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Anyone accepting new clients?

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Target market or not , The point I am trying to make is about perception.


In advertising and marketing, perception is reality.


My reality with you , is that judging from your comments on this thread and previous threads. you do not portray the image of a nice person. You portray argumentative and difficult.


It is possible that is not who you are.


It is equally possible that I could hire you and have an incredible experience literally earth shattering.


The point is ( and believe it or not) I come from a position of wanting to help you, the message you are sending is not a positive one.


Food for thought!!!!



Whatever. The fact that you would even see Steve to begin with, let's me know that you're not even in my target market. So I'm not worried about that anyway. If it makes you feel better to talk about saving your time/money, while simultaneously wasting your time slandering a provider you never met, knock yourself out (or hire someone to do it for you).


Anyhow...I'll just say this. People can say whatever they want. The truth is, 'know it alls' who think you know the answer to every situation, is just that. They think they do. Unless you can see the situation as is, as it's playing out...then really you can't say anything 1 way or another. Getting mad at me for being the messenger just creates negative energy where there shouldn't be. But of course, I can't expect to reason with people who probably aren't wrapped too tight to begin with.


I just had a "new client" text me the other afternoon. Now, in my ad I explicitly stated in bold that I was out of town until 5/30. Guess what? I get a text saying, "are you available today, the 29th...I'm only in town for 1 night for business". Luckily, my handy dandy auto-template was in effect...so I didn't need to waste time responding.


It's important for real clients (not these people here who just say whatever to expose their repressed racial indifferences or pretend they don't wank to my pictures every night) to know, that when I talk in the manner I do, it has to do with people who don't follow directions, people who don't use common sense, and people who purposely don't live up to their agreement. Those are the ones that cross me the wrong way. Anyone worth their weight in salt would know that it has nothing to do with what would happen during an appointment.

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I wouldn't waste your effort replying, which is something I have no plans to do whatsoever in future, nor will I quote or discuss.


Escorts advertise for clients to come forward and make contact with them. That contact is paramount to our success. Without the client were not an escort. Neither can exist without the other. It's like asking that good old English Tradition fish and chips to play along nicely without the fish because the fish is a little bit busy.


Everyone is respectful on this forum, they accept different points of view, cultures and lifestyles but neither I, nor others have time for argumentative people who just need to take a chill pill


Oh and one last point. Accepting cultures is fine if it plays both ways, in British England to go out partying means to pop down the pub and have one too many ciders. In the States it might mean something else, god knows but if I am being asked to accept cultural differences then maybe a bit of research on the other side wouldn't go amiss.

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I have been hiring escorts for 20+ years and never encountered a problem scheduling an appointment - except perhaps with mega porn starts who travel frequently. More than timing, I think what matters most is how you present yourself. Instead of sending an email saying "Hi, I want you to fuck me. Are you available at 6 p.m.?", you could contact them by saying "hi, my name is Baron. I have seen your ad on X and read some of your reviews on Y. I think we would be a good match and it would be totally exciting to me to have a chance to meet you. Do you have time at 06:00 p.m.". Even the most jaded escorts are people too and I believe they will respond well to a courteous, upbeat message that shows genuine interest.


Disclosure: I live/hire in NYC.


I totally concur with this. It makes sense to me, and this approach will get my attention and response. A week out for a multi-hour appointment is just fine in my book.


However we've definitely seen some differences of opinion in this thread! Some have had good experience with email, others haven't. Some need advance notice, others don't or prefer not to. There is such a wide range of guys out there, it's not surprising there will be variations in scheduling appointments.


My specific situation is it takes me longer to return phone calls because I am juggling a day job with after-hours escort appointments. Returning a phone call is more likely to fall through the cracks, whereas an email I can respond to discreetly on a break, waiting in line at the supermarket, late at night before going to bed or first thing in the morning at an unsociably early hour. I'm happy to talk to a client on the phone in advance if he'd like to, but generally I have to schedule it.


So to the OP, if your regular approach is to call but you are not having success, perhaps try an email with the approach BaronArtz and Radio Bob are suggesting. Some guys will respond better to emails than others, but if phone calls aren't working for you another approach might.


Good luck!

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I prefer email or text with maybe a scheduled time to talk by phone.


That way I can organise my pleasure while engaged in business or social events.


For instance in a crowded cafe or frequent flyer lounge I can email of text when a phone convo suggested that I like to be tied spanked fingered then pounded is not appropriate

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For instance in a frequent flyer lounge I can email of text when a phone convo suggested that I like to be tied spanked fingered then pounded is not appropriate


well, in a us airways club I'd expect that kind of talk but never in cathay or singapore airlines ;)

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For the most part, I would not be surprised to hear that kind of talk on any airline. Anytime I've flown recently, I feel like I'm being screwed. They could at least look me in the eye as they do it and kiss me afterwards! :p

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I've tried email before but the responses have been hit or miss. Plus, many escorts advertise "no email" so that won't get me too far with them. And text is so impersonal and only good for letting me know you're in the lobby!


