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Everything posted by azdr0710

  1. 1600 Dominican Pesos = US$35.50 today....wow!!
  2. that Brian Mitchell (did we ever hear from him again?) at 0:53 is not too bad, either, with that smile he flashes in this intro
  3. FF: your memory is impressive.....thanks for the picture repost!!.....I will sleep soundly tonight!....ha!
  4. let us know how that search goes, ok??!!....thanks, man
  5. this just reminded me of the legendary mid-1970s Sears catalog that had an underwear model who, reputedly, wasn't fully tucked in..... http://www.snopes.com/business/hidden/sears.asp and did anybody peruse the Penney's and Sears catalogs, by the way??!!....that dude at far right seemed to be in every other underwear ad picture in the 70s.... http://tyflyguy.files.wordpress.com/2009/10/underwear.jpg
  6. veering off topic, but this reminded me of the now-legendary Miss Teen South Carolina 2007.....this is utterly painful to watch again
  7. Daddy bestowed my title upon me after I asked him a question.....always good to have a keen sense of humor
  8. at about age 10 in the early 1970s, I took a rafting trip with my family down, I think, the American River in the foothills of the Sierras in California....at the boat-loading area near a bridge over the river, two in-shape guys in their early 20s, I presume, got naked and went skinny-dipping for a bit to cool off.....I think (??) it was the first time I'd seen naked adult guys (except for Dad) and I remember being fairly entranced at how built and good-looking they were..... later, at about age 12, I remember a dude one grade ahead of me in the locker room who had evidently already gone thru puberty....we weren't required to take showers, but he usually did and was possibly proud of the fact he'd already matured a bit: he'd linger naked just a few seconds too long at the shower exit in full view of all....well-hung and good-looking.....
  9. long hair vs. short hair sure affects his appearance.....each look is appealing in different ways
  10. what about us clients who shave our age??!!
  11. some recent chatter if you didn't already see these.... http://www.companyofmen.org/threads/tom-faulk-scorting-a-question.105659/ http://m4m-forum.org/threads/tom-faulk.103459/
  12. and it's funny how he described himself (as the reviewer): "only in SF for the weekend" maybe Daddy is testing all of us for perception skills?
  13. coming in 2016..... http://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/365?gclid=CJXY-q6mk8YCFZFlfgodLncAOQ#
  14. many here know the story of the airframe metal fatigue problems of the world's first commercial jet, the DeHavilland Comet, in the early 1950s.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/De_Havilland_Comet
  15. cool little video posted yesterday ahead of the Paris Air Show this month.....
  16. ....hold a candle to The Most Interesting Man In The World.....
  17. many here will recognize these pictures from the days when his face was not censored....he's been discussed before and I hope somebody will remember that chatter.....sorry, I don't have personal experience, but am also curious for information.....thanks
  18. article linked on Daddy's news page today: http://www.queerty.com/maxwell-caulfield-on-gay-parties-aging-in-hollywood-his-new-play-and-grease-2-20150304
  19. does anybody know what the object is in his right hand in photo #7 in his ad?....thanks
  20. thank you, Joe!.....I think I'd seen him naked before somewhere, but forgot where.....now I know.....appreciate your help wow, great face and smile on him....
  21. darn....was hoping this was one of those threads with "extra" links down at the bottom!!
  22. $1.759 at a local (Arizona) Costco yesterday.... I don't think prices will go much lower before heading up again....this is very low now
  23. hey Tom...if you're ever in Arizona, look me up....k??!!
  24. gotta ask if the "two spaces after a period" rule is something trying to be broken these days??....is one space the new standard?.....I always thought the two spaces thing really helped with ease of reading and that that's why I was taught it back in typewriting class..... (admittedly, as you can see, my computer writing skills are horrible.....this no capitalization/...../no sentences stuff I picked up from an internet "mentor" I admired when first sending emails back in the mid-90s)
  25. some here may remember an attempt to use the word "touch (phone number)" when push-button phones first came out.....was somewhat common, but then faded away..... near my place, an interstate was completed at the height of the metric craze....it's still marked with kilometers..... http://www.ktar.com/emedia/apimage/ap_044092f504958e27610f6a7067007111.jpg?filter=mynw/620x370_cropped
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