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Posts posted by instudiocity

  1. Oh come on. When I was a young child, people of my grandparent's generation used all kinds of old-fashioned words and expressions. We all understood them, we just didn't use them ourselves.

    My grandmother said upon exiting the grocery, "Prices in there are high as a cat's back!"


    i still imagine the prices rising as she walked past the shelves just as a cat's back arches. Before and after Granny walked by the prices were normal, but as she walked past they rose 50% or so.

  2. I had my annual physical yesterday, with my PCP whom WOW, (walks on water). We both good heartedly banter about a number of issues when we meet. On the inside of his exam door, he had the cover of a recent Time magazine: "Eat Butter." As I left, he gave me a copy of what the docs are passing out to patients as they leave clinics in my network. There are many comments, so I'll pick out a few. Interesting, and such an abrupt turn a round.


    1)Eat MORE natural whole food fats (even saturated) (such as in butter, (non-hydrogenated lard, bacon, sausage, olive oil, tree-nut oils, heavy cream, full fat cheese, full whole milk yogurt, avocado, eggs (any, including red meat, pork, fowl, fish, wild game)--stay AWAY from "low fat or non-fat."


    2)**(AVOID man made/processed fat: margarine, safflower/canola/vegtable/peanut/soybean/corn oils, Crisco (crystalized cottonseed oil) store bought mayonnaise)--These CAUSE heart disease, stroke, and CANCER. These fats when heated break down into checmicals, including FORMALDEHYDE!


    3) Eat more like you grand--parents ate----they didn't have margarine, Crisco, or other vegtable oilproducts, didn't eat anywhere near the sugar and white flower products that we consume, and ate more natural whole food fat.


    There is more, but some of the highlights. Looks like like food tide is changing again!!! I have been seeing these articles pop up recently here and there, but it appears we may be seeing more of the research studies. Credible I sure hope!

    I've followed these suggestions the last 7-10 years. Get back to what's natural and moderate the amount I eat. Butter is soo much better than margarine, etc.


    I haven't seen this. I'm wondering why they are saying stay away from low-fat items. Eating more natural foods and less processed food is more difficult for some, but much better for your health and IMO much better in terms of taste.
    if you start checking the ingredients, you'll see that the substitute for fat in low-fat items is usually a man-altered sugar, like high-fructose corn syrup. Lowering fats in food ruins their flavor, so why not stick some sugar in there? It's still low-fat! NOT!


    I'm curious as to one's thoughts on coconut oil.
    I'm all FOR coconut oil, especially in my popcorn! But Moderation is key.


    my health "guru" (mentioned above) highly recommends coconut oil instead of butter or olive oil....I still use olive oil for stuff like pasta-cooking water, but now use coconut oil for most "greasing" of a pan stuff....coconut oil has become a bit "trendy" lately, but may be good stuff.....big plastic jug of it at Costco is cheap!!.....careful: it has a strangely high liquid-to-solid temperature!!!
    I stopped the olive oil in pasta cooking water - Olive Oil is 120 calories per table spoon. That's a sneaky way to make a 400 calorie dish of pasta into 600-700 calories. I save the Olive Oil for the pasta sauce!
  3. Well, it's that time of the year again.

    As the High Holy Days are almost upon us, Bozo is in search of that elusive hot Jewish escort offering a Rosh Hashana discount or even a 25% off sale for making it thru the Yom Kippur fast.



    You anticipating gaining a discount from those cut for religious reasons during the High Holy Days?



  4. (Thank god it is't his finger on the launch button!)

    It might be time for our enemies to believe one of us would finger the button... remember Teddy Roosevelt? Speak softly and carry a big stick. Where's our big stick?

  5. I was born in Atlanta Georgia a few weeks after the civil war ended (bad luck how that ended eh?)

    Anyway, I know many of you may be or have family who may be fans of country music. You are probably familiar with the big hits like STAND BY YOUR MAN and such.

    Well, I thought you might be interested in the top ten Country music hits you may not have heard of.

    Here They are.........

    Top Ten Country Western Songs...

    Don't forget Honorable Mention - "I Found A Cadillac Of A Woman In The Back Seat Of My Chevy"

  6. Btw, Bozo T Clown wants to make sure he's Jewish escort is "foreskin free", if he's not foreskin free he ain't Jewish at all, go tell him that, just to be fair... LOL
    I agree with Bozo, circumcision is to Jewish conversions what baptism is to Baptist conversions.
  7. I remember his bunny outfit too, not Playboy bunny but an Easter style one.

