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The Case of the Blemished Bodybuilders

Guest Starbuck
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Guest Starbuck

At least with tattoos—like 'em or not—you usually know what you’re going to see before the guy you hired takes his shirt off. Not so with a bad case of body acne. There’s not a photo on Rentboy or Rentmen that shows that. It doesn’t take Perry Mason to guess the likely cause, but how do you react when that man with the fine physique bares himself to you—expecting admiration, if not full-on muscle worship—and you see the pimples across his upper chest, over his shoulders and down his back?

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If his back and shoulders were covered with those great big zits that look like pustules, I wouldn't like it. Less than that would be fine. For some reason, I think a little backne is sexy. And if I thought a hire was using anabolic steroids, I wouldn't care. It's his health, his body. That circumstance would be unlikely, though, because, even though I love muscle, I don't go for that 'roided look.

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Long time back, I re-hired a guy who I met a few months previous, in London, smart, Greek background, sexy and very good in bed. I was back in London on business and called him up. I was (and in many ways still am) ignorant on drugs and their effects, but realized when he arrived that he was "wound up" quite a bit.


When I finally got him to take off his shirt, while the front was sexy and more muscled than before (he had amazing pecs), his back looked like an outbreak of acne on a 13-year old. When I first wrapped my arms around him, and my hands felt his back (and backside!!!), I was really turned off, and it managed to lower my libido tremendously.


I have since met maybe a handful of men who, when the shirt comes off (and generally they want the lights down real low anyway), I see the same tell-tale signs on their back or buttocks... but these days, I am more health conscious and savvy and so I simply stop the encounter, pay what I think the time already together has been worth, and we part. I do not fork over money for a fantasy only to find that what I have gotten is a sham.

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On a couple of occasions I was about to contact escorts with very muscular bodies. Their photos looked great, but if you looked at their video clips on Rentmen you could see that there were skin problems that had been edited out of the photos but could not be removed or enhanced on the video clips. Just a suggestion.

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Amazing they would be so open about it with you. :p

Well I had a guy shoot up in front of me on more than one occasion... Talk about being open... as if it were not already obvious regarding what he was doing!


Once with a different escort, who was also a professional bodybuilder, we perfectly timed cuming together. Well at this stage I am neither Old Faithful nor a Vesuvius... However, compared to him I had produced a gusher... As he looked down at his shrunken balls, his response was, "Damn steroids!"


I do have a favorite guy who does use roids, but he seems not to be overdoing it and so far no acne... I always tactfully tell him to be careful... Still to each his own and he needs to decide what's best for him.


Still, I prefer the more supple feel of a guy who builds his body naturally and by hard work...

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Compared to Human Growth Hormone (HGH), steroids are fairly inexpensive and more widely used in the body building community. I cannot comment on the medical risks, but in terms of appearance, steroid users have far more issues than shrunken ballz and acne scars. Steroids develop some muscles more than others - so all users end up having exactly the same appearance regardless of how they work out. The most hideous aspect, in my opinion, is the 'steroid tummy' - the six or eight pack shown on a swollen, rounded, foot-ball like gut. They all have it!

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Compared to Human Growth Hormone (HGH), steroids are fairly inexpensive and more widely used in the body building community. I cannot comment on the medical risks, but in terms of appearance, steroid users have far more issues than shrunken ballz and acne scars. Steroids develop some muscles more than others - so all users end up having exactly the same appearance regardless of how they work out. The most hideous aspect, in my opinion, is the 'steroid tummy' - the six or eight pack shown on a swollen, rounded, foot-ball like gut. They all have it!

Totally agree and it's a total turn off! :(

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Guest countryboywny

I agree. As a side trip to last January's DC lunch event, I was DRAGGED to Secrets (the DC strip bar and totally against my will). There was a huge body builder dancing that was an obvious 'roid user. His skin was awful.

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I agree. As a side trip to last January's DC lunch event, I was DRAGGED to Secrets (the DC strip bar and totally against my will). There was a huge body builder dancing that was an obvious 'roid user. His skin was awful.


Oh "DRAGGED" were you? Hmmm, I seem to have a different recollection of that event. :rolleyes:

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Compared to Human Growth Hormone (HGH), steroids are fairly inexpensive and more widely used in the body building community. I cannot comment on the medical risks, but in terms of appearance, steroid users have far more issues than shrunken ballz and acne scars. Steroids develop some muscles more than others - so all users end up having exactly the same appearance regardless of how they work out. The most hideous aspect, in my opinion, is the 'steroid tummy' - the six or eight pack shown on a swollen, rounded, foot-ball like gut. They all have it!


That, supposedly, is not from steroids, but from injecting insulin, which is supposed to have an anabolic effect.

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That, supposedly, is not from steroids, but from injecting insulin, which is supposed to have an anabolic effect.

Interesting. I didn't know that. Just about anything to gain an 'edge', right? I don't want to diss bodybuilders. I know a guy who does it - it takes an astonishing amount of self discipline, persistent workouts and a just about impossible diet plan to get to that level. It is basically a full time job for very low pay. No wonder so many allow 'muscle worship' to pay for their lifestyle. And all of that, not for athletic performance, just to look a certain way. The steroids, the insulin, the HGH, the tanning booths and who knows what else though ... it seems so destructive. I remember seeing a picture of 55-year old lady who had been a bodybuilder for a long time, then stopped. It had turned her into a total wreck.

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Guest countryboywny
Oh "DRAGGED" were you? Hmmm, I seem to have a different recollection of that event. :rolleyes:


Mind your own business, ArVa! MY recollection is the only one that matters!! LOL o_O

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Interesting. I didn't know that. Just about anything to gain an 'edge', right? I don't want to diss bodybuilders. I know a guy who does it - it takes an astonishing amount of self discipline, persistent workouts and a just about impossible diet plan to get to that level. It is basically a full time job for very low pay. No wonder so many allow 'muscle worship' to pay for their lifestyle. And all of that, not for athletic performance, just to look a certain way. The steroids, the insulin, the HGH, the tanning booths and who knows what else though ... it seems so destructive. I remember seeing a picture of 55-year old lady who had been a bodybuilder for a long time, then stopped. It had turned her into a total wreck.



One time I was invited to a party that was all gay musclemen. I arrived and the house was full of gay men who all had enormous muscles - shoulders so broad that they would barely fit through a doorway, that sort of thing. I took it all in, thinking, "If this isn't a different slice of life." The conversation was mostly about muscle, working out and steroids. People who were on cycles discussed them openly - what their stacks were, how much they had cost, when they were planning on starting their next cycle, etc. I had been pondering doing a cycle myself, but that houseful of guys, all on steroids, was so strange that I forgot about the cycle and never looked back.

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