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Posts posted by 12is12

  1. If I'm in the wrong forum, pls direct me to the right one.

    All the GREAT nude erotic porn photos in the "members only" gallery - where do the come from?

    R they cut from porn vids, or r they published on the net by the proud exhibitionist hunks starring in them? 

    R there SOOO many guys who dont care that the whole world knows about them (fortunately for us).....   ?

  2. Visited Steamworks SF a month ago. Same setup. It's not really a GH, but a suck ramp. The 'holes' are actually big and wide frames or windows within a very open 'fence'. Everyone can see all the suckers and all the suckees all the time. Found this VERY sexy.

    Unfortunately, despite many silent men walking around zombi-like with poker faces, very few availed themselves of this facility.

  3. Since my only point of personal reference is Montreal (Stock & Campus), the best way to caption the experience is: totally different.

    Thursday, 22:30. No cover charge. Later I saw some entering patrons doing something with a slouched 'doorman'; dont know what about. Drinks cheaper than in Mntrl. 

    Biggest difference: there's no stage, and there was NO dancing. There r 2-3 small 'stages' for 1 or 2 dancers to stand upon. They were vacant most of the time I was there. 

    When I entered there were about 15 dancers, more than patrons. By midnight when I left, there were about 40 patrons - most of them young. 

    The dancers were all in tight bulging undies, some of them constantly fluffing their dicks. Most of the dancers were buff chubby budybuilders, not my type at all. Many of the others were actually overweight with a belly, which I find unappealing. There were only 2-3 dancers who were lean, one of them spent the whole time smooching with a very obese old patron (obviously prior acquaintances). 

    4 dancers came up to introduce themselves and politely solicit. We shortly chatted the usual, and I said "maybe later". None returned. After an hour I set my eyes on the sexiest lean guy; I thought he was Afro, but he turned out to b Cuban. I dont know why he (and most of the others) didnt solicit me, so I actively reached out to him at the partially open space at the back for smoking. He was polite, even effectionate, and despite the circumstances - smelled great. 

    Another two differences relative to Mntreal. One, a $20 dance 'per song' isnt 3 minutes but 5. That's what he said and did. 

    Two, the whole lap dancing 'area' is actually the size of maybe 2 standard cubicles. Right and left wings were occupied as we entered, so I sat in the middle. We werent crowded and didnt disturb other couples (who didnt notice us), but there's no way it's possible to have 4 couples simultaneously. However, I was sitting for more than an hour near the enterance to that area; didnt see any waiting cue. 

    'My' cuban was VERY good at his job, better than the 3 dancers I enjoyed in Mntrl. I was allowed to touch him all over; actually he was encouraging it. I asked if I could suck him; he said he charges $40 for that; and I went for it. He had a big dick, but didnt get hard.

    Had  a great time with him. Gave him 60, meaning 40 for dance + suck and 20 bonus. Thinking back on it, he might have meant that 40 is for the suck on top of the standard 20. Guess I'll never know. We parted very amicably. 

    I prefer the Mntrl style, with dancers in rotation on the stage. Just sitting and looking at other guys just sitting and looking is boring, all the more so when u r alone. 

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