8, and then I go out of town tomorrow, sorry”.


    Then why the FUCK did you call me then if you’ve not got your shit sorted before calling me? What the fuck do people think I am? You’re calling an escort service, not being invited by your buddy to a basketball game ??‍♂️ . These idiots call me, not the other way around. I swear I just want to do a government shutdown of my private pictures.


    And people on the forum want to get mad at me because I ask for cancellation fees and have to blacklist some callers almost every week. If someone wants to get mad and dislike my post or wants to call me crazy for saying that, too bad. That’s just how it is...mind your business. I got a right to feel how I do.

  12. It's a good point. We get passed over a lot because we only see clients together. However, we want to stay married more than we want to see clients, so it's a non-starter. Also, we fall into the fetish category. people into us are willing to pay because we are unique and the husband has a "name". And finally, we are a lot more than $300 and don't plan on changing it. We see very few clients and the cost usually brings us respectful, clean, well educated men who appreciate our services. It works well. My OP was just inquiring about advertising/shopping trends impacted by new media.


    That makes perfect sense, and ultimately you’re in control as to what your sessions entail and with whom. I just included that when you mentioned “is it just is“.


    Having a niche can definitely be an edge. And there’s definitely a demand for two guys. I do think it comes down to location too.


    I am currently in a conservative Midwest town and try to keep travels going every 2 to 3 weeks. Just one full 1 month here can be excruciating. As long as I keep my travels going, I can keep my money up. But when I stay too long, things starts looking rough real quick. I’ve been looking to move to Saint Louis because I seem to get a lot more biz there than KC, but Saint Louis and especially Kansas City, seems to have a “I’ll book you properly the first time, but then bail on the 2nd meet” mentality. So I’m going to have to make sure that’s not going to be a pattern before I set any roots there.


    People in Kansas City do that all the time, and it gets on my last. That’s why I stay traveling, and usually stay gone for 2 to 3 weeks.

  13. Its becoming harder and harder for me to book appointments in my city. Anyone else having this issue?


    I go to Vegas once every while, even met a couple clients from the forum there. I recently spent a few days there earlier this year and really stuck around to get a feel of the city from a local perspective. In my book it’s a “go only if there’s someone specific to meet before arriving”.


    I can’t recall who told me or where I read it (though I’m inclined to think maybe a local), but it’s sometimes referred to as a playground for the straight “bros” of the world, as far as nightlife goes. So it would make sense it’d have some affect on gay life in general down there.


    But there’s also any and every kind of escort or porn star in the area...competition is fierce.


    Are you on Twitter? I know there’s a lot of Vegas guys on there who could give you a good rundown. I personally wouldn’t want to need to make regular runs to LA for business because it’s expensive for hotels, and I’d only want to drive before rush hour or at night because the traffic and mountian passes i15 can slow up trying to get anywhere on time.


    From an economic standpoint, I think Vegas has recovered from their recession period a few years ago, and now the Raiders are going to be playing there, which I feel could liven up the city even more and bring more of a “you can live here now” vibe versus just a party only destination...being that sports teams seem to bring all types.

  14. Nobody has mentioned this but It is my understanding from a few providers that I have talked with that the summer months are a slower time.


    Summer can be weird. On the one hand you have the better weather which brings more guys out to play, on the other hand you all the distractions along with it: vacations, some other businesses also being slow, and possibly would be clients doing kids/grandkids stuff.


    This month I’ve gone to 5 different cities. I was planning to include 2 more cities, but it didn’t look ideal. My up north trip coincided with the longer than usual 4th of July weekend, and it was dead from that Thursday until Monday. I find the later part of summer: August and September are better than June and July. However...I made out pretty well overall, even in Nashville which is near where @TylerandAce are based, a place that can periodically be slow...I was satisfied with what I walked away with the trip.


    I was even booked by one of the tour members of quite a famous music artist who was performing in Nashville. That’s why I don’t worry what people have to say about me, especially not on here. I’m going to be good regardless.

  15. If I wasn't 100% sure I had the urge to hire or not, or I knew I wanted, but I wasn't entirely sure on the escort, I'd be more willing to chance it at $180 an hour than I would be at $250 to $400 an hour. If I were shelling out $250-$400, I'd need almost a sure thing.




