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    wayout reacted to HotWhiteThirties in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    I came in a lot later than you, admittedly, but I didn't understand either. Took a long time to figure it all out. And only recently have I pieced together enough about Hooboy. I felt like I needed an orientation manual that didn't exist. A bit intimidating for a "newbie." As a result, I never expected to be much of a contributor, personally, but it just sorta happened (and I'm certainly not a major contributor, nor do I long to be. Just a member of the group. I don't have another group like this, which has increased my appreciation for this one.) And I won't likely ever meet anyone here, and never met "Daddy." TBH, I didn't quite know what to think about him. Once I realized that it was his benevolence that allowed for this to exist, I could easily respect and appreciate his "ways." They were based in need and reason and out of consideration of others. What a special "Guy!"
    Anyhow, it's unlikely I'll ever meet anyone here, and I will read with some envy those of you who enjoy a Palm Springs Weekend or a MAL meet up in DC...but nevertheless I have been helped by learning from, participating with, and living vicariously through those who are a part of "here." I will miss it if it ceases, and I echo the sentiments of all who hope for its continuation. I was thinking today, however, that perhaps this is a sign for me to make my exit. I never intended to be checking in here like I have...it's meant so much, honestly...I know I would miss it, but I have to admit since this news yesterday, I have wondered if it isn't time to move on and be thankful for what has been and remember it fondly. I might rather do that than try to login here and find an error message. I don't know. I keep coming back to being thankful, though, and that's a good mindset, me thinks.
  2. Like
    wayout reacted to Cooper in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    Admin Note:Gentlemen, Please stay on topic. All other replies will be and have been deleted. This is a very special thread and a tribute to the memory of Guy Fawkes/daddy. If you would like to discuss the future of M4M, please start a new thread.
  3. Like
    wayout reacted to bostonman in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    I go back to the days of Hooboy, but when Daddy took over, I actually remember being somewhat confused by Guy Fawkes, as I didn’t realize he and Daddy were the same lol. But I’m grateful for both of them lol.
  4. Like
    wayout reacted to + beethoven in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    I never knew Guy Fawkes, but I've been a participant in the message forum for years. I was awed by the many eloquent and touching tributes to him.
    He definitely made the world a better place,, which I think is the goal of human existence.
  5. Like
    wayout reacted to Phil_musc in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    I have now just read this sad thread. Even though I know none of you personally, we all share a common bond here that now is broken. Like some of you have written, reading this forum was a regular feature of my morning coffee wake-up ritual. There was always the humor, the information, the humanity, the passionate arguments, and of course those amazing hot pictures over in the gallery. This forum really helped me navigate a part of my life when I first ventured into the pool that was the subject of so much of this board. Certainly, the reviews at Daddy's were a major help for me in that regard. And it was good to discover that so many issues that I struggled with were common to many of you here. To have fostered this incomparable community board was such a wonderful thing for Daddy to have done. I wish I could have shared cocktails with the man at least once. RIP, Bill/Daddy and heartfelt thanks to Cooper for all that he has done. Thanks to all of you who have shared your thoughts and remembrances of the man we have lost. Finally, I hope that somehow our community will survive.
  6. Like
    wayout reacted to + Topseed in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    Saddened to read this news.
    Honored to be among the many people Daddy influenced through this site with his commitment and his kindness.
    Touched to read all these posts as one very small measure of his fine legacy.
  7. Like
    wayout reacted to Justice in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    What awful, awful heartbreaking news. I was hoping against hope for a better outcome. My condolences all of us. Rest in Peace Guy/Daddy. Thanks for everything. And thank you Cooper for keeping us informed and everything else you did.
  8. Like
    wayout reacted to + EVdude in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    Words are hard to find. I’ll steal from John Prine...
    We are the lonely, all together
    All together, we're all alone
    -We are the Lonely
    You created a beautiful community Daddy / Guy Fawkes. We’re all alone without you. Rest In Peace.
  9. Like
    wayout reacted to + smara in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    Having been a frequent user of the information provided by many eloquent users here and the facilities provided by daddy, I wish to express thanks to all.
    Thank you for your sincere and heartwarming insight into the man behind this site.
    Pray that Daddy attain peace in heaven.
  10. Like
    wayout reacted to + Yellowrod in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    Rest in Peace Daddy. This is heartbreaking news.
  11. Like
    wayout reacted to + azdr0710 in Is daddyreviews gone?   
    for those who don't know, detailed reviews are only allowed at the daddysreviews site because it allows the webmaster to vet the review and reviewer and offer the provider a response.....an attempt to be as fair as possible to both sides........
    detailed reviews here in the forum can quickly turn into chaos, of course.......however, posters here in the forum who have met with a provider and would like to offer advice and comment can offer that by inviting others to contact them via a private message with the "start conversation" button in a profile......"met with ColossalJunk.....PM me for details"
  12. Like
    wayout reacted to cmennow in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    So sorry to hear that. May he RIP!
