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A call for new excuses from no-show clients

Rick Munroe
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Does this mean that during all the times I've spent with you I coiuld have bugged off by telling you the truth? That a foreign mercenary had stolen my ATM card when my business trip was cancelled because my dog was run over by ailing parents?



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RE: Negative, Neutral and Superlative


>For starters, you knock down escorts frequently, but you seem

>a lot less likely to degrade and stomp all-over yourself as

>you do them.


Yet, more bull shit, who could have imagined? To my recollection I have only criticized one escort here, Bruno, and more specifically when I did so I was rather commenting on his on-line marketing team. Apart from that, I have criticized escorts in general who try to book appointments 2-3 months in advance, and more specifically I have criticized the silly clients who facilitate those practices. Beyond that, I have offered fair comment on some of the escorts with whom I have had actual experiences.


You are right though, I don't go goo goo ga ga over all escorts as a species as some do here, despite the fact in my years as a client I can probably count on less than one hand (less than one finger perhaps too) the number of truly negative encounters. In fact, for reasons that I wish I better understood, most escorts are very much at ease with me, and I develop a good rapport and comfort level such that they stay longer at their own initiatives, cut their prices, change their schedule to accomodate mine etc.


My conclusion is that a lot of clients must treat escorts very badly or be seriously deformed physically so when they meet an average guy who treats them well, they respond above and beyond the call of duty. My other explanation from conversations with escorts, startling as it might be, is that most sex workers actually really like and enjoy sex. And what the nymphs tell me is that they like meeting clients who can actually perform, and don't get "twisted" to make up for other deficiencies and/or inadequacies.


Where I differ with others here substantially, is that I don't think that a neutral encounter must be either described as negative or superlative. I have met some very nice guys with whom the sex was ok or their look was ok, but frankly not worth the price ex post. In those cases, I don't regret paying, I just don't call them again. Is that a criticism? Yes. Is it a valid and legitimate one? Yes. As I have admitted before, I have given a negative review here once were an escort was abusive and threatening. I would probably never give a formal positive review because I hate sharing gems. That said, I am increasingly comfortable about giving brief thumbs up assesments on informally on the Board or privately to others who send me a private message. But what I don't do is take a neutral encounter and turn into an html text porn video.


To conclude, escorts are great, but they are not gods, and I celebrate them for their core mission, trading sex and pleasure. Do they often have other attributes? Of course, but honey that ain't what this honey is paying for. Got it now?

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RE: Priceless








I find it hard to evaluate this without more information, Oren. When was the appointment made? What date did you schedule? And when was the cancelation sent?


Here's the problem that some escorts don't understand. If you ask me on Monday whether I will wan to eat fish or meat on a Friday 6 weeks from now, I might say meat. Three weeks later, I might say fish. The Thursday before the scheduled Friday I might say meat and so on, and so on.


The problem with scheduling too far advance is that it is hard to know for sure whether you will be horny on the specified date, whether you will feel for a twink or something else, a blonde or something else etc., etc. So I am not sure that all of these cancelations are on account of bad faith, bad manners or bad nerves. I bet a lot are due simply and understandably to a changing appetite.

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>attitude on the phone was very cold, and when I tried to

>contact him afterwards to apologize again and reschedule, I

>discovered he had blocked all calls and emails from me.


Charlie, I'm sorry you had that experience. However, I still feel that an honest excuse is better than a lie. In this case, you probably learned more about that escort from his reaction and saved yourself some money. :)

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RE: Both ways


>I know Rick reasonably well, and I know that he will

>understand that I was venting a frustration I experienced this



Of course; that was pretty clear. I don't know why Bilbo thought otherwise. Anyway, Jimmer, I'm sorry you had those 2 lousy experiences, and I do know that clients have their share of aggravation. However, while it's more often the case of clients cancelling or no-showing, it's the reverse situation that gets all the attention (e.g., the "No Show Escorts" section of this site).

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RE: Priceless


>Here's the problem that some escorts don't understand. If you

>ask me on Monday whether I will wan to eat fish or meat on a

>Friday 6 weeks from now, I might say meat. Three weeks later,

>I might say fish. The Thursday before the scheduled Friday I

>might say meat and so on, and so on.


>The problem with scheduling too far advance is that it is hard

>to know for sure whether you will be horny on the specified

>date, whether you will feel for a twink or something else, a

>blonde or something else etc., etc. So I am not sure that all

>of these cancelations are on account of bad faith, bad manners

>or bad nerves. I bet a lot are due simply and understandably

>to a changing appetite.


Perhaps that's the way your personality is, but that's not the way everyone is. I find scheduling an appointment with an escort in advance generally makes me appreciate him more when I do get together with him...anticipation can be a very good thing! That's not to say I don't sometimes fancy someone else or another type of guy while I'm waiting for an appointment with someone, but if I do find someone else I might like to get together with, I can always just make a note of it and can set something up with him later if I wish to. That's certainly no reason to not enjoy the experience right in front of you in my mind. Generally, though, what I fancy doesn't change from one day to the next, or even over the course of months, and if I like someone enough to make an appointment with him, I'm going to be into him when I do meet up with him barring some gross misrepresentation or false advertising. Perhaps what you like does change day-to-day for you, and I'm almost sorry if it does - I think that would make things very hard if I didn't know what I'd enjoy at a future date.


