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Posts posted by Jay_lucas

  1. Unfortunately, I have got stiffed a few times, including a guy that flew me out to Texas for a three day weekend and never paid me. An Overnight situation like that I think it’s fair to ask for  50% upfront ( because of issues like this). Then the rest when I’m there. I tend to not want to ask for the payment upfront when I meet a client because I don’t want them to feel uncomfortable, but I always tell them if they feel like getting out of the way just leave it on the nightstand. 
    but at the end of the day, I want my clients to feel comfortable, enjoy themselves, and also not have to worry about anything. Rentmen.com  Onlyfans.com Twitter

  2. On 3/14/2024 at 5:09 AM, Guest said:

    Welcome, @Jay_lucas! As a client I pay deposits for travel, typically only the cost of the flight because I prefer hosting. Otherwise, I’m never asked and I don’t pay them. I endeavor to be respectful of a provider and his time, but admit I’ve cancelled a few times. In those instances, I’ve been able to give several day’s notice, which hopefully mitigated the inconvenience. 

    Sorry for the delay. I missed your message.  I agree with that. Unfortunately I had an issue in 2021 where a client flew me out to TX for a three night weekend and never paid me anything. I do take responsibility for that, because it does go back to my question should I get ask for a deposit so I don’t get messed up financially. I’m fine with clients not giving me one if I know they are serious and not going to just waste our time. 


    a lot of people forget  it’s not just mine time , it’s OUR time together and I want both parties to be respectful of it. It sucks haha 

  3. On 3/22/2024 at 4:16 AM, APPLE1 said:

    @Jay_lucasTake at least some mollification from the 'above 30' line. Reading that was the motivator for me to look at your profile and see if you were close! And I am sure I am not the only one who took more interest after reading that.

    Thank you, babe . Yeah I don’t pay attention to people who are rude. They will have their opinions.  I know my worth

  4. On 3/14/2024 at 8:06 PM, MCR said:

    I don't suppose that people flaking might be that your pics look like you're older than 30?


    Personally, I don't like deposits. Have had people not show up after giving one. 

    Well, you’re entitled to your opinion but please be respectful. I am 30 and I’m a furry man and guys my page tend to not be hairy.  A lot of my clients say u look better than my pictures in person. 

  5. 8 minutes ago, Jarrod_Uncut said:

    By all means, if you choose to…just know your decision to post this was well appreciated. Understanding both the escort and client sides and mending the divide between paying and not paying deposits, is something that is going to be a factor in the future of advertising and something I hope can be more widely accepted. 

    I do agree with some things you said in is. It will be interesting to watch how rentmen is in a few years. I strongly do believe they need a feature that pays the provider if Clients cancel or flake . 

  6. Someone please help me how to close this topic , please. I don’t want anyone to fight if you don’t agree with a deposit because of a lot of cancellations that’s fine do you have your opinion and everyone else has their opinion I don’t want anyone fighting on here 

  7. 41 minutes ago, Trick said:

    Let’s see who needs this more, Jarrod or Trick

    Jarrod:  Has been insisting on requiring deposits for sessions for years, but still always complains about flakes and time wasters.  Deposits haven’t solved his problem with flakes.  Always unhappy with his escorting experience.


    Trick:  Has NEVER sent a deposit for years; has met the likes of Tristan Baldwin, Mike Gaite, Cade Maddox, and lots of other well-reviewed providers who don’t require deposits. Very happy with his hiring experience.


    Who needs it more?

    Hey, can you please just keep it civil I appreciate everyone’s feedback, but please don’t fight on this. Thank you 🙏 ❤️http://Rentmen.com/JAY_LUCAS

  8. 3 minutes ago, pubic_assistance said:

    Welcome and you've now heard from our single member who is pro deposit @Jarrod_Uncut 

    I'm sure you'll hear (a LOT) more on the subject from him if you keep following this (endless) conversation.


    I appreciate it . Of course I have my own opinion and I do believe we should ask for a deposit when traveling because it does cover the cost of our trip/hotel if we get a deposit but I just wanted to get feedback from other providers and Clients .

  9. 1 hour ago, BenjaminNicholas said:


    Your opener is a question that's been asked multiple times weekly with a plethora of searchable threads at your disposal.

    Might I also recommend using a clickable link when posting your socials.

    Posting when upset, especially here, is not in your best interests.  Take a breath.

    Thanks for the advice. I’m new so thanks for the advice 

  10. Hey everybody, my name is Jay. You can find my profile at rentmen.com/jay_lucas 

    I just wanted to come on here and say, I found out out this site and thought I would introduce myself, but also talk about a topic. A lot of my regular clients. I don’t require a deposit because we have an understanding of when we’re going to meet. But a lot of New Clients lately I haven’t asked for a deposit upon meeting and  a lot of clients that I don’t ask for a deposit, they end up flaking on me. I’m in Columbus Ohio right now and I had a client scheduled at 12  pm for 3 hours and didn’t show up then blocked me after agreeing to meet with me for weeks. That’s not only is going to affect me financially it’s gonna affect my day. I just wanted to know what your thoughts were on deposits and do you think it’s fair for providers to get one 


    also, I would recommend people to avoid the guy who flaked on me : rentmen.com/Hornyfortop



    Thank you guys please give me a warm welcome

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