    That’s true and makes perfect sense. To a degree, price does matter. Which is why I mentioned once we start going more than $300, for a 1st time client, that may be quite a bit.


    Thats why I do the massage sites, even though it can be a bargain too sometimes. I can start someone off at 150/200 which is universally, a default donation in all markets. And if they decide (which is usually the case) they want to upgrade, they can do that too.


    But what I was trying to say is (and please note I’m not arguing at you, I’m arguing a general point)


    A) clients don’t stop hiring because of rates

    B) clients don’t stop hiring due to fear


    The decision for clients to hire is purely based on circumstances and availability. When I used to live in Orlando, majority of my clients were guys staying at resorts. Or the bi/half married types. Why? Because there’s no shortage of gay in Orlando. Even if I charged $50 for an hour of full service bareback, guys in Orlando still wouldn’t go for it, because there’s enough of that available for free already. However, most free guys aren’t willing to go to a resort 20 miles outside of the city, pay $18 to park, and all that jazz. So they called me.


    But even still: even that doesn’t matter all the time. I’ve had plenty of clients tell me about their bathhouse escapades. It’s just really down to what they need, when they need it. And that’s going to be dictated by many factors such as:


    • How open minded the demographics of a city/state
    • How accessible are other guys offering what you have
    • How much notice are gay paid websites getting in certain cities/markets

  16. Yes but-I still say it's getting to the point where escorts are pricing themselves out of the market. If a guy making 6 figures is hesitant-oh still wanting to hire-but unable to as much-then it will be less clients but at higher prices. But it seems to me there will still come a tipping point because escort fees are increasing much higher than salaries. High escort fees may drive up usage of the Hook-up apps by those inclined to hire.




    I need to clarify this. I also need to clarify @tristanbaldwin previous statement that “people don’t want to hire” because of fear of backwash, or however it was worded.


    Clients are not going to be driven to hookup apps because of escort rates. It doesn’t make sense. A client is not going to feel more or less inclined to hire at $50 an hour than $250 an hour. And hookup apps are a proven way to waste time and go to bed horny, unless you’re a stud AND can host AND travel, and in the right area, and have a few hours to spend sifting thru messages.


    I know it as fact because ever since I turned about 30 (and went ham on my body and photography), a lot of the “can you do it for $100” crowd vanished. Even on adam4adam, the site known for bargains, I get what I ask for and sometimes more. That’s not being arrogant, it just goes to show.


    Clients are also not driven away by an assertive escort who doesn't take shit from nobody. I used to be the “you’re too nice” escort, and got paid pittance. Now that I actually stand up for myself, and expect a little bit of reliability, I don’t have to beg for my rates anymore. I tell them what it is, and they pick and choose what works for them.


    The only issue with today’s advertisements, there’s more time wasters than ever. I remember my very first 3 or 4 clients from Rentboy back in 2008 in Dallas, were all serious clients. I was using blurry laptop photos with barely professional photos, but was getting far less dicking around then than I do now. I can’t even remember at one point people started calling and not being serious. Nowadays, I go to a city and 2 out of 4 of those calls are flakes. 4 out of 8 are flakes. Over the course of a month, it’s enough to drive anyone crazy!

  17. Rentmen seems to have slowed for some reason in most cities, even the A-level markets. Adam4Adam is fairly bargain basement...we are too expensive for that platform most of the time. Guys on Instagram and Twitter just want to chat ENDLESSLY and try to get you to send videos and xxx pics. So, to clients and escorts alike, what's the best platform to use now? Is it just us, or do things seem to be shifting?


    Pretty much the same as I’ve been saying all along. I’m actually finding the level of demand from Rentmen to be a bit overwhelming in many cities, however it seems to be an equal amount of real and faux types contacting from the site. At the same time, the consolidation of all escort sites to Rentmen has made it the perfect fishing pond. On both sides, for clients and escorts alike.


