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Posts posted by glennnnn

  1. I love to read m/m erotica (most is written by females, but that's a separate issue) and inevitably some of the characters know that climax is imminent because their balls "draw up" against their bodies. Either I have a really lazy scrotum, or this is not universal among men. I checked & my sac just hangs there!!! Please advise me as to the response of your various scrotii. feel free to do plenty of field research. I recommend a hand mirror or a lab assistant.








  2. On 11/14/2022 at 3:35 PM, handiacefailure said:

    you want to take it a half hour to an hour before sex.   Be careful if you are on high blood pressure meds or have low blood pressure because I'm told it can lower your blood pressure.

    I normally just need a half pill


  3. I believe that a man needs to jack off frequently as a supplement to shared sex in order to maintain  health, and that most MDs agree. But what is frequent and what is excessive? At seventy nine once a week works fine for me.

    How about you?




  4. On 12/11/2022 at 3:33 PM, Lucky said:

    So when you approach an escort who says in his profile that he is into kissing, and tell him specifically that you are also interested in that, so you make the appointment only to find out that his idea of kissing is a lackluster dry kiss, you wonder why he didn't just say no to the appointment. This happened to a friend recently.


  5. I am meeting my fav escort for a long weekend in PS.  I am facing health issues that might make this our last session. I want to make it special, so I plan to treat both of us to a spa visit or massage.


    Who or what do you recommend? What is the difference between a massage and a spa treatment? .

    Comments, warnings, suggestions or anecdotes are all appreciated Please pm me if you prefer.

    I edited this because I just found some info.😏 I will repost if needed after reading it all. Sorry to waste your time, I do still need any recs specifically for the PS area. Thanks

  6. There's some guys around with monster cocks hanging at knee length. My question is, where do they store it when it's flaccid? (Only mid thigh length) I know I'm obsessed with cock but this is a serious query. Check out the monster cock gallery here, and ask yourself "where do they store it when it's soft, and only 10 inches or so?".                          If your cock is a monster, share your solution here or PM me.

  7. I'm 79 and haven't had an  ’'age related turndown" yet. Just be honest and personable and maintain realistic expectations. I figure if a guy is so shallow he can't find value in your honesty and experience,- fuck him.... Better yet let him fuck himself. Remember the economy seems pretty fragile and our providers need us as much as we need them. 65 or 70 isn't that old.

  8. There used to be a listing of "size" for the providers on in RM, right? I liked it because I could screen out the guys who were over 7 inches or so and  would thus give me more pain than pleasure since I'm small. It seems to be gone now. Anyone know why? I miss it.

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