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Everything posted by Phil_musc

  1. Now this is a new skill to practice during this pandemic. Could lead to a new hobby (and much better flexibility.) Sounds like a win-win.
  2. A 34 year old man is no boy and it is a mistake to consider him as such (my $.02). Time to grow up?
  3. So sorry to read this now. We were all rooting for you, or at least pulling for you. . . (there's a double entendre or two there I think). Now about those pictures . . . ?
  4. Might it actually read, "With me, you will always be treated with the respect and kindness that I think you deserve."?
  5. Glad to see the tapatalk/muscleforums are back. Used to go there a lot. Thanks for the info, Tod.
  6. I have now just read this sad thread. Even though I know none of you personally, we all share a common bond here that now is broken. Like some of you have written, reading this forum was a regular feature of my morning coffee wake-up ritual. There was always the humor, the information, the humanity, the passionate arguments, and of course those amazing hot pictures over in the gallery. This forum really helped me navigate a part of my life when I first ventured into the pool that was the subject of so much of this board. Certainly, the reviews at Daddy's were a major help for me in that regard. And it was good to discover that so many issues that I struggled with were common to many of you here. To have fostered this incomparable community board was such a wonderful thing for Daddy to have done. I wish I could have shared cocktails with the man at least once. RIP, Bill/Daddy and heartfelt thanks to Cooper for all that he has done. Thanks to all of you who have shared your thoughts and remembrances of the man we have lost. Finally, I hope that somehow our community will survive.
  7. Aww, this has turned out so sweet - I see a possible Hallmark holiday rom/com here on the horizon. Ah if only Dorothy Parker were still with us and a member of this board. I can just imagine what she would have to say!! ;)
  8. I'm still sorta hoping that Wolfer will figure out how to post his pictures here so we can all drool. And I would help with his ad copy if he decides to turn pro. Just sayin' . . .
  9. Let's hope the donation was sizably substantial. Maybe she should do some volunteer work in an animal shelter in addition?
  10. Maybe today's cold rain has put a damper on my libido, but I find the tattoos kinda off-putting - at least for now.
  11. I don't know about this - I've always thought I was an easy lay. . .
  12. Next we'll be hearing about a sliding scale system? Or perhaps "pay what you will?" In these covid times, that sounds decent.
  13. If you're still offering, I'll take a PM too please.
  14. I love these kinds of threads that seem to be our version of "Dear Abbey" or "Dear Ann Landers." So if the masseur already has a good job and is just doing the massage thing to put his illegitimate children through Vasser when the time comes (or whatever. . . ), my question is what is the OP's job? It sounds like he may be quite the hottie and if his regular position had dried up with Covid issues he has missed a golden opportunity to develop another career. Might he consider posting some photos here so we can assess his possibilities and offer our further $.02?
  15. Will he be stopping in Paradise or Intercourse, PA? What about Blue Ball?
  16. He's been a recent addition to the porno pantheon. In his movies he is top-verse. Nice smile.
  17. All right, I just read the article and I take back my semi-snarky post above. It does seem that this is an issue that should be receiving a LOT more public support. Thank you, OP, for alerting me to this important issue.
  18. OMG! This is as alarming as the collapse of the honey bee population. Soon there will be no sperm and no honey. Thank goodness I'm this old and probably won't have to worry about these pressing points.
  19. A little pricey for a massage, I think.
  20. Thanks for the additional shots. Any idea who he is?
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