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He was based in New Orleans for a very long time and I remember several discussions on and off about him over several year period including one about a forum member meeting him at a bar before and after conversing with him deciding he didn't want to go back to the escort's place. The only other tidbit of info I remember from the thread was he loved to smoke pot. It should be in the archives here somewhere.





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I too made a recent post on Zac: http://www.companyofmen.org/threads/411-on-zackitalianjock-in-new-orleans.113161/#post-1079114.


I want to expand on what all I was able to garner during his extended period in New Orleans which ended about 3 1/2 years ago:


1. With regularity, he would run ads saying "new phone number." That was a red flag for me.

2. Always said he was "in a frat" and "not out at all." Nevetheless, in my opinion, he gave too much personal information (publicly, IN the ads) for that to be the case (see # 6 & # 7 below).

3. On one occassion, an ad with his identical handle which only the day before depicted him the next day depicted a TOTALLY different person who was African American. To me, this means one of two scenarios: A - He was in a relationship with that gentleman (or possibly knew him as another escort though I've followed the New Orleans market for over a decade, and I'd NEVER seen the African American gentleman ever run ANY ad for the NO market). If that scenario is the case, we can only assume they were trying to save the expense of a second ad, but it also TOTALLY destroys both their credibilities for anyone viewing the ad regularly. B - Neither set of pics was actually of the guy running the ad and he was trying anything possible to convince someone to actually meet up with him (by appealing to guys who may desire an African American escort).

4. When I first joined this forum, the first inquiry I made of it was if anyone could vouch for him. I got a public response along the lines of, "Oh, he's first rate and a great guy and has been doing this for years." The person making the post, however, readily admitted he'd never met the guy!

5. In my opinion, the pictures he used 3 1/2 years or so ago (the ones I readily recall from clicking on down_to_business' Boyscort link above, depict a MUCH more alluring prospect than do the (presumably) present-day pictures. I read on one of the recent threads where he allegedly "likes to smoke pot a lot," so that alone is a deal killer for me. His (presumed) present-day pictures seem to back up a guy who is high on something.

6. The only air of legitimacy I see to him is that, in his older ads, he always said he was "from Pennsylvania" and it looks like he may be returning there (perhaps after hitting "rock bottom").

7. I'm also leery of someone divulging too much about themselves in an ad, and he used to advertise that he was majoring in political science. There's not much you can do with that type of degree except hope to latch on to a campaign as an operative. The pay is often low, however, and speeking for Louisiana (where I've lived my entire life), you basically have to have a connection (or preferable connections), or you're not going to get signed on.


As I said on the post linked above, we scheduled a meeting via phone agreeing to meet the next day. We agreed I'd call to confirm at 10:00 a.m. (which I did). I got his voice mail, so I left a message indicating I was all set to drive down and to please call me back to confirm. Thereafter I got NOTHING. No phone call and no email EVER! I keep maticulous records, so I just retreived my phone bill for the day in question (which I knew was 1/1 because I'd said, "I'm sure you can't meet on New Year's Day," but he said, "New Year's Day is just fine. Come on down.") Turns out it was 1/1/13 (I'd figured 1/1/14), so it's actually been almost 3 1/2 years (time flies as you get old <smile>). Anyway, later that day, I saw his ad listed as "Houston," and thanks to Gay Resumes, here's the link for it:




As I said in # 5, those pictures from 3 1/2 years ago are MUCH more appealing to me than the present-day pictures.


So, my take, for what it may be worth, is that the probablity that this guy is either fake or real but highly problematic is likely quite high. I know FOR A FACT from FIRST-HAND experience that his level of professionalism is nonexistent, and I've outlined the rationale for why above. Thanks, and I hope this may help some.



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thanks for the summary. very interesting development. during one of the earlier threads on him his facebook and Instagram sites were listed (before they were taken down by the admins). his private FB and Instagram sites did seem to be the guy in the advertisement with some of the same photos and a travel history that matched his ad. however nobody it seems has been able to actually meet him. they photos are compelling but feels like he just may be a huge flake.


oh and thanks for sharing the gay resume site. new to me good info to have.

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thanks for the summary. very interesting development. during one of the earlier threads on him his facebook and Instagram sites were listed (before they were taken down by the admins). his private FB and Instagram sites did seem to be the guy in the advertisement with some of the same photos and a travel history that matched his ad. however nobody it seems has been able to actually meet him. they photos are compelling but feels like he just may be a huge flake.


oh and thanks for sharing the gay resume site. new to me good info to have.


You're quite welcome. I got a PM from another member on this forum indicating the same thing you have said. I didn't have the advantage of that knowledge when I posted the above material. I guess the guy may be legit in that he exists as himself, but if that's the case, I think it may be a case of being hard up for money (hence quite likely he may have "loaned" his Rentboy account out -- that's the site from which I responded -- for a few days to his friend before reverting it back to his own account). Nevertheless, THAT was a baffling development that's still not left my mind!! Being hard up for money may also explain him seemingly going "off the grid" for some time now and suddenly resurfacing. If it is a case of just being hard up for money, then his heart isn't going to be in it even if someone does end up meeting with him, and that's an ingredient for disappointment.


I was willing to attempt to reconnect IF another member on here could have been able to vouch for his authenticity by stating he had ACTUALLY MET with him. The main reason I would have done so is that I have a MAJOR weakness for the fratboy look (and did his OLDER pictures depict that in a MAJOR way -- I'm much less impressed with his current pictures). That's the whole reason I contacted him in the first place. His pictures (as depicted on the Gay Resumes site above) were like a magnet for me. From all I've read entailing his latest resurfacing, I'm glad I didn't even attempt to reconnect 3 1/2 years later.





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Found my original post asking about him. As is evidenced by my final comment, he was then a world traveler in Paris and England. If clients had him over to these destinations, obviously there were others besides me who were attracted to his fratboy pics like a magnet as I was: http://www.companyofmen.org/threads/411-on-tratjock22-in-new-orleans.102130/#post-939912.

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