    However, despite some people on the forum who think I’m mentally ill (I’ve got to start using insanity pleas to my advantage now, maybe I can retire early and collect a check lol)...I’ll just go ahead and give you my sensible opinion as far as your concern re: “is it just us” from a perspective of someone who has been with many clients, over many years, in many different circumstances:


    I think you and your partner are a great duo, and I’m glad you found love with someone who is also in the business. However, my experience has shown me that if you really want to get the full benefit of your advertisement, you have to be 1 on 1. I don’t know if you guys work separately or not, but the average client is going to either be too inexperienced for a 3 way or too afraid to do a 3 way. Also, cost is going to be a factor. I don’t know how much you guys charge, but if it’s more than $300, that’s also going to tip the scales of a 1st time client as well.


    Me personally, as much as I love 3 ways and such, I had to learn that the best results are going to be when you go at it alone. Porn videos seem to convey the idea that 3, 4, 5 way scenes are what people want...it’s simply not true. It’s a fantasy if anything. Most clients want to meet 1 on 1. I remember a time I took down all my selfie porn videos, and my response rate went up.


    As an example: around this time last week, I did a 3 way with a client and another Black dude who had a banging body (I add emphasis because generally when a client hires me in a 3 som, it’s 99.99% another black guy...so hypothetically, if I were to work with someone, it would most likely be another Black or possible Latino guy) who just “happened” to be there when I arrive. I knew he was there because the client told me. However, trying to do the session almost didn’t work. The client wasn’t communicating what he was wanting, and the other dude was more into me than the client.


    The client was about to send me home with $250 for 5 minutes, but I mitigated the situation...I had to refocus attention on the client, and essentially lead the other guy to what the client was wanting. Which was getting dicked down by 2 BBCs.


    The next day, the client reached out to me and said how much fun he had, but next time he wanted to do it 1 on 1. So that’s the thing, if you want the full benefit, you want to shine on your own. Both of you can still work together, but shine on your own.

  18. @tristanbaldwin I could see if you came to me in private and suggested that, but whether you think it’s funny or not to pull the “mental case” card, shows you digressing to a level that I really didn’t expect of you. I’m quite disappointed that you would even stoop to that level. If you truly cared about me “getting help”, you would have contacted me in private...because you have my contact, instead of jumping on the bandwagon and trying to humiliate me. Which is what you’ve done. And FYI, I am medically well taken care of. As I’ve said to others: unless you have a degree and license in making medical diagnosis, it’s best you leave it to the professionals. You are stepping outside of your expertise, my friend. That makes you lose integrity in the process.


    @Trick , I’m done talking to you. Your last post was not read. At this point you’re just baiting an argument, and you’re not going to get it from me.


    And I can care less as to whether someone thinks having a backbone equates to blackmail. I’ve explained the situation already. I’m not going to keep going back over and over explaining that it was not a “give me money or else”, but more of a “he contacted me with a monetary offer but yet had no intention of paying, knowing that my ad is a paid ad.” On top of that, why would this person send nude pics to me, if his intent was not good anyway?


    And he was the one who volunteered he has kids in college. So my question to him was: So how do you think they would feel, knowing you’re over here carrying on this way: making fake appointments and sending dick pics to male providers? There was no blackmail: I didn’t ask for those dick pics, he sent them to me.


    It would be blackmail if I asked for dick pics, and then said “gimme money, or else”, subtracted from how he bullshitted me for over 50 minutes with over 20 messages and almost caused me to get into an accident by texting and driving. That’s why I said what I had to say, and I don’t take it back not 1 bit. And he still paid me and wished me well.


    Some men need someone to train them, that’s its not right to be a flake. Too many keep quiet to the flakes how their behavior affected them and could have possible caused harm. Nobody tells flakes how their behavior is unacceptable. Granted...you have the TRUE people out there who may be obsessive compulsive, but I’m not referring to them. I’m referring to your average Joe who uses Grindr/A4A and Rentmen for no other reason but for sport and game.


    Not every flake requires discipline, and most times it’s not worth the energy. But if you’re telling me you have 2 kids in college yet you screwing around with me: If he can raise responsible kids, he has enough sense to be a responsible human being when reaching out to me. Period.

  19. OH YES I DO


    My realtor found me a house I LIKED at the location I PICKED.


    The car dealership found me a car with the make and model I LIKED.


    My favorite restaurant serves me the food I ENJOY eating


    My favorite escorts interact with me in ways that I LIKE, they give me experiences I ENJOY, and they stay in hotels and locations I’M COMFORTABLE WITH.




