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Posts posted by Phil_musc

  1. Maybe I should just let this thread die a natural death, but I've just re-read it (silly me). At least 2 posts mention the usage of they as a singular third person going back to Chaucer. Two points: 1) Chaucer is actually considered Middle English (I think, not sure) and as such is not really on point. 2) Could we have a specific quote from Chaucer that demonstrates the third person singular? It's been generally referenced twice now but the actual quote might give us a better context for claiming it is an old historic usage.

  2. I didn’t say this was okay, I said it doesn’t warrant a lawsuit or a regulatory complaint. What would the complaint say? ”The utility made an egregious error and corrected it.” And the lawsuit - what would the customer sue for? The cost of the phone call? Typically, lawsuits and regulatory complaints are filed when the company doesn’t correct the mistake.


    I also work in the financial industry. When a situation like this occurs we create a self-identified issue, engage partners in the Risk Management, Regulatory Affairs, and Compliance departments, determine how the error occurred (what controls were bypassed, what coding errors might have led to the problem, etc) and develop an action plan to ensure it doesn’t occur again. Then someone gets fired. Something tells me there will be a similar process -and a former utility company employee looking for a job in the new year.


    I do hope that you realized that I was kidding when I suggested a legal suit.

  3. I think you guys must look too well-healed when you go to the dentist. Better to dress down and not look so prosperous. When my new (at the time) dentist suggested a few things - such as replacing old fillings - now why would I want to do that? - I owned up to my rightful age and said my fillings were just fine, thank you. Of course it doesn't hurt that I have very few fillings anyway. Good dental genetic stock. That pretty much ended the upsell nonsense and now he is fine with me. I did have invisilign braces back about 8 years ago, and they did a great job on my crooked teeth. Now I notice other people's dental imperfections sympathetically.

  4. Just a side consideration - what is the age of consent here - the youngest, Mr Pai, claimed things began when he was 16. Doesn't that make it at least legal (not that anyone seems to care a hoot about whether allegations would stand up in court)?


    There appear to be a lot of reporters and people running around making claims about responsibilities and legal repercussions with absolutely no awareness of the legalities of things.

  5. I had heard rumors myself for many years so I'm not surprised by this (although going all the way back to 1967 or '68 - well that's quite a while). I too am bothered by the ongoing aspect of the one relationship and the fact that Levine paid him $50 grand. Something just doesn't add up here. If one goes into the court of public opinion for justice, one should at least go in with clean hands. That doesn't seem to be the case here.

  6. “I don’t know why it was so traumatic,” Mr. Brown, who is now 66, said in a recent interview at his home in St. Paul, Minn., fighting tears at the memory, which said he was moved to share as part of the national reckoning over sexual misconduct. “I don’t know why I got so depressed. But it has to be because of what happened. And I care deeply for those who were also abused, all the people who were in that situation.”


    What happens if after all of this exposure his depression still doesn't go away? Not to make light of the situation at all, but revealing this information may not be the magic pill that he seems to think it is. And now, ladies and gentlemen, another career down the tubes.

  7. Please, please, RyanDean, let us know how it goes and what you think. I was impressed with the discount myself. Now I know what to ask

    Santa for Christmas. Makes a great stocking-stuffer, I'll bet.

  8. RandyC, thanks for posting that link. It made my day - the ad copy is hysterical, and yet I suspect that the product is quite worthwhile. I loved that animals were not used in testing the product, although I suspect quite a few self-identified pigs will be eager to try it out.


    Then too, any shot of Seth Fornea is enough to perk my interest.

  9. I've heard of putting an alka-setzer up somebody's butt and then giving them an enema. Never tried it.


    I come here to learn about life and other matters. Pray tell, what does alia-seltzer up the butt do? Plop, plop, fizz, fizz?

  10. If anything, Mr. Rapp's allegations should make parents think a little more about what situations their kids might be putting themselves into. Didn't anyone think it odd that Rapp at 14 was going to party thrown by a 26 year old man? Doesn't anyone ask questions any more, like, "Hello Mr. Spacey. I understand you've invited my son to a party you're having. Who else is coming? Will he be the only minor present? What kind of activities are planned? When will the evening be over?" Furthermore, if Anthony managed to get to the party and then found that he was the only minor present and then became bored, why didn't he just leave? Instead, he stayed until after midnight, when all the other guests had left. Huh?


    So why come forward now after the statute of limitations has expired? No witnesses. No real rape of any sort. What is going on here really? Does Anthony think that Spacey is some kind of ongoing predator and is hoping that others may come forward with their own sorry stories now that he has told his? What is the remedy here, given that no legal trial is possible.


    {After I read and posted, I saw the intervening posts. Ok, that casts a different light on the scene.}

  11. I may be the only one who HASN’T fucked Armond Rizzo!!


    I haven't either. But I did have a session several years ago with Jaxton. It was disappointing but not awful. There was a lot of little people/child paraphernalia around. When things were winding down, we talked a bit. I had the sense that he was kinda shy.

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