Sometimes I'll contact other escorts if I need networking/advice information. I've always been able to reach them by phone. By phone, most seem more willing to have a conversation. Only 1 has ever responded by email. Texting would make it appear like I'm being sneaky, and most guys would either not respond, or tell me anything.

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Are escorts increasingly wary of accepting new clients? Recently, I have tried to schedule with some very well review escorts on this site, but they never have any openings, which probably explains why they are so well liked. I've ready that most escorts have their regular customers, but is anyone willing to risk a new one?


I think most escorts who are advertising are willing to see new clients.


Blackriver, I invite you to call me up as if you want to become a new client. we will do a role play scenario where you act as if I am someone you want to hire, and say whatever you've been saying to the other guys.


the first thing you'll need to do (so that I know this is our role play and not a "real" request for a session) is say "Hello, Dave? This is Blackriver from the Forum... I'm doing that role play about hiring." then go into whatever you would normally say when the escort answers the phone.


I will give you a few minutes of feedback after we finish our role play. we'll see if you're saying something that is responsible for those guys not seeing you, or perhaps conclude that you've just had bad luck with the guys you've previously contacted.


if your call goes to voicemail, what will you do? leave your name and number (and that role play disclosure sentence) or hang up and try me later? if the latter, and your number appears on my phone, think now - - what impression will that leave on me, even before we've spoken?


hoping to help you here,


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Dave - Thanks. Expect a call from me soon!



I am going to begin my comments to you through this forum. I wasn't planning on doing it that way, but at this point I think that maybe this situation will not only enlighten you, but others as well.

We haven't even talked and started our role-play. But there's already a couple of issues that, quite frankly, if I didn't know you, I'd see as red flags.

Please understand that in this industry, every little thing that's done before two people actually meet is interpreted, and analyzed, and quite frankly, critiqued. That's certainly true when you're an escort. I know because I've heard my clients give lots of feedback and even reading this forum I've read about how important it is to carefully express oneself, otherwise one might be misunderstood. It's true, it's a hypersensitive environment, and in one way that sucks. But the truth is, it's the only way for us clients and escorts to start to making sense of each other before we've actually met and gotten to know each other intimately. So I guess my point is that when you're dealing with somebody in this industry that you don't know at all, and they don't know you, you need to be extra careful with everything that you do - at least at the beginning.

So here are three issues that I've seen already:


- You wrote me back on the forum to say I should expect a call from you soon. Two days went by and I didn't hear from you. I don't know about other people, but to me "soon" means within a few hours, or at least within a day - that is, 24 hours. I'm sure some will disagree with me on this but this is my interpretation of the communication with somebody that I've never spoken to. Please keep in mind that in the world of escorting we sometimes get requests for people who want things in 20 minutes...


- so today you called me and I wasn't able to answer the phone, so it went to voicemail. Your second issue is minor but I still feel like I want to bring it up. So far when I think of you, I think of you as "Blackriver". In your voicemail message you didn't identify yourself as that name. Okay, you did say "hey Dave this is river" - and in fact you said "this is river from the forum." So points to you for identifying where I was supposed to know you from, but I'm just being very critical right now because you're getting critiqued on your phone etiquette- you should've used the name that I knew you as before. And guess what? I have a client whose nickname is River. And, I know someone else in my personal life who I could get a call from whose name sounds very similar to that too. you've already created that kind of funky and memorable name for yourself, why not use the full thing?


- last point and perhaps the most important of the three: in your voicemail you said "hey Dave, this is river from the forum, call me back." But how am I supposed to call you back? You didn't leave your phone number in the voicemail message. And your phone number came up on my cell phone as "caller ID blocked." Now here's the rub. Unlike many escorts that I know, I'm willing to take blocked numbers for initial phone calls, because I'm aware that there's lots of people like you who feel like they cant unblock their number for various reasons. So yeah your phone call went through to my number- unlike other escorts, if you tried them.


With all of these issues, quite honestly if I didn't know you, you would already have left somewhat of a bad impression in my mind.

And how about this craziness? You would not have heard back from me because of the most obvious reason- I have no way of getting in touch with you. And then you might have gone to the forum and written a post about how you think escorts aren't really taking on new clients like yourself.

Soooooo... I guess you can see now that my criticism is delivered with a pretty heavy hand, not unlike my spankings - LOL. But I hope you can also see that I'm doing it this way because i'm taking a look at every little thing so that you can have success in your future attempts to hire.

If I haven't freaked you out too much, and if you're still up for that role play, give me another call. Dave

Note to everyone: please excuse any weird parts of the above post. I've done it all while driving. And before you start judging me, relax I used "talk to text".