As far as not being horny that day, that isn't a problem for me, and even if it was, there are several remedies for that. Abstain from masturbation for a few days before the appointment (if you're like me and do regularly that is), or try some herbal supplements that have some effect.


Just my personal opinion.

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RE: Both ways


Hey Rick,


Thanks for your reply.


Just wanted to present perhaps an alternate opinion.


You are right, of course. The escort no-shows get the publicity, and we clients present lots of frustrations, too.


As it turned out, both escorts sent me an apology. One was sick and one was (as he said) "overbooked".


I guess we all all do the best we can.


I aplogize to Bilbo. I suppose had a bit too much starch in my skirt this weekend :)



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RE: Priceless


>Perhaps what you like does change day-to-day for you, and I'm

>almost sorry if it does - I think that would make things very

>hard if I didn't know what I'd enjoy at a future date.


>As far as not being horny that day, that isn't a problem for

>me, and even if it was, there are several remedies for that.


I think again you miss the point. The client is paying the escort, not the other way around. Sure, I could conform my desire for a particular escort to a particular time, but my point is that when I am paying I want to have the one that I want the most, when I want it the most. The fact that I could put that one on a list and get him 6 months later, or that I might be 80% into it as opposed to 100% into it does not really help much. It is no wonder to me that other folks have so many negative experiences with escorts if they feel they don't constantly strive to get the one they want the most when they want it most. Admittedly, if you live in the "boonies", travel might change this equation somewhat.

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RE: Priceless


>I think again you miss the point. The client is paying the

>escort, not the other way around. Sure, I could conform my

>desire for a particular escort to a particular time, but my

>point is that when I am paying I want to have the one that I

>want the most, when I want it the most. The fact that I could

>put that one on a list and get him 6 months later, or that I

>might be 80% into it as opposed to 100% into it does not

>really help much. It is no wonder to me that other folks have

>so many negative experiences with escorts if they feel they

>don't constantly strive to get the one they want the most when

>they want it most. Admittedly, if you live in the "boonies",

>travel might change this equation somewhat.


I see what you're saying, but I still respectfully disagree. Yes, in an ideal world, one could get the escort he wants for the exact time he wants. I'll admit I might be more spontaneous about it if I lived in a city and occasionally feel like "Hey - I'm really in the mood tonight - I wonder if so-and-so is available." But, even still, if there was a particular guy I wanted to see, I'd still make an arrangement for a future date, and I really feel most high-demand businesses work like that. I'm sure a lot of people, when they're really sick, want to see their doctor right away, but unless it's in an emergency, they simply have to wait until he's available. So I guess it's just a matter of perspective. Unless I am ill or something REALLY unexpected comes up, I can usually get in the mood with the right guy (at 100%) - I just have to put myself there. Another factor for me is that I like the companionship/emotional aspect of it along with the sex, so even if the sex isn't perfect, I still usually have a good time. Again, just my perspective.

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RE: Priceless


First off, I think you make some very valid points, especially if the whole point of your interest is a sexual encounter, but I feel guptasa (is that right, really wish people would pick an easier handle to remember) makes some very valid points when your interest in the escort includes more than just a sexual encounter.


When I really want to meet an escort for more than just sex, and in fact sex itself is not the driving force in meeting him, then I have no problem with booking a couple of months in advance and those bookings entail more than a brief one/two hour session. On the other hand, booking weeks in advance with a traveling escort for a short mostly sexual encounter, has indeed led to situations such as you describe such as mood changes and a cooling of passion.


>It is no wonder to me that other folks have

>so many negative experiences with escorts if they feel they

>don't constantly strive to get the one they want the most when

>they want it most.


Well, imo, that is more of an indictment against the maturity level of the client rather than a legitimate asperion against the escort. No matter how often I read this, all I can picture in my mind is a 3 year old toddler, lying on the floor flailing his arms, kicking his legs, with a beet read face screaming uncontrollably "I want it and I want it NOW!" From my personal experience, I can tell you this is NOT a pleasant scene.

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RE: Priceless


Sorry for the username - it's a bad habit (it got assigned to me once and just kinda stuck as the username I generally use). LOL. Just call me Shaun. :)


I can definitely see where a shorter just-for-sex appointment might better be served more spontaneously. Perhaps that's a bigger factor than I originally considered in this debate about advance appointments - longer appointments like overnights can be a completely different animal with the companionship factor.


As to the original topic (which I didn't mean to get too far away from - sorry), I have to wonder (not that these are easy or even available answers) which - advance bookings or spontaneous appointments - lead to more no-show clients (or escorts for that matter), and furthermore, if appointment length has an effect.

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RE: Priceless


>No matter how often I read this, all I can

>picture in my mind is a 3 year old toddler, lying on the floor

>flailing his arms, kicking his legs, with a beet read face

>screaming uncontrollably "I want it and I want it NOW!"


Isn't the essence of a market economy, and a service economy, the right of the paying customer to be a king (or a 3 year old if you prefer). What I hate about Europe is the constant sense that people who I pay to perform a service are doing me a favor. I would be very sad to see those values come to American service industries, including escorts.

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RE: Priceless


>I have to wonder (not that these are easy

>or even available answers) which - advance bookings or

>spontaneous appointments - lead to more no-show clients (or

>escorts for that matter), and furthermore, if appointment

>length has an effect.


From the escorts posts here, it does seem to me that they are speaking of advance bookings. (So you see we did not hijack this thread after all.)


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