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Posts posted by Phil_musc

  1. What kind of name is "Bog?" I can just imagine how it went at his baptism:


    Minister/officiant: "How shall this child be called?" or "Name this child."


    Parents: "His name is Bog. We conceived him while driving in the fog brought on by smog and we wound up in a bog. We thought one of us was sterile, but clearly no pipes were clogged. . .

  2. How did I miss this back in December? #4 looks soon naughty and nice, but I agree with the guys who are so taken with #15. That is just plain hot.


    A long time ago in a galaxy far away, I too had a mesh t-shirt. I seem to recall it looks pretty good - not like these guys though. But they're not really human, are they. Some sort of parallel species - homo horny-gorgeous

  3. Thanks for the history lesson - it was good to review and learn something new. But then I see we had to return to the usual boring pictorial fare of gorgeous guys. Ho hum, although that Simon Barnes fellow above got my juices flowing a bit. I wouldn't mind if he appeared under my tree. "Tis the season to dream.

  4. I too like the show even though there is no way this seems like a group of first year law students to me. And then too, when do they have time for their other classes? They're always off on assignment for Annelise.


    I'm hoping for more shots of Annelise's boy friend. I watched that great seen more than once - he is smoking hot, I think.


    I also think that Asher fills out a shirt pretty well - I'm looking forward to the plot line moving into warmer weather - perhaps the cast needs to visit the Jersey shore to gather clues. And , hey, the ocean is right there; anyone fancy a dip? No suits necessary!

  5. I notice that in the above three pictures there appears to be a (new?) tattoo in the groin region. Or is that just evidence of photo-shopping the goods?


    That appears to have been one helluva flight to Mykonos. All those new "mile-high-club" initiates, I'll wager. All that time in the air with all those guys with time on their hands. I just hope there were ample condoms in the dispensers (isn't that a new feature of El-horo Airlines for these long, long, oh-so-long er uh flights.

  6. In an effort (admittedly misguided probably) to bring the wayward thread back to the original topic, I will confess that I met with Tom/Thanos/Dick/etc. this past summer. He came to my hotel room so there was no issue about cleanliness of apartment. There was a little bit of a problem initially with the timing of our engagement but it worked itself out okay. He showed up on time, was a fun guy - he has a good sense of humor and we laughed a good bit. He made me feel very comfortable. His face looks exactly like his pictures but he is heavier than his pictures indicate. I enjoyed myself and would consider a repeat performance.

  7. True, true, but as the OP, I would tell you to wear the speedo and let the chips fall where they may. Sure some folks might not like it but so what? They probably don't pay your bills - what do you care what they think. Now if you put on your speedo and don't like what you see as you pass the mirror, then that's different. But I bet you'll look damn fine.

  8. Thanks to Juan and Chris (and a few others) for having a positive attitude toward the aging male body. Honestly, some of you guys are so judgmental about your fellow human beings - with the implied subtext of superior taste and/or physical beauty. Confidence is sexy (wish I had more) but judgmental queenly bromides as written or uttered on this thread are not. No wonder you're paying for it (nasty, inappropriate swipe, I'll admit).

  9. Well I guess everyones past catches up eventually. The very popular Robert Van Dame will be making a guest appearance in a Czech Jail for..9 1/2 Years! I'm sure his Regs of which there were at one time many in Cali will miss his Famous Bod! He's going in at 42 so I guess his "Working Days" are over. BUT whoever shares that cell I am sure will be a Happy Man! ;)


    "Officer, Officer, let me confess. I've just done a terrible crime and I should probably do some time - say about 9 or so years."


    "Yes, Your Honor," I'm non-repentant and you should me to jail for er uh uh punishment (?).


    And an aside thank you to imrthr for providing the link to a site I hadn't known about. Lots of good reading there I suspect.

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