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Posts posted by instudiocity

  1. I'll confess, when I go to the grocery store, I always get the the check out lane with the cutest guy. Today was no exception and I've check out and checked out with this guy before.


    But today, when I held out my hand for my change and receipt, he cupped my hand with his left hand while using his right hand to put my change in my palm. It was an unexpected thrill. :)

    Maybe he thought your hand was shaking too much, so he steadied it while depositing the change in it?


    Closest story I can tell happened to me is when I took my 88 year old neighbor (I was 48) to an Italian restaurant. Our waiter, a real cutie to begin with, would squat down beside our table to talk with us. He was very chatty and frequently during conversation would place his hand on my thigh and stroke up and down while laughing during the conversation. If only my neighbor could have gotten home without me!

  2. It wasn't a call for dick.... it was call before dig.


    Might not translate to print or in the telling, but it cracked me up

    Reminds me of a Glen Campbell song, "Dick is always on my mind, Dick is always on my mind."

  3. That is why I think that universities should prohibit any association in any way with any type of "fraternity" and that a college be allowed to expel or discipline a student if it finds out the student is living somewhere that is considered a fraternity. While I agree hazing will go on at all times and everywhere, a university does not have to enable it.

    There's a whole lotta good that comes out of Greek organizations on campus. Don't throw the organization out because some soil the bath water.

  4. What a horrifying waste of life = What kind of creatures is our society raising


    that so many could stand by and do nothing for so long - and watch someone die . . .


    -- A Star Athlete and Top Student a Beautiful young man whose engineering talent might have


    provided multiple advances to the cause of humanity. I have not been able to confirm but have


    been told by sources in Jersey that the family is related to retired Pro Athlete Mike Piazza but


    they did not want to advertise the connection to keep the focus on their son.



    I agree wholeheartedly with your sentiments. These sentiments are also the reason I oppose abortions, btw. We don't know who these people will be or how they can contribute to our world, their lives are extinguished far to early.
  5. Your post made me chuckle. Crisco was the "go to" lube of choice for gay men back in the 70s and 80s. Like your cousin I had a small can of Crisco on the floor under my bed. How times have changed.

    Yours was small, his was GALLON SIZE and almost empty when I used some.

  6. I didn't pay close attention to the details, but some news reports were saying that Fed regulations / policies are more flexible / different with kids in certain circumstances....but also perhaps, airlines can have their own individual policies for this exact situation.

    Maybe you are correct, but the passenger manifests are passed through a security check within 24 hours of departure to ascertain that none of the passengers are on watch lists. At some point, the manifest is locked and the only way you can 'unlock' it is to go back through TSA procedures. Another interesting wrinkle is if you walk up to a ticket counter and buy a same day, one-way ticket - no matter who you are, you're getting the "full anal" TSA security once over.


    Once the facts come out, if they do, this father who chose to send one child back earlier and then appropriated that child's seat for the 2 year old failed to do something or ignored doing something. Since infant-in-arms don't have a ticket but are listed on the manifest, that 2 year old was already on the plane. The fact that he was in a car seat in his sibling's seat and the named sibling for that seat wasn't there, set the airline up for this customer service fiasco.


    My money is on the father refusing to pay a $200 change fee to register the name of the 2 year old for that seat? Or maybe the airline wanted him to buy the seat again once he put the first kid on the earlier flight. Who knows? But Daddy-o probably caused these issues and certainly he didn't follow procedure and got his tit in the wringer.

  7. If there was a contractual obligation, it was for United to let him on that flight. It's not clear that he was under any obligation to get off the plane after he had boarded. Everyone agrees that they could have denied him boarding initially. But they didn't; they tried to revoke his boarding after they had already collected his ticket and sat down on the plane, which is a different thing.

    Don't argue with me about it, argue with the Rules of Carriage written by the airline in compliance with Federal aviation mandates...


    Ya gotta keep in mind, "failure to follow a flight attendant's instructions" is a Federal crime. I don't remember any Federal crimes being adjudicated between rows 15 and 16 on any commercial airliner. You can have your day in court, but not while you're disobeying the duly constituted authority that's telling you what to do.

  8. Not sure how any of this has anything to do with getting through TSA, but as far as the rest, it's a price I'm willing to pay. The airlines' practice of over booking flights has gotten crazy. The bartering that takes place before you get onboard has become so commonplace that we take it for granted. I would like to know that once I finally get on the damn plane I am all set -- unless I choose to take a good offer.
    What you are going to see is, "NO ONE WILL GET ON THE PLANE" until they've eliminated any overbooking. And just like the FAA late arrivals report, the airlines will bump in another 15 minutes to the schedule so they will look good with their on-time reports.