  13. Like
    wayout reacted to Redwine56 in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    I've been reading the pages of such touching and genuine expression of gratitude and sympathy for OUR Daddy Guy Fawkes. It makes it ever so much sadder to hear that the life of such an amazing, talented and caring man had to end so tragically. The pandemic has struck yet again taking out another loving soul. Although I"ve not had the privilege of ever meeting Daddy Fawkes, I can sense that he touched the lives of many in special ways.
    I believe he was proud of this unique forum and it was a labor of love for him. He put so much into it and spent countless hours running it with the assistance of his capable admins with special kudos to Cooper. l'll be thinking of you guys as you raise a glass to Daddy at the PS weekend. I hope this forum can somehow find a way to continue as a tribute to Daddy because I know that's what he would have wanted. The exchange of personal thoughts, feelings, ideas, news, the gallery photos - where can we ever find all this? I am not on social media but this forum has become part of my daily routine. RIP Daddy Guy Fawkes. You will be sorely missed by all of your children who loved you.
  14. Like
    wayout reacted to + jamesdc in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    Such sad news. I had the privilege of meeting Daddy at my one and only Palm Springs Party, 4 or so years ago. He was sitting alone up on the porch, watching the festivities in the pool below. I think he could "sense" I was a first timer and a little nervous. He was so kind, chatty and friendly, putting me at ease. Rest in peace, Sweet Man...thank you!
  15. Like
    wayout reacted to orville in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    I feel the lives of forum members improved thanks to the existence of this site,
    which is the product of @Guy Fawkes' work and dedication to make it a civilized community.
    He will be missed but I'm sure he's in a better place now, with no more suffering. RIP Daddy.
  16. Like
    wayout reacted to former lurker in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    It's too soon to start talking about the future of the site, at least for me. I prefer to focus on the loss of the man, and the ways in which Cooper managed to get him care. The outpouring of respect and love are profound. He made a mark.
  17. Like
    wayout reacted to Bryanforservice in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    As with many of you all, I feel this news is hard to hear. These forums and the folks on them have been a wonderful, good and even wholesome part of this thing, the internet. Knowing Daddy/Guy was behind it all, making it work, and keeping it afloat was a comfort we didn’t know we could miss this badly.
    I wish it were different. I wish it were easier.
    I wish you all some comfort and maybe some peace after the passing of a man who loomed large for us all.
  18. Like
    wayout reacted to + Chuck MaxxTop in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    RIP Daddy. Extremely sad news.
  19. Like
    wayout got a reaction from Monarchy79 in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    We are born and we will die. In between, if we are fortunate we will have a positive impact on others and leave the world a little bit better because of how we lived. I am confident that Guy Fawkes was one of those fortunate people. He will be missed deeply by his family, namely the members of this forum. RIP
  20. Like
    wayout reacted to BaronArtz in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    I am truly sorry to read this news. I did not know Guy Fawkes well, but I am grateful for his efforts to keep this site going for so many years. Without it, I would not have lived through countless exciting experiences and disappointments avoided. As he has moved from the temporal to the eternal, I hope he will rest in peace. His legacy lives on through this very site. I do hope and wish it will continue ...
    Thank you, Cooper, for taking the lead during this difficult transition.
  21. Like
    wayout reacted to Ryan Roman in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    Thank you for everything you did for so many of us over the years, Daddy. RIP, and know that you'll be missed by all who had the good luck to interact with you.
  22. Like
    wayout reacted to DR FREUD in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    Thanks for my daily morning routine, starting every morning reading the reviews and forum. RIP Daddy
  23. Like
    wayout reacted to + bigjoey in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    I have just read the sad news. This is one of the most beautiful eulogies I have read. Thank you for pointing out not only what he did to help others but also how he did so with integrity; that is a rare trait today. Rare is the man who can not be “bought” or cut corners but as you remind us, Guy Fawkes was one such person.
    Not much can be added to the many beautiful posts of remembrance. In these pandemic days, the words “essential worker” have been bandied about. That only partly describes Guy Fawkes. His work was not only essential to maintaining this site electronically but also in creating a community where people were able to connect and make friends. As many stated, his work helped many on their life’s journey.
    While everyone has the chance to touch the lives of others, Guy Fawkes spent the extra energy to actually do that. What a wonderful man to leave such a beautiful legacy.
    Thank you Guy Fawkes for a life well spent.?
    Thank you Cooper for all you have done.
  24. Like
    wayout reacted to former lurker in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    You do him proud. Bless you. I'd rather be amazed by an unexpected recovery, but I am at least comforted to know you made sure he was cared for as best as possible. Nothing erases this sort of loss, but having done your utmost to ensure his care should be reassuring. He is and will be missed. You have done great things for him.
  25. Like
    wayout reacted to former lurker in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    I'm moved. When you lose someone you actually know, it's mixed emotionally. The loss stings more, but you also have deeper memories. I imagine you added a lot to his life.
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