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Buff + Cute Guy, Deceitful and Malicious Behavior

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I just had a very irritating experience with Adam from Fort Lauderdale (link below).


I have been in DC for a week, and shall attend MAL before heading back north. So I emailed Adam with my interests, we had a great conversation, and he suggested an appointment for last Saturday afternoon. So I arranged my schedule--and an hour before the appointment he texted, saying that another guy wanted to book him for the weekend. He did not ask me to "release" him from his obligation--he just said he was cancelling.


But Adam also said: Why don't we reschedule, for Tuesday? So I did, and again arranged my schedule. An hour before our meeting on Tuesday, he once again cancelled, giving as his new excuse that he was sick with the flu and wanted to take the rest of the week off so he could "recover."


A friend of mine had also emailed Adam--who told my friend he was "out and about" (with the flu?) all day Wednesday. Then today (Thursday), he emailed my friend seeking to set up an appointment Thursday night. Adam is either being highly irresponsible (exposing my friend to the flu) or, more likely, highly mendacious (lying to me).


I see that Adam has great reviews, which I cannot dispute (for the obvious reason, that I have never net him). In my case, he has been playing some kind of passive-aggressive "game," which I can only interpret as malicious. (No idea why he would be this mean to me. I have never met this fellow, nor have we ever communicated before this last week.)



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IMHO this crap happens a lot. Some escorts lose info, or something comes up and then falls through, or who knows what. A number live practically hour by hour. He seems a little old though to be so flighty. Ive been told a number of lies over he years, and forgive on a case by case basis. I recommend you don't take it personally. A lot of escorts are pros who give good customer service.

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Sad to hear this - I was about to try to book Adam but had a suspicion from a conversation some months back that he could be picky with clients (no criteria and nothing beyond some other guys' experiences). While I am sorry this happened to you, Andy2, your experience has saved me from foolishly losing revenue.

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Sad to hear this - I was about to try to book Adam but had a suspicion from a conversation some months back that he could be picky with clients (no criteria and nothing beyond some other guys' experiences). While I am sorry this happened to you, Andy2, your experience has saved me from foolishly losing revenue.



Adriano, thanks for your kind post. Adam might have been great in the sack, but as you suggest he is risky to schedule, especially if you want to arrange your schedule around the session with him.


I might add that your posts over the years have been witty and wry, informative, cosmopolitan, and even erudite. I appreciate your gracious post.


By the way, I received a private message from another excellent Forum participant. Like yours, his was sympathetic--and like you, he urged me to move on and not be upset by this behavior. I was probably being hasty when I deemed it "malicious"; "irresponsible" would have been a more appropriate adjective.

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Adriano, thanks for your kind post. Adam might have been great in the sack, but as you suggest he is risky to schedule, especially if you want to arrange your schedule around the session with him.


I might add that your posts over the years have been witty and wry, informative, cosmopolitan, and even erudite. I appreciate your gracious post.


By the way, I received a private message from another excellent Forum participant. Like yours, his was sympathetic--and like you, he urged me to move on and not be upset by this behavior. I was probably being hasty when I deemed it "malicious"; "irresponsible" would have been a more appropriate adjective.


I sent you a PM...

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I just had a very irritating experience with Adam from Fort Lauderdale (link below).


I have been in DC for a week, and shall attend MAL before heading back north. So I emailed Adam with my interests, we had a great conversation, and he suggested an appointment for last Saturday afternoon. So I arranged my schedule--and an hour before the appointment he texted, saying that another guy wanted to book him for the weekend. He did not ask me to "release" him from his obligation--he just said he was cancelling.


But Adam also said: Why don't we reschedule, for Tuesday? So I did, and again arranged my schedule. An hour before our meeting on Tuesday, he once again cancelled, giving as his new excuse that he was sick with the flu and wanted to take the rest of the week off so he could "recover."


A friend of mine had also emailed Adam--who told my friend he was "out and about" (with the flu?) all day Wednesday. Then today (Thursday), he emailed my friend seeking to set up an appointment Thursday night. Adam is either being highly irresponsible (exposing my friend to the flu) or, more likely, highly mendacious (lying to me).