    Last year, I flew Delta into LAX 6 times. Once we arrived, we sat with the plane stopped on a taxiway no less than 30 minutes and as long as 1:30 waiting for a clear gate. I calculated I spent 4.5 hours in the penalty box for "early" arrivals. According to Delta and the OTP gurus, the plane arrived On-Time all six times. Seems sitting on the ground unable to exit for 4.5 hours is OK to the data gurus, if the airline performed to it's schedule.


    Get this, flight time from LAX to SLC is 2:10, but actual flight time is 1:30. Flights from LAX to OAK are 1:30 while actual flight time is 0:54 minutes. Who are they trying to kid? The extra minutes in their itinerary are strictly to play the data game with On Time Performance.


    So now, the airlines will build in extra time on the front end of the schedule so they can change the way they deal with overbooking. Trust me, no airline and no government administrator is going to allow a plane to fly with empty seats if there is a butt for that bucket. Over-booking will continue, or airline seat pricing will rise. Either way, we, the travelers lose.


    The only other answer is a traveler loses all their money when they miss a flight because the airlines will not lose money, intentionally.

  9. And yet... his histrionics and act of civil disobedience is going to get him a large payout and has forced the airlines to change their policies regarding booting off passengers who have already boarded. Yeah, he's a real dummy. :confused:

    And you and I shall pay him every dime. Increased costs through higher airfares, higher insurance costs, not to mentioned the costs of our time negotiating our way through TSA, airline boarding schemes and a general slowdown in how we travel by air.


    Dr Hao was belligerent and we are rewarding him.

  10. Trust me, I know all about Catholicism. I'm a Filipino. Can't get anymore Catholic than that. That's why I question all the Bible's teaching and everything about the religion. Is there a God? Possibly. There maybe a higher being that created it all.

    Me thinks Catholicism is a religion unto its on without necessarily invoke the God of the Bible.

  11. Nonsense. What was unreasonable about politely but firmly ( as evidenced by later passenger videos) refusing to comply with an unreasonable request. No attempt at character assignation can muddy the basic facts.

    Yes, and I will line up to see a 69 year old MD who is allowed practice 1 day per week under supervision of the state medical board.


    Dude's elevator doesn't get past the first floor.

  12. One driver I chatted with told me he prefers the riders from Lyft. Lots of crazy drunk kids use Uber apparently.
    they told me Beverly Hills is Uber country while WeHo is Lyft country.
  13. A Lyft driver recently told me that he wouldn't find out how much I tipped. Maybe he meant that he wouldn't find out immediately.


    I don't see my rating; is it visible to me somewhere? I also don't see how to change my music preference, so maybe I just don't know how to use the app.

    You have to request it. Or flirt it out of your driver.

  14. But the app doesn't tell the driver until he's arrived at your pickup stop

    Right. Uber/Lyft know where you're going and how much it will costs. But the driver doesn't know where until you are picked up.


    This keeps the drivers from cherry picking the higher dollar value rides.

  15. I guess you don't have a family so that you seldom go to the supermarket for shopping. It is very inconvenient if you don't have your own car.
    I live less than a mile from a Ralph's Supermarket. If I don't want to schlep it home, I can Uber home for about $3
  16. I'm told a lot of passengers don't tip and the drivers are getting pretty pissed off at non-tipper because they have taken a couple pay cuts due to Uber cutting fares. The drivers I know will rate a passenger lower for non-tipping and when it comes to pickups will only pick up higher rated passengers figuring a lower rated won't tip
    I almost NEVER tip an Uber driver. I was recently advised by an Uber driver that I have a 4.9 Star rating.


    Recently, when getting picked up from LAX on an Uber Pool (sharing the ride with another rider), I had a call from the Uber driver, who told me that Uber didn't allow Pool riders from LAX. I hung up on the call, canceled my ride with him, resubmitted for another Uber Pool and spend $16 bucks getting from LAX to Studio City (24 miles along I-405).


    I use Uber and Left. I open both apps, put in my destination and choose the lowest price between the two. I use Pool or Lyft's Lyft Line (shared ride) frequently also.


    Yesterday, I rode Uber Pool from Studio City, 4 miles to downtown Hollywood. 21 minute ride, $6.10 fare. No one shared the ride.


    I haven't owned my own car now for over 2 years. I use Uber/Lyft, ride the Metro busses and subways, and rent cars when I need to make a business trip. Last year, I spent $330 on Uber/Lyft, $120 on Metro buses and subways, and $3,500 on rental cars. Less than $4,000 to accommodate all my ground transportation needs, no car insurance, no maintenance, no downtime on my vehicle. I traveled well over 25,000 miles.

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