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Posts posted by Phil_musc

  1. Okay, so let's imagine that this doll craze becomes the next big thing. I mean like the providers won't be able to keep up with demand. Think Cabbage Patch Dolls of several years ago. And then suddenly after a year or two, no one wants one. People grow tired of the same old thing, day in and day out. So now what do we do? We have an inflatable sex toy which is probably not bio-degradable gathering dust in the closet. Assuming that we who are single and want to drive in the car-pooling lanes don't want to strap our former love-toy into the passenger seat as we hurtle up Route 84, maybe put some sort of cute hat on him, etc. Do we just pitch him to the curb (seems heartless) and let the city trash collectors take him away? Since it probably won't be bio-degradable, do we have to take him to a special dumpsite like with electronics that we no longer use? Or do we organize some sort of really kick-ass yard sale for someone else to take him away (only slightly used?) for the long, cold winter nights that will be here before we know it?

  2. I come here to learn about things and to expand my repertoire. But honestly, bottoming has become too much work - between the douching/cleaning out, watching the diet so that there is sufficient fiber, and now this new business about making my own lube??!! I'm overwhelmed. I quit, I resign, I give up. Sex is just too much work at this point.

  3. Oh but Mr Marylander, the guy two posts up is smoking! I just can't imagine doing anything with him with that cigarette dangling from his lip like a wilted praying mantis


    (I hope you realize I'm being snide)

  4. Count me in for the steak tartare as well as the raw ground beef - with onions it is great. Carpaccio is wonderful, especially if served with really good parmesan cheese. Tuna tartare is also great, and I have a particular fondness for smoked salmon also. Recently also got into sushi and sashimi big time. Can't get enough (maybe it's my replacement for sex at this point?)

  5. Somehow I only found this thread toady (Friday) when I started on the last page (4). Of course I was going to write something curmudgeonly about the Clothing Optional Bonus Pic not really being in the spirit of a thread with guys who the OP would like to rip the clothes off of. But I was intrigued and went back and waded through all four pages. Now I find that I am absolutely giddy over the pictures here. I share your admirable taste in men, Mr WG! Thank you for brightening up a cloudy, semi-dismal Philadelphia afternoon! Please keep 'em coming.

  6. I think this is maybe an opportunity to begin marketing pet rocks again. I'm sure some of you dear readers must remember them.They were all the rage one Christmas. If some nut case had to bring on a pet rock as their emotional support, no one would complain (well, there's always bound to be one. . . ). I love animals but the need to bring one on an airplane seems self indulgent and cruel to the animal as well as the fellow passengers. If someone really needs an emotional support animal have them get in touch with their parent(s) and bring them along but leave Fido or Fiffy at home where they'll be happier. Of course true service animals are different.

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