    The realtor, car dealership, and restaurant staff don’t feel like I’m bullying them around, they’re happy they’re providing the best service they have to offer. I can’t see why an escort would feel otherwise.


    OH NO YOU DON’T. You sound like a spoiled brat of a client. You got it twisted up. It’s not the escort’s responsibility to revolve around your pompous demand before you even met them.


    Remember: people still have to travel miles out the way to go to car dealerships (especially if you’re talking foreign car dealerships which are mainly only in he big cities...I knew a client who traveled from Salt Lake City to Albuquerque to buy a BMW)


    You still have to travel to THE LOCATION OF WHERE THE RESTAURANT IS. To get your food right. You don’t ask Ruth Chris to move closer to you. Ruth Chris is going to set up shop where they choose to.


    YOU STILL HAVE TO GO TO WHEREVER THAT REAL ESTATE OFFICE IS. You don’t say, “oh that’s too far, can you move your real estate office closer to me?” I used to work in. Real Estate office run by Jewish: They were in downtown Miami. People got their butts up and traveled in horrendous Miami traffic to go to work or have meetings


    The problem with attitudes like that: you have an superiority complex. You think escorts are below you, and should therefore do everything how you want it to be. News flash: it’s not. And stop trying to veer so far off the topic: it’s about which HOTEL an escort is in. Not about the SERVICE or food or color or home he provides.


    And if you really want to know the truth: 99% of my clients don’t demand for shit, they tell me to do whatever I want to do with them.



  20. “What is this ‘Priceline’ thing you speak of? Is it new? :p. You mean there’s deep discounted hotels out there you just have to COMMIT EARLY? And follow through? Alien language.


    Ill just leave my opinion short and sweet here: there’s absolutely no reason to conceal the name of the hotel until

    Day of appointment, as the client deserves the opportunity to consider travel time, parking rates, SAFETY of the area etc before coming there. You can still protect yourself by not giving out the room number until just before.


    This is an industry / game that requires trust. The more you extend the more you’ll receive.


    This ‘Secret squirrel’ concealing information from clients is for amateurs.


    Lest you forget; the average client has more to lose than you do, young grasshopper.


    Tristan, my man! You know I always take your advice to ❤️.


    I agree with everything you said, except it’s not always about concealing information, as it’s more of just I really don’t book hotels more than a day or 2 ahead of time. And like I explained to @VictorPowers , I really don’t have to nowadays because I find fewer people book in advance like they used to. Most people book the same or next day, even overnights and evenings. I may communicate with guys for a few days, but even then: I’ve found if I am not available the day of or the next day, they may not be available for another 2 months.


    Now...once I’m in hotel, yes, I’m going to give the information. I just don’t like to do it PRIOR to getting to a hotel for various reasons.


    I remember meeting up with Porn star Ray Dalton in Denver, over dinner. He was explaining how he was at a hotel (and it wasn’t the Ritz, but something affordable yet decent) and had some issues with the internet connectivity or something. I’ve had cases like that, where I had to checkout the hotel and go elsewhere because of some bullshit with the hotel (last weekend I had cancelled a hotel 15 minutes after checking in, because their pool looked like crap, and my boo thang visiting me, wanted a POOL.)


    That’s another reason I don’t give hotel info: I have to get there first and make sure it’s suitable. Clients get suspicious when I have to change hotels, so I only give approximate location until I’m actually in the room and happy with it.

  21. It is clear from responses like this that you will only see and do things your way so there’s no point in discussing anything further. Good luck on your business.


    It’s clear from YOUR response, that YOU only see and do things your way. I just explained to you that I get where you’re coming from, and agreed on 1 of your points. I also explained why, and gave examples in the above post that I spent 10 minutes compiling hotel prices.


    You need to stop being judgmental about where someone stays, and look at the facts. One thing I don’t do is drugs. But yet, I’ve had clients at the Warwick and upscale hotels ask if I could bring party favors. I have gone to lower end hotels, and not been asked to do so.


    And don’t wish me luck if you don’t mean it. Luck without good intent is witchcraft, and I don’t play around with that. I don’t need witchcraft to be successful, so you can keep your luck ??

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