    I'll send you a PM about the other part of your posting, I'd rather not saying it on here.

    McSpider, you're replying to a post from 7/20/12, in thirteen months surely verymarried has learned what he needed or lost interest.

  8. He smokes like a chimney. Not in my presence, though. But there was more than a whiff of tobacco about, and "man odor" as well. Sort of a turn on, sort of not.
    But hey, if he's sticking cigarettes in his mouth, HE'LL STICK ANYTHING IN THERE!
  9. I’m convinced that as a child I was what clinicians today would call A.D.D. (Attention Deficit Disorder). When I was in elementary school my mother would rap me on the back of the head, tell be to sit down, settle down, shut up, and do my homework. Now to the relief of many of parents A.D.D. has been determined to be a disease. Thus working parents are relieved from the responsibility of disciplining, and overseeing major aspects of their child’s upbringing. Their child has a disease and therefore society and the schools are required to accept responsibility for addressing the child’s problem. After having successfully taught high school for thirty six wonderful years I’m convinced that many of the diseases discovered during the last fifty years have been the creative product of the active minds of PhD. psychology candidates. We now have a virtual alphabet soup of new and exciting diseases. The unfortunate result of these discoveries is that parents are assuming less and less responsibility for their children’s upbringing and are transferring those responsibilities to the schools and other government institutions. The results are not pretty. A good number of public school children are over medicated and out of control. I really don’t understand why parents should be relieved from the responsibility of bringing up their own children.


    Now as regards obesity I feel much the same way. Many complain that their obesity is not caused by poor personal choices but rather by the fact that they have a disease. Once it is determined that they have a disease and are ill personal responsibility for their actions is eliminated. It isn’t their fault that they are obese – they are ill and society MUST take responsibility for curing them. Thus we see Mayor Bloomberg in New York attempting to regulate the size of sugary drinks people may buy. We hear dietary activists attempting to have the government force fast food purveyors eliminate supersizing. One elementary school principal in Los Angeles Unified School Districts attempted to ban home lunches. She claimed that school lunches were healthier and thus the children should be forced to eat them. Fortunately she lost that battle. We hear these same arguments when it comes to alcoholism and drug addiction.


    Now I’m going to say some things that will undoubtedly send some of you ballistic so get ready to come and get me. This entire line of thinking is pure BULL SHIT. People need to take responsibility for their own choices and actions and not expect society to take care of them. I know the term “Nanny State has been overworked but I am terrified by the idea that that is exactly what the U.S. is becoming and what the long term results will be.


    The MacDonald’s sugar in the buns comment brings to mind a story a friend told me many years ago. He and his wife were visiting Budapest, Hungary for the first and decided that they needed a MacDonald fix. While eat their burgers a very well dressed gentleman approached an introduced himself as the MacDonald’s Vice-President for European operations. He simply wanted to inquire if they found the Budapest food the same as at home. As they talked he told them that hardest part of the MacDonald burger to duplicate abroad was the bun. When they first started operations in Great Britain they went to an established bakery and gave the baker their recipe for the buns. He immediately complained that there was too much sugar in the recipe. The MacDonald people said never mind that was how they wanted it. For several months things went along fine but then people began to complain about the bun. When the baker was asked if he had changed the recipe he readily admitted that he had cut the amount of sugar in the dough. They requested that he return to their recipe which he did but again after several months the same problem arose. MacDonald ended up terminating their contract with the baker and decided that they would have to set up someone, who was NOT a baker, in business to produce their bun and that is exactly what they did.


    A brief personal anecdote. For most of my adult life, I think I qualified as massively obese (5'7" and 240#). Then, about 7 years ago (long after I'd given up even trying to lose weight), I started a hobby that called for more activity and thinking about things besides food (and the obvious "other"). I started to lose without noticing. Finally, I noticed and started doing things like keeping a food diary, eating slower, portion control, stairs--no elevator, parking far away from stores--you get the idea. It wasn't easy, but I started to believe that it was possible. It took over a year, and I did have one severe electrolyte imbalance, but it was amazing how much better I felt overall--especially, in my case, orthopedic-ally. I hadn't even realized how compromised I had been. Long story short: today I weighed 119#. I watch what and how much I eat. I eat slowly. I never eat out of habit or continue to eat just because others are eating. Did I have a disease that I recovered from? For me, it seems to have been mainly in my head. Something as simple as observing my eating habits really made a difference.


    True enough, and a classic example of marketing. Pepperidge farm markets and packages its product as something that is a healthy product, it is not. Which is why eating healthy and cheaper than a 'Fast Food Meal' takes time, planning, reading, and education.