I see that Adam has great reviews, which I cannot dispute (for the obvious reason, that I have never net him). In my case, he has been playing some kind of passive-aggressive "game," which I can only interpret as malicious. (No idea why he would be this mean to me. I have never met this fellow, nor have we ever communicated before this last week.)




I met him in 2007 in NYC when he used to work for Chelsea Guys... Nice guy, some of the pictures are the same he used then or so it looks, but he couldn't talk or his purse would pop out of his mouth.


I guarantee you escorts deal with things like this and all this flakiness all the time but that doesn't allow him to behave like this.

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I was probably being hasty when I deemed it "malicious"; "irresponsible" would have been a more appropriate adjective.

I found your use of the word 'mendacious' quite definitive, refreshing, possibly accurate, and without malice.


In fact, you stimulated several humorous thoughts using 'mendacious'

  • Mendacious - is that a disease?
  • Mendacious - is that bodacious for boys? I.e. She's got bodacious boobs, but he has a mendacious ass!
  • Mendacious - as in "mind dey shit" in remembering of a permanently timed-out escort/poster here.
  • Mendacious - as in, 'If I had that man in my bed, I'd be "minding dat shit!"

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With that behavior, and a purse falling out of his mouth ----- you are probably lucky you didn't link-up.


Damn, that would be disturbing, though how disturbing depends on what bag fell out.




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I hired him the last time he was in NYC a week ago or so. He's a hot, handsome, very well built guy who matches most of his pics. The sex was great. The purse comment overstates what my experience was, but he's not winning any John Wayne awards. He does not go to great lengths to hide his real identity, and using the pics will lead you there. He's a somewhat well known youtube personality with strong right wing/libertarian views (as some other comments in this forum have noted). He's talkative, and as a result it's unfortunately not hard to trigger one of the subjects on which he gets vociferous, which changes the whole experience for the worse.

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I understand the advice to calm down and move along, but I don't agree that you shouldn't be annoyed. The most frustrating part of this process for me is the never ending insistence by working guys that this is a legitimate "profession", yet it has no training associated with it, no common values, no consistency among providers and absolutely no "best practices". By report, this guy has been around for a while and has good reviews - so what possible justification exists for a professional to not only cancel an appt. on one hour notice, but then he actually called you and said "Hey, man, I got a better deal so forget our appt." - is there anybody alive who wouldn't be furious about that purpiseful and intentionally unprofessional behavior? Respectfully, after he did that, why were you OK scheduling with him again? No judgement here - I understand dealing with intense desire, but if we dilute our responses and let the unprofessional guys get away with this unscathed, then the problem gets even worse. I had a well known and well reviewed guy cancel a trip to see me by saying he "forgot he had some tests" - unbelievable! And then Devon writes about his frustration in dealing with cluent flakes who schedule and don't show - I have as much contempt for them, but the answer doesn't lie in forgetting what happened..instead, both clients and escorts have to acknowledge these issues and work together to separate the real clients and the professional providers, from the others who screw things up. If I were RB, I would work toward a different designation for vetted escorts and the clients who have hired them....

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Buff + Cute Guy...



I know exactly what you mean about a talkative escort giving vent to their opinions. I met a guy visiting up here from Florida one time who, after a stunning session of hot sex, semi-ruined the afterglow by making it clear as to how much he hated various aspects of my city.

He furthered his downward conversational spiral & unknowingly put himself into my non-repeat category when he continued on and espoused some surprisingly, sharply racist views.

I gave strong push-back against this but I think that he was getting off on continuing his macho identity that is at the heart of his chosen escort persona.

He'd have done us both a favor by keeping his mouth shut instead.

