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Posts posted by Jeeper84

  1. I'm curious as to whether or not anyone has seen this man recently and how the experience was.  He looks stunning.  You can obviously PM me if you'd like to discuss privately.  Thanks.

  2. Vin Marco - annually... be still my heart

    MacksPower - frequently (he's close by)

    Billy Herrington back in the day

    Jake Gianelli back in the day

    Colton back in the day

    Giovanni Volta - as recently as late last year

    BigMaxMuscle - probably 5 years ago

    Vinny (mentioned above) - been at least four years since we "got together"

    I've been with each of these guys several times.  Sadly, Billy and Colton have passed.  Vinny stopped seeing people a while ago, although he continued to see me for a while.  I haven't been in touch with him in a couple of years, but man, did we have some great times.

    Yeah... I kind of have a type!  💪🏻


  3. I've always wanted to meet him. I'm probably not as much into the whole submissive thing, but as his ad describes - vanilla with him in the driver seat still sounds good.  For those who know him, is he only into dominating?  Can he just be more alpa and affectionate?

  4. I met MaxME a little over a week ago in Los Angeles.  This is how it went:  I contacted him via text and he was pretty responsive.  I was upfront about what I was looking for and he was cool with it.  I asked him a few times how much he charges for his time and he always seemed to dodge the question.  Finally the day came for us to meet at an agreed upon time.  I texted that morning to confirm and he said he had other plans at the prescribed time and could I shift the time?  I explained that I was unable to do so, so he then agreed to the original time.  He then asked me if I knew the fee for his time (I felt like saying, "No because every time I ask you don't tell me," but I let it slide.  He quoted me a price of $1000.  I promptly told him that that was more than I was looking to spend.  He asked how much I was prepared to spend and I told him as much as $500.  He promptly agreed to it and then asked if I would add $60 for his travel cost.  Stupidly, I agreed.  He arrived right on time and I will say unequivocally that he is breathtaking.  Very tall, really handsome, and a flawless, muscled physique.  The experience itself sucked.  He was quite robotic and detached.  I actually had to imagine I was with someone else to get myself off.  It was awful.  He has a ton of great reviews on RM and a lot of positive commentary here as well so I am willing to accept that maybe I was the problem (although I'm not bad to look at and I know my way around a bedroom)... but it was definitely not a good experience... markedly worse that any I've had.  Fortunately, I rebounded and met up with a Colombian guy who goes by Salomonn on RMasseur: PHEE-nomenal experience and a great guy to hang with... and a body of death that he was all to happy to share with me.  He has a RMen  profile under the name YourFav.https://rent.men/YOURFAV

  5. The absolute greatest.  I see him every year when he comes to my city.  Multiple hour engagements or overnights.  His physique is to die for and his attitude is the best.  So friendly and so physical.  He and Kevin Evans (about whom I commented earlier) are the absolute best -- both of them are the only guys who've been able to make me "finish" without anything touching my member.  Truly mind-blowing.  Vin is a marvel!

  6. I've been with him three times, the last time in January.  This guy is AWESOME.  He's very handsome, super interactive, and is built like a marble statue.  Hard as a rock from head to toe, very muscular (he's also a personal trainer), and incredibly kind and easy to be with.  Whenever I stay over in Boston, I see him.  

  7. Kevin Evans is my absolute "go-to" when I go to NYC.  I can't say enough good things about him.  I've hung out with him three times and will certainly do so again - saw him as recently as February 2024..  Postively stunning physically (and handsome!)... tall, strong, built, and an AMAZING kisser.  He's very passionate and focused on me whenever I am with him.  And if you like BIG, full pecs, you'll love him - and he loves having them played with/licked.  On top of it all, he is a very nice guy and totally worth it in my book.

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