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PrEP on Demand Study Shows Promise

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Check out this study/trial exploring the effectiveness of taking PrEP "on demand", rather than daily. The study had a PrEP group and a placebo group. They were instructed to take 2 doses of Truvada 2-24 hours before sex, another 24 hours later and one more 24 hours after that. Of the placebo group there were 16 new infections and of the PrEP group their were only 2, and both of their blood tests showed no recent traces of Truvada in their system.


This could be very promising for those that would like the added protection of PrEP, but dont want to have to take a daily pill. Also, for people who are having sex less frequently, this could be a way to protect only when they need it.


Thoughts, feelings, opinions?

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There's not a clear answer on this one.


What we do know from this is that in a real life trial.....on demand PreP decreased infection compared to placebo.


Whether or not the two on On-demand PreP patients who seroconverted during the study were true PreP treatment

failures or just two guys who 16 months into the study failed to take the drug correctly is a big debate.


Having no drug in their system near the time of infection isn't really reliable...since they were only SUPPOSED to take

it right around the time of sexual activity and I doubt they were testing them every day. So the timing of the testing, how

long the drug is detectable in the blood after taking it, and just plain asking the guys if they fucked up their regimens...

all would help clarify....but none would lead me to say that it's 100% effective.


I don't think we'll ever get a clearer answer than this though. In my mind, having a high risk group on Placebo-Prep

at this point would be akin to the horrible Tuskegee Syphilis Study.


I think it would be ethical (but hard to design) an On-demand vs Daily PreP study though.


I'm biased...I favor On-demand PreP...but then again I'm only an occasional whore...so that works best for me!

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Check out this study/trial exploring the effectiveness of taking PrEP "on demand", rather than daily. The study had a PrEP group and a placebo group. They were instructed to take 2 doses of Truvada 2-24 hours before sex, another 24 hours later and one more 24 hours after that. Of the placebo group there were 16 new infections and of the PrEP group their were only 2, and both of their blood tests showed no recent traces of Truvada in their system.


This could be very promising for those that would like the added protection of PrEP, but dont want to have to take a daily pill. Also, for people who are having sex less frequently, this could be a way to protect only when they need it.


Thoughts, feelings, opinions?


What happened with the study group who used nothing else but condoms?

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My doctor mentioned this study was going to be released during my regular visit in December. He felt that this regime was too irregular and requires too much advance planning. The daily dose is the best option in his opinion.


During my visit this week he told me that another drug is in the testing period now that appears to be as effective as Truvada/PrEP. That may mean in less than two years there will be more than one hiv prophylactic drug on the market.

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Having no drug in their system near the time of infection isn't really reliable...since they were only SUPPOSED to take

it right around the time of sexual activity and I doubt they were testing them every day. So the timing of the testing, how

long the drug is detectable in the blood after taking it, and just plain asking the guys if they fucked up their regimens...

all would help clarify....but none would lead me to say that it's 100% effective.


I read deeper into the study. It appears that the participants were tested every 8 weeks, and the plasma blood test they ran after the positive results showed whether they had taken the drug within the last 6-8 weeks. Also, of the 60 pills they were each given for the 8 weeks prior to their positive result, one still had all 60 pills and the other 58.

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I knew I could count on you to chime in with your PrEP bias. You don't have to like it, but dont insult others by saying they aren't using "common sense".


I just use condoms, guilty as charged!


I've lost so many friends to HIV in the 80's, I don't know why all of the sudden this BB mania.

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I just use condoms, guilty as charged!


I've lost so many friends to HIV in the 80's, I don't know why all of the sudden this BB mania.


Let's be frank, you don't want to understand. Every time the subject comes up, some patient soul tries to explain their point of view and you are completely closed minded about it. I lived through the worst of the 80's also. I lost virtually my entire peer group of friends, so you don't get to play that card like it explains everything. You aren't even open to the possibility that there could be a new paradigm. That's fine, stick with what you know, but maybe just once you could resist the temptation to wag your virtual finger at people who are excited about the possibility of a different future.

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Let's be frank, you don't want to understand. Every time the subject comes up, some patient soul tries to explain their point of view and you are completely closed minded about it. I lived through the worst of the 80's also. I lost virtually my entire peer group of friends, so you don't get to play that card like it explains everything. You aren't even open to the possibility that there could be a new paradigm. That's fine, stick with what you know, but maybe just once you could resist the temptation to wag your virtual finger at people who are excited about the possibility of a different future.


Since when condoms stopped being effective? Maybe if some young folks can't get it and keep hard they'll just need to use Viagra.


