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Posts posted by Italiano

  1. On 7/31/2023 at 3:10 PM, Unicorn said:

    Maybe I missed something, but were any of KS's accusers women?

    Not that I know of, and I totally doubt that. I was answering to someone who said that in general he believes that these accounts from years past are completely unbelievable.

  2. 20 hours ago, pubic_assistance said:

    I was raped at a Halloween party many years ago by an older gentleman with some degree of wealth and family social standing.

     I exposed his misconduct the very next day to everyone who knew him. I fail to understand why anyone would wait more than 24 hours to do the same. As a victim of rape myself I do find these accounts from years past to be completely unbelievable and even more so when fame and money comes into the picture.



    As sorry as I am for your really horrible experience, I don't think you can box all similar situations in the same way and to declare that all past accounts are unbelievable. Good for you who were able to pick up yr pieces and denounce the bastard, but it is not as easy for everybody. 

    Especially for women, and especially in the past, rape can be a shocking, paralyzing experience, sometimes accompanied by psychological blackmail. I personally know three very close friends who were never able to denounce their rapists, and who have been living with this black cloud throughout their lives.

    Do I believe ALL #metoo recollections of facts? No, but you can't even say that it is all BS.


  3. 15 hours ago, Unicorn said:

    That reminds me of a faux pas I made at a large family reunion a number of years ago. My mother loved going to these giant family reunions of people who shared her maiden name (one only needed to be three generations from a person's maiden name, so I could still go if I wanted to). All of my 1st/2nd/3rd cousins are from Belgium, and over half of the family lives in Belgium or France (the family can trace its roots as far back as 16th Century Strassbourg, on the French/German border), but a substantial number live in Germany. On the formal dinner (at the time all men wore tuxedos), they usually intentionally seat people with more distant cousins, so that one will meet new people. At one point, there was an elderly family patriarch who went up to the podium to speak in a wheelchair.

    One of my distant cousins said "That's cousin Frank [not his real name]. He lost his legs in the battle of Stalingrad." Not thinking, I asked "How did he end up fighting with the Red Army?". I was then informed "He was on the other side...". My face turned red as a beet. Throughout the years, I'd heard so many stories of family members fighting for the resistance (even German family members), that I forgot that some were forced to fight with the German armed forces. At the time, my domestic partner was Russian, and he had a good laugh when I told him the story. 

    Definitely my father at age 20 didn't choose spontaneously to fight with the Germans :)

  4. And he is rude and stupid.  I contacted him and asked for fees, and he told him that unless I tell him a specific date for meeting he "doesn't give a fuck" to give me his fees....🤔🙄🤷‍♂️

  5. On 3/21/2022 at 12:04 PM, pitman said:

    I use this website:   https://hide.me/en/proxy

    Copy the RM address into the hide.me page, check all the boxes under 'More options', and click on 'Go'.  Any of the proxy locations will usually work, but if one does not, try another.

    Hope this works for you.

    With the new Rentmen format, it is not possible to read reviews from US again....Any help?

  6. 11 hours ago, Vegas_Millennial said:

    The winner or runners up is usually Japanese and the frankfurter is a German food.  The only thing American about this is the willingness to bury the hatchet after past wars and welcome people and appetites from around the world.

    Still I find it a horrible annual event.

  7. 18 hours ago, Unicorn said:

    Quinine was available during WW2, and was effective at that time (it's not now). It doesn't surprise me the Nazis didn't provide quinine for their POW's. If I can believe WW2 movies, the Nazis treated their POW's horribly, and the Japanese were even worse. 

    Actually my father (born and raised in Italy) was a POW of US, not of Germans...After Africa he was sent to a Prisoners Camp here and kept for 2 years.

    He told me they were treated relatively nicely. He went back to Italy in 1945.

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