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Everything posted by Phil_musc

  1. This post is too depressing. I know we're all hoping/praying for a vaccine to come out that will allow us to return to normal behaviors. But one of the things I remember reading last week in all the tributes about Larry Kramer is that AIDS has been with us since the 1980's and there is still is no vaccine for that and we all demanded that science buckle down and make it happen (for over 30 years). We act as though a vaccine will appear because, well, just because. It's our god-given right to expect such things, right? Not so, friends. It doesn't really work that way. My prediction is by the Fall (Christmas at the latest) people will be getting tired of social distancing-mask wearing, etc., and throw caution to the wind and start "taking a chance on love," however you define that.
  2. +1. And then I also wonder when someone drops off the Bigmuscle.com site what has become of them. E.g., Jim Ferro, who used to be there, won a contest, became a porn star and escort and now has vanished (as far as I can tell)
  3. This is (IMHO) the hottest massage video of all time. The masseur is SO very attentive and tender. To be on his table - that would be money well spent, I'd say.
  4. The guy immediately above in post #6211 is going to be really amazing (I predict) in about 10 years.
  5. My oh my, the FMRG meter is just going bonkers right now.
  6. Pretend what? That that is his original hair color?
  7. I just assumed that I was the pal in question and the OP had gotten my initials wrong. Honest mistake, given that my fingers were shaking as I was typing also.
  8. I believe he did. But I have no first hand knowledge, so it's only idle speculation (and my somewhat faulty memory of reading something(s) about him on this very site in the past.)
  9. You and me both, Eggman! I just recently had your same definitional question. We all come here to learn new stuff!
  10. Does anyone else here think he looks a little like Vladimir Putin giving head?
  11. Another contender for the elusive FMRG award.
  12. He must be new on the job and not had to deal with silly passengers who want to bring their "emotional support" peacocks onboard. Too many of those and that million dollar smile will diminish, I'll wager. But I just discovered this great thread. Thanks!
  13. A small matter, but was anyone else glad and relieved when the awful music stopped? It was just so unrelaxing that I couldn't get into it. (it seemed like the client didn't either).
  14. Yes oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yes Yes oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yes This is a hard bunch (well not hard like that. . . ) if the immediately preceding guy has only earned 3 thumbs up and 2 class. This is real US Grade A FMRG red meat, I think.
  15. Might it have been Jake Andrews? I thought he had moved to Australia quite a while back. Just a thought.
  16. Here again, somehow a thumb up or mere applause seems inadequate to express my appreciation or how this really makes me feel. This guy is clearly among the front-runners for the FMRG award to be handed out at the upcoming eagerly anticipated dinner (just as soon as this health thing is over)
  17. Actually, about the same guy right above - I think I'll hold off on him. I have the feeling in 15 years he is going to be stunning. A real diff.
  18. Oh good, then we won't fight - number 1 is the one I want.
  19. Boy oh boy, if Tom of Finland's drawings were on US postage stamps as they are in Finland, I'd put my mask on right now and head for the postoffice to pick up some commemoratives. I need some new stroke inspiration during the pandemic and this would definitely work for me.
  20. He's definitely hot, but I bet all that fur is itchy beyond belief as it grows back in.
  21. The three reviews are absolutely rhapsodic in their praises. I'm feeling kinda tense - like maybe I need a . . .
  22. Does he remind anyone else here of Seth Mayers?
  23. This guy pushes so many of my buttons my circuits are fried. More, please. And thank you.
  24. But the ad lists therapeutic, sensual, and erotic. Then in the copy the word erotic appears in all caps. Questionable advertising at the very least it seems.
  25. So do they have an Only Fans account?
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