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Posts posted by shadowcatzxxx

  1. I don't even want sex that much at this point, I'm internally screaming just to be touched and have a deep, meaningful conversation.


    BOY! Do I hear you on this score. I was incredibly (unbelievably, actually) lucky enough to find (on Grindr) an almost ridiculously handsome (and much younger) cross between a FWB and sugar baby, and we've been quarantine cuddle buddies since JUST before the full realization of the pandemic hit. So it has now been several months of almost weekly multiple-day visits, which work because he is smart, charming, and a great conversationalist in addition to being sexy as hell. And I was just thinking last week that by now, it isn't just the sex (more like making love, actually), and maybe isn't really about the sex anymore, but, precisely as you say, the ability to touch and be touched, kiss and be kissed, and have good real conversation, not just chatter. I have most definitely fallen in love with him; the feeling is not (as far as I can tell) completely reciprocal ... but he is clearly fond of me, as he keeps coming back. For however long it lasts, it is one of the ONLY things helping me through this awful time. It certainly took me a while - learning about and learning to recognize the trolls, bots, and catfishers on both Grindr and Scruff - and it ultimately did hook me up with this wonderful young man. Don't give up, don't lower your standards, and best of luck to you.

  2. Run, do not walk, to book this Latin adonis. I had a wonderful session with him in Miami in January. Its a good thing I don't live there ... if I did I would be going broke hiring him, and probably falling in love with him as well. Even more attractive in person than in his pictures because of his warm personality. Go for it (And please treat him well and with respect.)

  3. Grindr is full of those“ looking For a LTR” bots. I wish they could filter them out. So annoying. Always the same rhetoric. Do they think people won’t catch on?

    They aren't going to filter these bots out ... because Grindr is very likely the source of them. I asked some younger friends why an app would do something like this, and they looked at me like I was in kindergarten, and replied "If they catch your interest, you stay on the app longer and give thm more clicks."

  4. Excellent news @shadowcatzxxx I‘m glad you’ve found such congenial company. Enjoy him while you can.




    You never know, but life is short and meant to be enjoyed. I too met a handsome, athletic, well-educated young man. He’s much younger than me, but it works for both of us. We had a great first year together…and then the interest did not decline…6 years now.

    Thanks MscleLovr ... both for your good wishes and a hopeful example. And congratulations!!! 6 years is awesome!! (My friend is also much younger than me ... which is both delightful in many ways and challenging in other ways.) And yes, life is short ... and these days none of us know how short "short" may end up being. I'm beginning to think that living life as a series of telenovelas is better than moping around alone. My innermost self (and this isn't just my little head thinking ) dearly wishes that this might last at least until the brunt of the epidemic is past ... which is going to be at LEAST a year. If we make it that far ... your experience offers me some hope. (Its been 4 months so far, spending 3 days a week essentially under house-arrest ... and we haven't argued once yet.) I hope you continue to enjoy and be well!

  5. Same feeling. I haven't hired since march, and I don't feel the need. There are a couple of guys I'd hire, but there's no rush. But I'm lucky that I've a close friend (FWB in his late 20s) that stays overnight at my place 4-5 a week. He enjoys sleeping with me. And sex does not always happen. I think I'm lucky in that regard.

    Interesting that you seem to be lucky in the same way that I got lucky ... just before the whole pandemic thing became serious. Met an unfathomably handsome (for me) young south american guy on Grindr, interested in "daddies" and - in an early message - mentioned "generous regular." We met at a restaurant, then had an in-house date the following week. He's been coming over several nights a week ... some nights astonishingly good sex, other nights no sex. (My libido and ability to "perform" are also decreasing with age, as some other posters have noted.) His company is the best antidepressant I've ever tried. I do provide him with a monthly stipend which, although not an inconsiderable amount, is nowhere near rates escorts charge for individual weekends. He's a professional with a good company - so that "stipend" is more fun-money than necessary. He is smart, personable, and careful ... we met just in time to establish mutual trust in terms of pandemic behavior before it became essential. He is just as interested in living the rest of his life as I am in living mine. Although I would love for him to be around for much of whatever life I have left ... that may or may not be in the cards. And in the meantime, I feel INCREDIBLY, UNBELIEVABLY lucky ... as my opinions about most of the escorts who are out there these days echo the thoughts of other posters. And I sure as hell won't be hooking up with anyone I don't know enough to trust about proper pandemic behavior - which effectively eliminates just about everyone online.

  6. I can only take just so much Wagner in a short period.

    I streamed (as a new subscriber) the version of Carmen they opened with and then went WAY back to the first HD simulcast ... a version of Magic Flute with costumes and effects by Julie Taymor. AMAZING ... even though it was sung in English, which wouldn't have been my choice.

    BTW ... the Vienna Staatsoper (sp?) and the Paris Opera are both also streaming. (Lots more Wagner from Vienna, of course.)

  7. Although I’m not a fan of the mutton-chops beard he has been sporting recently, this guy is hot, fun, and very talented. Met him when he was dancing at the NYC Adonis. Like many guys, he is much better-looking (IMHO) when he is smiling. He is very energetic in bed and has an almost unbelievably talented tongue. And a very nice guy.

  8. Well, I just saw him a couple of weeks ago ... gorgeous, sexy, and charming as always ... and he did say that he was getting ready to retire. Apparently, there is some kind of serious relationship forming for him. Will miss him, for sure, but hope he enjoys his life. He's certainly brought joy into mine!

  9. I am taking one for the team later this week. Will report back but love a PM if anyone has any personal experience - good or bad!

    When is your appointment? I'm working on making one for Thursday afternoon.

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