    As ISC mentions, it is absolutely possible to eat cheaper than a fast food meal, but it is not easy. It's a fallacy that you can't. You have to read the labels, think about what you are buying, plan your meals, educate yourself, consider alternatives and as he also says, which is really a very important observation...STAY ON THE PERIMETER of the store....


    DISCLAIMER: This is not directed at you Seek..lol..it is just some thoughts I had on the subject.


    For a small percentage of people, yes obesity is a disease. For most people, it's simply a matter of bad lifestyle choices....eating too much, eating garbage, exercising too little or some combination of all of the above.


    I think it's very dangerous to classify obesity as a disease as it tends to encourage people to just come up with an excuse "oh, I have a disease" versus coming up with solutions. Again, there are exceptions for those small number of individuals who have legitimate issues (e.g. hormonal imbalances, metabolic disorders, etc).


    I was classified as morbidly obese all my childhood and well into adulthood. Topping out at 303 lbs, at 5'6." Psychologically I had reached my limit. It was as I said to someone, "my first addiction." Also, I finally started to live what I believe to be my simple truth. Weight loss is a matter of intake and output. For over 15 years I have maintained a wt in the low 120's. Did I believe that I had a disease? With no impulse control, and of course using food for all the wrong reasons, perhaps someone could have classified me with some kind of disorder. Do I believe that it should be classified as such? No, EXCEPT if by doing so, it can set people up with certain basic premises of weight loss, exercise, and nutrition.


    Every ONE of these responses are AWESOME!


    Thank YOU!

  10. Where did you get the information that the AMA "pushes pills" rather than encourage healthful lifestyles?



    That article doesn't even mention the AMA--or obesity. It doesn't even discuss whether or not physicians talk about healthful lifestyles. It has essentially nothing to do with your statement.

    How do 70% of the people get those prescriptions? Who's prescribing all those 'scripts?


    Without even considering the number of individuals who are not covered by health insurance in the equation, 70% of the population taking prescriptions, 20% of whom take 5 or more prescriptions - the AMA, medical doctors in general are prescribing pills instead of consulting, counseling and teaching their patients how to change their behaviors.

  11. There's sugar in most bread. HTH
    Allow me to elucidate my point about McDonald's adding sugar to their buns. I'm not speaking of the naturally occurring sugars in the grains used to make the bread through the reaction of the yeast with those grain sugars. I am saying that PAST THAT NATURALLY OCCURRING SUGAR, McDonalds adds raw sugar (maybe they've switched to high fructose corn syrup) to increase the addiction kids have to MickeyD's food. They are doping their buns with sugar for a chemically enhanced flavor profile that pleases their customers. HTH
  12. We know what's good and bad for us to eat and it is up to us to make a choice but what if we can't afford vegetables and have to end up at McDonald's over and over again. You can easily tell a wealthy family by simply looking at the wife, if she's in shape, it's very likely to be an upper class family. Have you notice that redneck wives are usually fat?
    i can buy vegetables to feed four for a day on the price of one super sized McDonald's meal. It's a matter of priority of convenience over preparation.


    Where did you get the information that the AMA "pushes pills" rather than encourage healthful lifestyles?
  13. I understand your point of view but in the USA usually fat people are also poor, the cheapest food is usually the unhealthiest choice. If you go to Appalachia and our cities ghettos you'll see a lot of overweight children.


    We know what's good and bad for us to eat and it is up to us to make a choice but what if we can't afford vegetables and have to end up at McDonald's over and over again. You can easily tell a wealthy family by simply looking at the wife, if she's in shape, it's very likely to be an upper class family. Have you notice that redneck wives are usually fat?

    I would submit that it's more an educational issue about the correct dietary lifestyle. McDonald's isn't cheaper than a home-cooked meal. It's not lower in calories nor healthier. It's more convenient. Hell, MickeyD's puts SUGAR in their buns!


    Along with the education comes understanding that frying foods is unhealthy. Another point is that fresh vegetables are less expensive than frozen or processed vegetable, but they require home-cooking because no restaurant can make money selling fresh veggies for 3 times the store price. But fried and processed foods are the worst thing you could eat.


    One rule of thumb I like to use is only shop on the perimeter of the supermarket. Think about the way most stores are set up, fresh produce along the wall yielding to fresh dairy to fresh butchering to fresh bakery. All that crap in the center of the store is the PROFITABLE stuff - processed, frozen and marked up.

  14. Obesity a disease?


    I would like to hear specially for all the obese guys on here, and know if they agree it's a disease or not.

