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Posts posted by SometimesBi

  1. As we age, I have noticed something about myself that might work for others.

    I usually wear shorts or PJs to bed, especially during colder seasons. But with warmer weather, I may sleep naked. It seems to me that morning wood is more likely without clothes. 

    My theory is that with clothes on, the typical movement during sleep doesn't cause any stimulation. But without clothes, and movement can also cause your manhood to rub against the bed sheets, mattress, etc. And even the slightest stimulation like that may steer the brain to dream of something more arousing? 

    I think more research is needed. 

  2. Ok, I hope this question isn't too weird. 

    I'm sure most bottoms, myself included, prepare themselves (either BM, enema, and/or shower shot or similar) fairly close to getting topped. So no questions about that.

    But what about if the bottom does not know what the day/evening might bring. If as a bottom I wanted to get myself ready, and then go out on the town looking for a top to hook up with, how long might the AVERAGE bottom remain ready "down there"? What if it's a couple hours, or more, before getting topped?

    (Yes, I understand the risks of the random hookup, so I hope this topic doesn't dwell on that.)

    I'm just trying to get an understanding of how long does the lowest part of the intestine stay empty. Yes, each person is different. But might this conversation yield an average expectation?

  3. 57 minutes ago, Beancounter said:


    I recommend Seamus.  I was passing through Nashville about 3 weeks ago and met Seamus…a true gentleman and delight. He has a day job so is probably only available in the evenings. Nicely hung.  I plan on seeing him again.


    And, please!  All you vocal, anti-tattoo Forum members keep your opinions to yourself.  We already know your feelings on body art. 

    Indeed, I enjoy body art ... and body hair. Very nice indeed. Bookmark for sure! 

    Would you mind PM me some more details? 

  4. So, just found out that I might be traveling to Nashville, TN for a business seminar this fall (Oct 2024). Yea, I like to plan ahead. 😁 

    I've never been anywhere in the south before (I live in Seattle). Any recommendations for providers (masseur or escort) that do outcalls? I'm older (50s) and a bottom. 

  5. I just found out today that xtube is gone. 😭  It had a few of my all-time favorite videos, some years old.

    I've peeked around a couple others (pornhub, xhamster, xvideos) trying to see if I could find some of these old favs. 

    But they all have poor search capabilities, certainly focused on the latest, and pro, etc. Some seem to yield the same 400k+ results, no matter what I enter.

    One video I'm looking for is B&W. Do ANY sites have a search function with color/b&w as one criteria? I haven't found a search like that... yet. 😥

    And, as xtube was failing, was there a preferred site where people were taking their videos to? 

  6. 21 hours ago, nate_sf said:

    If this change sticks, it will require providers to develop yet another workaround. Providers in the US already have to do that with their fees. Some have their fees in an autoresponse in their instant messages. In my case I have a stand-alone web page with my rates that I point clients to

    I just saw a clever workaround last week. Don't remember who, or how I even stumbled on their profile (possibly a link from a forum here)...

    But basically, they created a hashtag with their rate, i.e. #200anhour 

    If providers use their own flavor of this (not sharing the same hashtags) might be harder for such tags to be detected/removed. For example: #200hr, #hr200, #a200hour, even #twohundredhour 😁

  7. 2 hours ago, DWnyc said:

    Why would condoms be unsafe? 

    we can debate whether condoms (without prep /ART) are less safe than prep/ART or whether condoms add anything to safety in conjunction … but what makes them unsafe independently? 

    Totally unscientific, 100% baseless opinion here...

    Perhaps the concept is that a guy that is on PreP / U==U / etc, is doing so many frequent tests that they likely don't have anything to transmit. 

    Meanwhile, a guy that requires condoms may never have been tested for anything (figuring the condoms are all the protection they need) and thus may be carrying something transmissable? Oral, kissing, fingering, even just their jizz getting on you, all could be risky depending what they might have?

    So yes, condoms give safety for the act of sex, vs going bare.

    But for the overall encounter, might playing with someone who requires condoms be less safe than playing with someone prepared for bareback?

  8. 22 hours ago, CuriousByNature said:

    I know it has been mentioned frequently in other threads, and this comment is not to refute or challenge your post/opinion in any way, but there is a risk in assuming that a provider's written status is accurate.  But I get your point :)

    I suppose that is a valid concern. However, I would think if a provider was going to lie about that, that they would lie saying they are on PrEP. 

    Lying about U==U would probably be counter productive. While educated guys understand HIV can't be transmitted when undetectable, I'm sure there are plenty of potential clients that don't, and would still steer clear of such providers. 

    So IMHO a provider revealing U==U status it likely more truthful than others. 

  9. If he's a top, he better show his dick. It's that simple. 

    I'm a bottom, so when I hire, I want to see how big he is... and sometimes more importantly, how not-so-big he is. I prefer the more average sized tops. I don't want a top that hurts, I want a top that will feel good inside. 

    Now, for the rest of the ad ... rates, rates, and rates. I dislike contacting a provider, only to learn the rates are not within my budget. It wastes both our time.

    Also, I want to know that you DON'T SMOKE, and DON'T DO DRUGS. 

    Finally, tell if you are on PrEP. Or if you are Undetectable. Indeed, I'm leaning more to U==U guys, because they have to monitor themselves so much, I'd be very comfortable with them. 

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