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Posts posted by buckguy

  1. Turn around time has always been an issue with him. I remember this from his days before being Myrtle Tony (I forget his original screen name; this was c. 2006 and he was in DC), but he was friendly and interactive when you got him. He has a review dated March 7 for whatever that's worth.

  2. I am upset with the remark made after @Angel asked a simple question. Wht should he have to do research. We are a discussion group and not writing a PhD thesis. Someone with a simple answer can write a short reply and if it takes too much time for those in the know to read it, simply skip over the answer. Wht can't we be friendly and polite with one another?


    Because it’s relativrly simple to find the info and reshashing old stuff often brings flames and tears, rather than clarity. You can see how strong the opinions are already and it’s because he changed position.


    Plus a large percentage of things people bring up here are the same thing over and over again and it gets annoying to answer questions that a few minutes of searching can answer better.

  3. I hope OP never visits Bangkok, because when he does his inevitable mispronunciations and lack of intonation will leave him stranded at some point. Yes, there are guys who clearly didn't major in English even if it is their first language. But for someone whose native tongue has a completely different grammar (no "perfect" tenses, no gender) writes an ad in English you need a little respect and imagination.

  4. Saw him early on and found him difficult to engage. A bad day perhaps but I never really got the adoration—fanboydom is often a bad sign. If you Google him, you can get an idea from other sites what happened with him as it was visible in a variety of places. I think moderation her likes to avoid regarding things or getting into personal details or anything that would reveal his real name.

  5. It's pretty common to charge extra in LA for something outside the immediate neighborhood of the provider---distances can be time consuming during most of the day, but this is usually discussed.

  6. Sounds like a variation on DeMarco, who didn’t have upfront expectations but did make things seem transactional.


    I met him in person. The photos are accurate. From the moment we met, He made me feel very aware that we were engaging in a "transaction". He insisted on seeing payment before anything could begin. Definitely not a boyfriend experience because his focus from the first minute was making sure the money was there.
  7. He's been planning his exit for quite awhile. It's likely that he finally defended his dissertation and found a job. He doesn't really owe anyone an announcement.

  8. Easily the most unintentionally funny thread in memory--the fanboys in full rationalization for anything. BN sounding the alarm about negativity. And, yet, if he's lucky he'll be a "WEHT" subject in a few years with his fan boys sounding like sad questioners who want to know if long-retired straight guy Alec Powers is available. The kid is a now grossly overpriced Instagram exhibitionist with a crazy bf. If that's your bar for seriousness, you're spending way too much time here.

  9. I wonder how they deal with it?


    Chad Knight was married but I think it ended his marriage.


    In the thread I posted about what does a penis weigh the model I shared (Ivan Mraz among other names he uses) when he began his porn career in 2013 (age 18) had a girlfriend but that must have ended. Now in 2017 (age 22) he joined a Czech dating site saying he is interesting in dating women aged 18 to 26.


    I'd think it must be difficult to do gay porn and try to maintain a relationship with a woman. I can understand having female friends but not in a sexual way.


    Chad Knught's wife had more trouble with his bi videos than his gay ones. She accompanied him to gay porn sets but was uncomfortable actually watching his gay videos. He left the biz when his stepdaughters were old enough that they might have been able to find his work.

  10. Somebody better tell his BF that Grayson is straight! LOL


    He was advertising as straight as recently as a couple weeks ago. He simply doesn't add up to me as a person---so if you're "taking him at his word" as some have suggested your taking a mess. Given that some people will throw obvious caution to the wind and then complain about the results (the endless tears over Backpage ripoffs, for example), go right ahead but be clear that taking someone at their word does not presume that doing such a thing is necessarily great judgment.

  11. It's really tiresome when people generalize based on their own experience and talk about someone they really don't know--he may have been using for many years. The sad thing to me is that he's 45 year old guy who seems to be living like a 25 year old. Not a good prognosis for the future.

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