    I would say that's too broad a definition - My judgement is that Obesity is a common result of a multitude of diseases.


    One person's hormonal disorder resulting in overeating isn't the next person's metabolic disorder resulting in an inability to burn calories efficiently. Some people observed to be obese are later found to have tumors causing the obese appearance.


    That said, the AMA is in my mind one of the biggest perpetuators of obesity. Rather than coaching us to exercise more, count calories, figure out our personal body types and how we react to certain foods, the AMA tends to push pills.


    Thankfully, my endocrinologist cusses and yells at me to get more exercise and cut down on my portions all the time. What my 25 year old godson can eat in one meal is a full day's calorie count for this 57 year old. But his metabolism is higher, he needs more calories than I do.


    It's the curse of our prosperity that we can afford more food (calories) more often and once we've built our appetite through our early years, it is hard for us see a regular burger as sufficient when we could be doing the 1/3 pounder.

  15. It is my preference to consider discrimination stupid.


    It doesn't matter what you understand or agree with - people who provide goods and/or services to the public aren't allowed to make discriminatory or predjudicial calls. If you are paying for sex, well that is illegal in most jurisdictions, and breaking anti-discrimination laws wouldn't really matter. If you are paying for nothing but the TIME of an escort offering his services to the public - sorry but it is not legal to refuse service on the basis of any protected category, period. So no- they wouldn't have to have sex with anyone they wouldn't want to have sex with but any escort refusing to spend time with any client in a protected class would be in violation of the law. I am not agreeing with it or saying it makes sense to force an escort to make an appointment with anyone he couldn't perform with -- its just what it is-- the law. Try posting an apartment for rent ad in your local newspaper and state a preference for white folks only or that you descriminate against non Christians or that people with over 8 inch cocks only need apply and see for yourself.

    And if you so choose to consider discrimination in and of itself without the legalese, stupid - go right ahead, stupid.


    And if you so choose to file a complaint against a sex-worker for discriminating against you in their preferences, go right ahead. I believe the agency for filing such complaint is the Federal Court system. And if you are so cross with me that you'd say a sex-worker who has contrary preferences to their client should still spend the hour with the client - not having sex and collecting the hourly rate, with total disregard to the consequences of an angered client filing a negative review, I can add another item to your stupid list (double entendré intended)!

    So far as your example of the apartment for rent, it doesn't fly. Discrimination in apartment rentals occur frequently. Consider an ad for an apartment that charges a monthly rent amount but not showing a security deposit amount. The landlord may freely adjust the amount of the security deposit based on credit checks, pets and his very own whim so that he makes it more advantageous for the preferred renter than for the less desirable applicants. And unless the denied applicant files a complaint, no one will ever investigate the landlord's basis for the disproportionate security deposit amounts.


    I have seen landlords in my neighborhood go from calm, mild-mannered nice people to total flipped out whackos when an undesirable candidate for tenancy even looked at an apartment. That might explain some reviews where the escort "appeared to be on something", "acted strangely" and my favorite, didn't "put me at ease." We only find out about those when someone writes a review.


    Things are not always as they appear, and the laws of the land often go unenforced. So go ahead and complain about escorts discriminating according to their personal preferences - see what that gets you, stupid.

  16. I think you're taking issue with the use of the term "discrimination" because you're misunderstanding its meaning. Both examples you've provided are, in fact, discrimination. More specifically, they're examples of racial discrimination. However, the lunch counter is what's known as impermissible discrimination because it's done in the offering of commercial or professional services to the public, while picking one's romantic & sexual partners has always been thought of as permissible discrimination for the reasons you've touched upon. Admittedly, what escorts do straddles the fence between these areas.
    No, I think I understand the meaning of the word, discrimination, very well, having grown up in Alabama in the 1960's. But let's use a dictionary definition: to recognize a distinction; differentiate. Like, he's white and I'm black. It was this distinction recognition that said the Whites get the main floor and the Blacks get the Balcony of my local movie theatre. But also it was a prejudicial distinction - Whites are better than Blacks. A prejudice I totally reject. I have Black friends that I prefer over some White folks. But I have some White friends that I prefer over Black folks. But my PREFERENCES are not illegal discriminations, because I'm not discriminating based on a prejudiced opinion, nor am I basing my preferences upon race, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, or disability. Which are the only illegal discriminations in our society and apply mainly to commerce.

