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Everything posted by Phil_musc

  1. Well yes, but don't you have to offset the high cost of training a guide animal with the high cost designer sneakers? Once we determined that horse shoes were no longer necessary, we found that our horse used to go through them about every 3 months. It mounted up.
  2. I thought people from Poland were referred to as "Poles" not the polish. Perhaps we could all polish a Pole's pole. If that UPS guy above is an example, this may become a cross thread hijack and I'd like to nominate him for another FMRG award. Let's have a poll about it.
  3. I missed you and your devious mind, Jj. Welcome back- seems like it's been a while.
  4. No doubt there was a lot of kielbasa. Probably some cheese too.
  5. Who says you have to decide? We don't always have to choose just one. For me, I share your emotions, but I really think if I HAD to choose just one, I'd have to admit that I'm jealous. But I'm also somewhat concerned and outraged - but less so. Yup, I guess for me, I'm jealous.
  6. I felt that way about some of the guys I brought home. But I just asked them to leave - I didn't take them to to Good Will. Guess I missed the charitable contribution write-off.
  7. But you know there are a lot of arcane dog breeds that no one has ever heard of (and probably never seen either). I figure it's just a matter of time until somebody comes along and claims that their peacock is actually a little-known exotic canine breed. Where there's a will . . .
  8. Others have found videos. I believe the masseur is Chad Brock. If you search that name you should find quite a bit, although I'm not sure about any naked massage videos.
  9. Oh well, at least there is still Intercourse, PA.
  10. Is this from the most recent edition of Hints from Heloise, or How to Survive in a pandemic?
  11. Geez, I dunno but d'ya think you might be over-reacting? Then again, with the post right after the above, all I can say is "Get in line, Bitch." ?
  12. Once again I have been sucked in to another thread by a misleading headline (Instant Pot?)
  13. Yes, at last! Thank you, Unicorn. It's where my mind went immediately.
  14. Once I realized that I almost never watched a porn clip more than three times, having a collection seemed kinda pointless. Now with so much available online, if I get the urge to see an old favorite, the tracking down of the scene is like a replacement for going out cruising and looking for sex. It becomes a part of the experience. I believe there is a museum devoted to erotica and porn in Copenhagen. Perhaps they might be interested in some of the items mentioned above here. Then too, perhaps a yard-sale to clear out some of the old stuff no longer wanted might be just the thing for a Saturday afternoon activity.
  15. So of course I had to investigate. Checked out the ad and he is a stunner. But the last line says "I have ******** if you are interested." What's that about?
  16. Obviously, it's for those practitioners of the new fetish sweeping all the hot-spots - dry-cleaning
  17. Which one? A quick check revealed that both Philly bathhouses are open but with restrictions - reduced hours, masks, some parts closed.
  18. Notice how in these wonderful pictures from the 1950's that the area around where the dick is seems to be padded with some sort of thing that eliminates the unsightly-looking penis. The viewer has to use his imagination to guess at what lies beneath the swimsuit. No vpl in those days. We've come a long way, Babies.
  19. Maybe so, but there is no denying he was a very good-looking guy.
  20. Yes, but these are all pictures of Steve Reeves, I think.
  21. I follow this pretty regularly and closely and I have not seen him advertise before in the Philly listings.
  22. Might this be a new thread in the Gallery section? Lots of hot pics, new subjects, etc. Yes, yes, let's go for it.
  23. So is the husband the one on the left? If so, your guy did REALLY well and I'm surprised no one else commented. They both look pretty cute to me.
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