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Everything posted by Phil_musc

  1. I was shocked when I watched it - well maybe just VERY surprised. Wow - on Youtube! It really is a whole new world.
  2. This was posted on Sunday and I only am seeing it now?! How did I miss this? Was I unconscious or just inordinately tired? Maybe blind? Since we've just celebrated Stephen Sondheim's 90th birthday, I'll offer an appropriate quote: "Those are the mightiest thighs that I ever have theen...I mean"
  3. Navy twin sounds like someone I'd like to know. Sounds amazingly level-headed, mature, and discerning. The girl who captures him will be one lucky lady, I think. Congrats on your obvious parenting skills. I'm sure the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
  4. Oh hell, just write your memoirs. I'll read it and so would most of the guys paying attention to this thread! When you sell the book to a movie studio and they're searching for some unknown actor to play you, I plan to audition for the role. Keep me posted.
  5. Sadly however, that ship has sailed I'm afraid. I would have enjoyed one also.
  6. I think this one is pretty nice: https://www.xvideos.com/video38897127/boy_massage_with_hot_guy They both seem to appreciate how things progress. My kind of massage.
  7. Geez, you guys are really hard to please. I think he looks pretty damn good - even for 32. On the age issue, somehow Dallas Steele and Rocco Steele both got their starts in gay porn when they were older than this guy. Then too there is Tomas Brand - he's over 50 also. Whether Chad was a douchebag on The Bachelorette or not I can't say since I've never sullied my eyes (or mind) with watching the show. I am apparently one of the few (if not the only) Bachelorette viewing virgins here. Life is short enough without wasting it watching this kind of stuff. (IMHO)
  8. Ohmyohmyohmyohmyohmyoh. . . Those last three. . . grrrrrrr (even if the middle guy is s a little young to be considered a silver dilf. . . But I don't judge and it is certainly not a criticism. Would welcome more shots of these guys.
  9. Yep, I've always been a big-picture kind of guy.
  10. Geez, you guys are observant! All the times I've watched this video (and as I've said before, there have been MANY) and I never picked up on that.
  11. I just read the Wikipedia article. I didn't realize that he was now openly bisexual. Really, I thought he was G4P.
  12. I am with you, Brother Whitman. And I suspect we are not alone here.
  13. Now. Watching "average" porn is like hiring an average-looking guy as an escort. Why would I want to do either? I'm in it for the fantasy aspect. I was thinking the same thing. How big is your couch? Perhaps we can practice social distancing and watch porn together in these perilous times. And make a new friend as a bonus! I believe you have summed up the situation admirably.
  14. On a related note, what has happened on Instagram? I used to hit those links and go over there and click on photos to see them enlarged. Now IG demands that I log in or open an account. I don't know that I want to do that.
  15. Isn't the guy in the last post Ken Ryker, the G4P porn star of years gone by?
  16. Thanks, AshburyGuy, for the ID. His Instagram is worth checking out for sure. But y'know with my worsening ADD my attentions and fantasies have turned to the hunk in post #1322. I don't know what's wrong with me - I just don't seem to be able to focus on one man for very long. It's a curse.
  17. Who IS that gorgeous man in the above post??!!! And what is he doing on my beach?
  18. Yes, it's one of the great massage flicks. I lost a lot of, uh, er, uh energy over this one. Whatever became of Tom Vaccaro?
  19. Epigonos, consider yourself lucky. While I am familiar with See's candies (they are excellent!), in PA the state controlled liquor stores are all closed. We can buy some wines in a handful of grocery stores but no hard liquor.
  20. To quote Margaret Hamilton in The Wizard of Oz, "What a world, what a world!" Yes indeed what a world we live in where stores selling firearms are deemed to be life-essential and a guy selling sex (er time. . . ) is not.
  21. I thought I had seen all of Tyler's massage videos, but apparently I hadn't. Thanks for finding one that I hadn't. Always good to discover a new one!
  22. No question this is a hot video. Thanks, Beethoven, for posting it. But I see no massage here. Might this be the start of another thread - one devoted to that age-old practice of jacking off in the kitchen? (Heck, I do it all the time, myself. Doesn't everybody?)
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