    I was involved in that last forum discussion that BVB mentioned (that's how he and I became friends), and my position has always been this: we all have our own internal prejudices on a whole host of issues, and they affect how we see the world, including who we're attracted to. Sometimes it can be consciously controlled, sometimes not, and we often don't care to find out because we don't try or never even question it. But if an escort cannot put those issues aside, he should be upfront about it in his ads and marketing, so that the prospective client knows in advance. There is no excuse for the unprofessionalism inherent in the humiliating and demeaning experience of a client finding out for the first time upon meeting the escort that he will be rejected because of his race.
    I am unaware of BVB's experience with Spencer, and I never knew BVB was a East Asian of Indian and African descent aka Mutt (joke). I only know BVB on the message board (and I love his sense of humor!). If what I am surmising here is true, that Spencer rejected him upon arrival at an appointment, I would be disappointed and confused by Spencer. That's not my experience with him.


    To the other point about discriminatory preferences in providing services. If we agree that escorting is a legitimate business it might not be ok. Take for example the Santa Monica California Municipal Code:


    6.104.090 Requirements for all massage establishments and massage technicians

    (ee) All massage establishments must comply with all State and Federal laws and regulations for disabled customers. No massage establishment, operator, responsible employee or massage technician may discriminate or exclude patrons on the basis of race, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, or disability.


    this would lead me to beleive that you can clearly refuse a massge to an overweight person but you could not refuse service to the same person for being a woman or being old etc.


    Of course in anyones personal life (not businesses and services to the public) you can discriminate for whatever stupid reason you so choose. A legitimate business or service may not have the right to do this.

    Actually, Obesity is considered a disability under the anti-discrimnation laws.


    And discrimination isn't stupid. Making a distinction is celebrated when it's a Brad Pitt. We celebrated his distinctive looks, his distinctive lifestyle and his distinctive success. But he discriminated himself into his life because he chose one way over many others. Some people prefer single-story homes, some people prefer townhouses, some people drive 4-door cars, some people drive 2-door cars - none of these are stupid reasons to discriminate - they are simply preferences.


    So would it be nice if there were no prejudices in this arena, yes obviously. But having an escort who is uncomfortable performing probably the deepest intimacy there is with a certain type of client is vastly different from refusing to massage someone or refusing to supply flowers or cakes to a same sex wedding.


    And also just as obviously this should be conveyed to the client before the meeting ever occurs.



    Gman, I wish you hadn't introduced the word prejudices into the discussion. Prejudice to me is a mean word. It means to PRE-JUDGE, or as I prefer to say it, TO JUDGE WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE. Growing up in the South, I ached when I heard people discuss the worthlessness of other people simply based on the color of their skin, without ever knowing their name even! I ached when I saw 'Whites Only' signs on the restroom doors and over the water fountains of the county courthouse, knowing that there were "Colored Only" signs on the same places in the basement. I couldn't understand why Black folks had to walk downstairs just to pee? But illegal discrimination has been codified into law as these types of discrimination: race, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, or disability.


    Discrimination isn't an ugly word except when it includes prejudice and applies to those seven areas of life.


    I can understand why any escort would reject and appointment with someone of a different race, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, or disability, but only from the standpoint of his preferences. I don't see his preferences as a prejudiced. The escort knows better than anyone how he will perform in this most physically intimate encounter.Why should he, in the name of anti-discrimination, place himself in a situation where he already knows he risks underperforming even failing to satisfy the client?

  17. It's not that I condone discrimination. I don't. Gman

    Gman, I'd have to take issue of your use of 'discrimination' in the matter of escorts preferences. We do have a Constitution right to freedom of association and none of us are required to check our preferences at the door when it comes to with whom we get naked and with whom we shall not.


    To take away an escort's right to have his preferences is discriminating, not his expression of his preferences in a service oriented business.


    An escort's intimacy is a far cry from a 'White's Only' lunch counter in Selma Alabama in 1963, in my mind.

  18. Given that this is an interview he gave with links to episodes of Dr. Drew he willingly appeared on, why can't this link he shared? Nothing is being revealed that he didn't actively seek to put in the public eye?
    I think I have to agree with Daddy on this one.


    For whatever reason, the escort, formerly know a Trey Thurston, has or has not elected to employ a fictitious name in his current advertising offering his escort services. Anyone with a web browser can gather all the pertinent details for himself.


    Meantime, the Message-Forum is totally anonymous except for those who've self-revealed themselves to the MF. One of the Terms of Service is No Private Information. The coincidence that a former escort known by what is now a quite public name after his television interviews discussing his multiple plastic surgeries is just a coincidence. Besides that, how do we know if either TT or JJ are his true given and legal names?

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