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What Dave said mirrors totally what happens to myself on an almost daily basis. Guys who email, want now and don't comprehend that you might be working or that it might take 30 minutes to notice the email is there. You then email back and wait another hour for a reply, to find out he made other plans. They email and ask if you're available on Thursday then don't email back for three days and expect that time to still be available. No we take the first confirmed appointment and reliable guys take precedent sorry. If you've never booked before and want to take days to confirm. I am sorry I've other gentlemen who will guarantee an appointment.


Guys do leave voice messages and forget to leave a number and it's impossible to call them back, it's not common but it does happen a half dozen or so times a year. I manage to answer most of my calls but when you're working it's unavoidable and no good escort would ever speak to another client in the presence of one they're currently entertaining.

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I would like to say this is one of the more informative threads and the type of thread where having gentlemen participate in the forum has the most value. I am never the sort of client who asked for a service on short notice. In fact short notice for me would be two weeks out, especially since email is my preferred first contact. I am the type of guy that likes to plan out 6-8 weeks in advance and some gentlemen don't like to commit to time unless an overnight or travel more than 30 days out. I do know most gentlemen do prefer more time to respond to email. But I do like the gentlemen who have emails go right to phone and respond in 30 min, that is amazing. I can handle text or phone too.


However, I am usually good with 48-72 hours for response. But the one thing I have learned most is to be patient with gentlemen. I recently had a gentleman respond to an email inquiry made 5 weeks earlier. He apologized profusely about his error and lack of response. The event had yet to take place and wondered if I was still available. I was tempted to respond in a snarky manner but I realized I am not perfect either and told him that I accepted the apology and I appreciated his getting back to me. We may get together later in the year when I visit his city. There can be many reason why gentlemen can not get back to you immediately. But one thing I wished more gentlemen would take advantage of is the "out of office" when they know they probably will not get back to emails for more than a day. If you are on an extended trip with client or personal time-off which most are definitely entitled to, why not just use the out of office option available and I will get back to you upon my return. That would help a lot. Then I know will have to wait the length of time. The same holds true for voice mail, if you know it is going to take more than 24 hours to get back to you, let the potential client know rather than having him wait around. I realize there is a bigger risk with voice mail that you would forget to change the voice mail back but the client remains informed. Even now 12 years after hiring the first time, I still learn and refine my inquires.

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But the one thing I have learned most is to be patient with gentlemen. I recently had a gentleman respond to an email inquiry made 5 weeks earlier. He apologized profusely about his error and lack of response..


That's very thoughtful of you. Patience is a virtue. I'm guilty of not returning voicemails sometimes from guys who call and say, "I'll be in town in August, hope to see you!", meanwhile...it's only June, and there's also 3 other voice messages asking about yesterday, today and tomorrow. Meanwhile, In the middle of listening to the voice message, I just realized I left my ipad charger in the hotel room, because the phone rung as I was doing my 'clearance check'. And thus, the message no longer appears as 'new voicemail', and gets lost in the pile.


I say, never be afraid of 'bugging' a guy. Some (usually first-timer) guys call once, and if you don't pick up, they'll never call again.

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This isn't exactly related to the topic, but I had a new client I was supposed to be meeting today in Charlotte. Now, this morning...I gave him the information for the hotel I was staying. Address and hotel name. Well, he asked me for the room number, but I hadn't gotten to it yet. I ended up forgetting to get back to him with it...but that was 6 hours prior to the appointment. You would think that the person would just contact me when they were on the way, or arrived, right? Well, I call an hour before the appointment after seeing a missed call shortly prior. He tells me "he thought I was too busy" and that he made some other plans.


I'm like dammit, why do people often assume I have 20 clients lined up at the door, and that's why I'm busy? No. Even though I may have fucked up by not calling right back with the room number, the guy already had the hotel information and we'd already confirmed a time. Why the hell would he make other plans, when I never said anything about cancelling them to begin with? He could have just arrived here, called me and gotten the room number like everybody else does. I've kept up the communication all the while, I hate when some guys get antsy and drive you up the wall when it comes to setting stuff up. They want to know every detail hours ahead of time, they want to know exactly what exit you passed on the highway. I tell people, for saftey reasons, I can't give that information out. Let me do whatever I need to do. When the time comes, I'm going to get there and/or, I'm going to be at my hotel...just like I am now.


Stuff like that is just why I really just want to get out of the travel part of the business. I've already seen the country. Most of it's the same. The scenery changes, but people's mindsets don't. And when people know you're traveling, to them that just means they don't have to be held accountable for ANYTHING. People can just be so unpredictable, and despite knowing you're in the area for a short time, some have no consideration/patience for what goes into planning all this stuff out. The good ones out there understand, but the rest always come up short. Moral of the story: a cancel isn't a cancel unless it's CANCELLED.


I am always available for new clients otherwise I would not post on sites like HourBoy, RentMen or Rentboy.


Hmmm, I suppose that could be location specific. However, I agree that the 3 of those tend to lack the traffic. RentMen is proving better than RB now though...But every since that computer gliche RB had years ago, I don't get much in the way in leads from them anymore.

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