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Everything posted by SundayZip

  1. A classic case of bait-and-switch. I discovered this escort in 2012 when he had an ad as Simon NYC. He's since had ads as Angelo-NYC, Manzo Italiano, Sean XL Uncut and probably lots more. It was pretty easy for me to spot his ads for a while because he pictured the same model and/or the same porn star in the different ads and sometimes used the exact same picture. The crazy thing is, the real guy is not ugly and has a nice body and a cock that is slightly larger than average. But he doesn't come close to the hotness of the guys pictured in his ads. And he sure knows how to create an appealing ad.
  2. I've had a couple encounters with escorts who used "borrowed" pictures on their ad. The first time, the guy who came to my hotel room looked kind-of, sort-of like the guy in the ad, but I wasn't 100% sure. So I gave him the benefit of the doubt and went through with the date. It wasn't until after the date that I double checked the ad and realized that it was absolutely a different person. I could see that the guy pictured on the ad was a LOT more appealing than the escort himself. The second time the guy who showed up at my hotel door was very clearly not the guy in the ad. He was someone I would not have been interested in under any circumstances. The guy stated that the escort I had requested had a last minute scheduling conflict and sent him in his place. I told the guy at the door, no thank-you, and sent him away. I would say that in both of these cases, it was a bait-and-switch. PS. I've since gotten much better and screening potential escorts, thanks to his forum.
  3. A friend who had a radical prostatectomy (prostate and seminal glands removed due to prostate cancer) tells me that he has pretty intense orgasms without the ejaculation. Before the surgery he was like most men in that the orgasm ended with the ejaculation. Without the ejaculation, the orgasm seems to go on and on. Rather than having an abrupt ending, it gradually fades away.
  4. Interesting! I just noticed a picture posted to the Instagram account. The account owner has posted a picture of himself posing with Alam Wernik. They're both shirtless and doing their best to look sexy. Caption on the photo is "amigo muito especial @alamwernik" (very special friend @alamwernik). In case you don't know who Alam Wernik is, search for him in the Deli forum. Hmmm.... maybe this guy is for real.
  5. You make a good point. It's entirely possible that the owner of the Instagram account is also escorting and has no idea how easy it is to link the RM pictures back to his public Instagram account that includes pictures of family back in Brazil. I suppose I'm suspicious because I've been duped more than once by escorts who used stolen pictures on their RM adds. Therefore I'm extra cautious. I guess the only way to find out is to set up date, which you're attempting to do. Good luck and let us know what happens!
  6. I did a reverse image search. Some of the RM pictures were posted to the Instagram site a couple years ago.
  7. It's interesting that all his pics can be found on the instagram account of a Brazilian actor/dancer/professor located in Hollywood. You'd think he'd have at least one RM picture that wasn't also on his instagram account. Seems suspicious to me.
  8. Probably Nat Turner come back to seek justice... or maybe just to explain how things really went down.
  9. Joe College by JPM 770. Be sure to start with Chapter 1. http://jpm770.blogspot.com/
  10. Hi Smurof, You say "it just goes into storage." Could you be more specific? Does it go to a physical file on your computer (PDF, Microsoft XPS or similar). Or does it go to the printer's print queue? Knowing this would help.
  11. Guys with iPhones! Who'd a thought? Now I'd like see Guys-with-a-Samsung-Galaxy-S9-with-128GB-expansion-and-24-month-financing-with-0%-APR. Now that would be HOT.
  12. Thank god for my uncouth friends and family who do not know proper culture and protocol!
  13. I think I'd prefer to have someone mix up 'dominate' and 'dominant' to someone saying 'Exeunt the conversation'.
  14. Why should it matter that someone states that they gravitate toward one end a sexual orientation continuum? Just because a guy is predominantly attracted to woman, it doesn't necessarily mean that he can't occasionally enjoy sexual encounters with men. Why not focus on those occasions instead of bemoaning that fact that he has stated a "preference" for women?
  15. Yes. Excellent! He's standing in Niteroi City Park. That's the Sugar Loaf Mountain across the bay and behind that is Copacabana beach. The famous Christ Redeemer statue on top of that far distant peak.
  16. Time for me to post. In what city is he standing? Look closely at a map before you make a guess. http://i65.tinypic.com/2ighca0.jpg
  17. Madrid on Calle Gran Via approaching Calle Mesonero Romanos. I googled the image and found a reference to Gay Madrid. It looks like a gay pride parade which I figured might be on Gran Via (the big busy street in central Madrid). So I did a google street view of Gran Via and there it was.
  18. The Louvre in Paris. You can't see it on the picture, but there's a cafe behind the railings.
  19. Over 3,000 men and women, Jews and Muslims, perform "One Day" by Matisyahu in three different languages.
  20. I tell the 18yo employee at Chipotle that I'd like a chicken burrito bowl. She fills the bowl with rice, ladles on the beans and then adds the tiniest, itty bitty sprinkling of grilled chicken pieces (definitely not the 4 ounces that the Chipotle nutritional guide claims). And then she tells me that more chicken will cost $2. Aaaagh!
  21. Miami Beach!.... on Florida Av approaching 8th St. The Art Deco architecture is the first clue and I recognize the Armani Exchange store on the corner of 8th St.
  22. I used to love beaches too, @Epigonos, although I've never found one in a supermarket. It's probably tough to keep the sand confined to the produce aisle.
  23. Listed in the order that I eat most frequently (sort of): Broccoli Zucchini Spinach/other leafy greens Carrots Brussel sprouts Peas Edit: also lots of onions, celery and parsnips in homemade soups and stews
  24. I'm with you @Wolfer. I would like to be able to talk to friends about escorts in the same way that people talk about their latest date or some other hobby -- and I don't want to do it in a way that feels like lying (eg, pretending it was a regular date or hookup). I have talked to a couple friend about escorts, but in more hypothetical terms. Responses were what I expected; they don't necessarily think its wrong, but of course, they would never do it themselves. The implication is that a person who hires must be deficient in some way. I even told one friend that I had hired an escort once while traveling. He was intrigued but my gut told me that it would be best to not tell him more. Hiring escorts feels a bit like being gay must been felt 60 years ago. It's a secret that you dare not tell because no one really understands. Like others have posted, I've made a couple of good friends at forum gatherings. Getting together with them and talking about anything and everything has been awesome!!
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