Playing a card? What about being responsible and not abusing your health insurance. The only reason why many folks want to go on PrEP is because they want to BB, that's all... let's be honest about it.


New paradigm? The American way, don't get the ass of the sofa and just take a pill.

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I just use condoms, guilty as charged!


I've lost so many friends to HIV in the 80's, I don't know why all of the sudden this BB mania.

So did I but I'm not blinded to science or reason. On the contrary it makes me delight in a great option. Get your wits about you. Your unfortunate experience in the '80's which others of us sadly share is no excuse.

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So did I but I'm not blinded to science or reason. On the contrary it makes me delight in a great option. Get your wits about you. Your unfortunate experience in the '80's which others of us sadly share is no excuse.


That unfortunate experience and the fact I was in a monogamous relationship saved my life. I'll just keep using condoms, do I have to apologize for it? I hope not.

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I always use condoms for anal sex and usually oral as well. Still, sometimes condoms fail, so I have been interested in adding PrEP to the mix as an added layer of protection. But I have not pursued it because I doubt that the marginal decrease in risk is worth the monetary cost and potential side-effects of the daily regimen, particularly when I don't really have sex all that often and always use condoms when I do. But if I could just take a couple of doses here and there as necessary, I think that might work perfectly for me.

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That unfortunate experience and the fact I was in a monogamous relationship saved my life. I'll just keep using condoms, do I have to apologize for it? I hope not.

No one asked you to apologize for your personal decision and choice of condoms. I respect that.


But at times, you do tend to try to "bully" or "mother" (I'm not sure which at times?) some threads on these forum in your preferred direction/opinion, and you strongly suggest your way is the "only" way.


We are adults here, we are aware of risks here (and on discussions elsewhere on these forum) and we make our choices.

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Well this thread turned south into Prep / Condom bashing fast....and for no real good reason.


There are several ways to DECREASE your RISK of contracting HIV.


In fact there always have been....condoms, oral only, top only, not letting someone cum in your ass, abstinence....blah blah blah.


Now there's two more...daily PreP and on-demand PreP.


They are no more right or wrong than all the other methods.


None of the methods are mutually exclusive....in fact most of the the protections are additive.


No one method is right for everyone.


We are sexually mature adults...and yes some of us even managed to survive the 80's.


None of this makes everything we learned in the 80's right...or wrong...or even dated..


Fuck it.....some of it must have worked....we survived somehow!


And now there new ways we can protect ourselves...if we chose.


Just like abstinence isn't for everyone...neither is PreP...or Condoms.....or Topping only.


It's a choice....just make sure your's is an educated one.


Class is over...peace out...now be nice to each other!

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No one asked you to apologize for your personal decision and choice of condoms. I respect that.


But at times, you do tend to try to "bully" or "mother" (I'm not sure which at times?) some threads on these forum in your preferred direction/opinion, and you strongly suggest your way is the "only" way.


We are adults here, we are aware of risks here (and on discussions elsewhere on these forum) and we make our choices.


yes, but we pass the bill to the rest of the society.


Just take a pill, the American way...


Pack attack again, because I'm evil and I use condoms instead of taking an expensive pill and barebacking...


false feeling of security and for those who profit from it, sheer stupidity


Exactly, what PrEP and condoms? Hold on, for many folks on here it's the pill is all you need.

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How many gay men who are sexually active always know 24-48 hours in advance when they are going to have sex? Seems like the program wouldn't work for so many men. I favor the once a day regime.


The first dose is to be take between 2-24 hours before sex. I think most people know they are gonna have sex 2 hours before it happens.

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To me, it sounds like the pro prep side is being respectful of marylander on using condoms but he isnt being respecful in any way of the prepers. Number wise it sounds like prep and condoms do the same thing with prep maybe doing a lil better. I think dear sweet stuck in his ways and wont change Marylander needs to have a sit down with a trusted Dr in the hiv/aids field and not just with a GP or a hooker. Till then, Marylander I suggest you shut your mouth on this topic and pass the thread by.




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To me, it sounds like the pro prep side is being respectful of marylander on using condoms but he isnt being respecful in any way of the prepers. Number wise it sounds like prep and condoms do the same thing with prep maybe doing a lil better. I think dear sweet stuck in his ways and wont change Marylander needs to have a sit down with a trusted Dr in the hiv/aids field and not just with a GP or a hooker. Till then, Marylander I suggest you shut your mouth on this topic and pass the thread by.






condoms AND prep. if the pill only route has failed once, it will fail again



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