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Posts posted by sutherland

  1. He didn't say not to fall in love with an escort. He even said that he knew lots of guys in relationships with dancers.

    It's the same lesson .... dancers or escorts. He says that entertainment is being provided by guys who are doing a job and don't think there's more to the relationship than that.

  2. so many in prison, so many dead,....


    It is true that porn actors and actresses have disproportionately high occurrences of death at an early age. Porn actors are often people who live life in the fast lane and enjoy the non-stop party of drugs, fast cars, glamour, etc. That said, both Rick Hammersmith and Nick German became lawyers so some have focused on academic excellence.

  3. lets face it ... the restaurants in vegas were pretty much shuttered for months ... he may well be open to a nostalgia tour!


    Good point. At the height of his fame Zeb was charging $500 per hour. I would happily meet him when covid-19 is a thing of the past, at $400 maximum.

  4. Mike was one of those guys I'd always hope to meet but he retired from escorting before I got the chance.


    I can say the same thing. I recall the photos of Michael Grey with his long hair but I failed to contact him before he retired.

  5. Weren't there 2 Tom Katt porn stars? The one I remember is the hairy guy who did some Blue Blake movies, but I think I read somewhere he found Jesus and disappeared from porn. Then I read somewhere there was another gay porn star with the same name.....maybe am mis-remembering?


    There was one Tom Katt - the very muscular guy who found Jesus. He was naturally very hairy and appeared in some videos hairy. Like many bodybuilders he often shaved his body hair and he also appeared in videos without the body hair. if you read his online bio he had a tough childhood.

  6. Are you serious? Are you making an analogy between those kinds of decisions and the labeling and stigmatizing the OP is advocating for?

    It sounds like you are just looking for excuses to justify your own love for discriminating against others.


    latbear4blk : find a good thesaurus, look up the verbs "to judge" and "to discriminate" and you will see why you are erring. If you still believe that you are not erring please explain how choosing one candidate over another on election day falls into the category of discrimination; please explain how a jury coming to a guilty verdict is discrimination; please explain how choosing friends is discrimination. Those are the scenarios I mentioned in my former email.

  7. I’m not a huge fan of judging other people.


    Don't we judge people all the time? When we decide to befriend Person A (who is really pleasant) and not befriend Person B (who is a registered sex offender) we are judging. When voting for Candidate A and not Candidate B in an election we are judging. Our legal system is based on judging people - "Your actions are so unacceptable that we judge you to not be allowed to live freely and you must be imprisoned".

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