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I understand the advice to calm down and move along, but I don't agree that you shouldn't be annoyed. The most frustrating part of this process for me is the never ending insistence by working guys that this is a legitimate "profession", yet it has no training associated with it, no common values, no consistency among providers and absolutely no "best practices". By report, this guy has been around for a while and has good reviews - so what possible justification exists for a professional to not only cancel an appt. on one hour notice, but then he actually called you and said "Hey, man, I got a better deal so forget our appt." - is there anybody alive who wouldn't be furious about that purpiseful and intentionally unprofessional behavior? Respectfully, after he did that, why were you OK scheduling with him again? No judgement here - I understand dealing with intense desire, but if we dilute our responses and let the unprofessional guys get away with this unscathed, then the problem gets even worse. I had a well known and well reviewed guy cancel a trip to see me by saying he "forgot he had some tests" - unbelievable! And then Devon writes about his frustration in dealing with cluent flakes who schedule and don't show - I have as much contempt for them, but the answer doesn't lie in forgetting what happened..instead, both clients and escorts have to acknowledge these issues and work together to separate the real clients and the professional providers, from the others who screw things up. If I were RB, I would work toward a different designation for vetted escorts and the clients who have hired them....


Amoco, I appreciate your questions.


When Adam cancelled the first time, I gave him a pass because he was honest + I had a flexible schedule, so why not go along with his proposal to meet on Tuesday instead? I regretted that decision when he not only cancelled at the last minute on Tuesday, but lied about it.


This episode ought to renew the Forum's interest in including a category for No Shows. As everyone can see, many of the No Shows have interesting stories behind them. And they expose unprofessional escorts.

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Thanks, Andy...


For me, it would have been easier to agree to to rescheduling if he called and said: "Look, Andy, you and I made an appointment and I'm committed to it, but I also just received another opportunity for a longer session and I was wondering if your schedule would allow you some flexibility to meet up on Tuesday, and I promise to make the inconvenience up to you".


That would tell me that he took our appt. seriously and was prepared to do the right thing even if it cost him some money. In turn, that might free me up to make concessions, too. But the idea that he calls and simply says "I'm canceling our appt. because I got a better deal one hour before we're supposed to meet" tells you he has little in the way of values or professionalism. I admire your attitude - it would drive me crazy.

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  • 3 months later...

I had one good experience with him but he was SUPER SUPER SUPER late. The next time he cancelled on me with no no notice because he was "sick." And this was when he was visiting my hom town for a week. Did not attempt to reschedule, just "sick" can't come. If you actually get him, he is good. But not worth the effort due to the flakyness. The right wing demagoguery is news to me, but its one less reason to ever see him again.

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  • 7 months later...

Just have to say that I saw Adam last night and it was a great experience. Easy to schedule, right on time, super into it. I went into this cautiously given all the feedback here, suspected there might be some substance abuse or self-hate stuff going on -- none of that. Agree with dutchal that the "purse" comment seems overstated to me too. If you're looking for butch he may not fit the bill, but I have no doubt - he's a gay man who loves sex. Btw, I did keep the conversation away from politics based on advice gotten here.

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Just have to say that I saw Adam last night and it was a great experience. Easy to schedule, right on time, super into it. I went into this cautiously given all the feedback here, suspected there might be some substance abuse or self-hate stuff going on -- none of that. Agree with dutchal that the "purse" comment seems overstated to me too. If you're looking for butch he may not fit the bill, but I have no doubt - he's a gay man who loves sex. Btw, I did keep the conversation away from politics based on advice gotten here.


Will a review appear on this meeting?

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Damn, that would be disturbing, though how disturbing depends on what bag fell out.





LOL, I wouldn't call your avatar very masculine either,

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LOL, I wouldn't call your avatar very masculine either,


I hate that "purse fell out" phrase. Why not be more specific? "He lisped." "His voice was too high-pitched." "He was too femme for me."


Don't expect me to sympathize a lot, though. I'm kind of over using supposedly "feminine" characteristics to slam men AND women.


I present and think of myself as cisgender, but more and more I realize I am more "doesn't give a fuck, take what I want from column XX and column XY" gender. (After all, unless we have a medical condition, we ALL have testosterone and estrogen roaming our bodies.) No wonder my non-holiday avatar is someone who has both a pussy and a dick.


(My holiday avatar is male. The shoulder muscles should be a dead giveaway.)

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