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Why Do We Use Different Handles

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I have wondered this for the longest time. I notice when I read reviews some of us use a different handle other than the one we use in the message center. I use the same handle and I think it has it's plus, other members have talked to me on some reviews. Sometimes I see a first time review on someone and pass on checking the review out only to find out later it was someone I know from the message center using his other handle. Can I get some feed back on this, THANKS..:+

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I am Chuck50 true and true I must say that I have not changed my aol address name but have gotten my handle here uptodate with my age. I agree it helps us to know who we are talking to. I can tell you I have become "friends or at least email buddies" with a few on here because of it. HUGS Chuck 50:9

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I did reviews long before I participated in the message center. When I signed in for the message center, I developed this name marc anthony, but later realized that I couldn't change the review handle because I had several reviews on file already.


So it was nothing intentional... just the way things worked out.

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When I discovered this site, I was brand new on the Internet as well, and didn't understand "handles". Like marc anthony, I also submitted reviews before I discovered the Message Board. Once I established a handle here, I realized that it made sense to use the same one in my reviews, and I have done so for about three years, but there are still reviews in the files that I did under four or five other handles.


I think some posters here may also prefer that the escorts reviewed NOT be able to connect the clients to the posters, particularly if they have revealed a lot of personal information in posts that they wouldn't want the escorts to access. They may also be afraid of escorts flaming them on the Message Board.

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Guest sebastian

You know Charlie, escorts aren't all that dumb. I for one know which client wrote what review, and simply by the way that they configure their messages (spelling and grammar) we can most times easily put one and one together.



Sebastian (Premier Philly)

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>I did reviews long before I participated in the message

>center. When I signed in for the message center, I developed

>this name marc anthony, but later realized that I couldn't

>change the review handle because I had several reviews on file



>So it was nothing intentional... just the way things worked



Ditto for me.


JT (aka Kev on reviews)

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Posted the first review last night covering my two nights with Jim #2 (btmstudnyc) . The remaining ones will go in today or tomorrow. Lil Jack is arguing about buying airline tickets for this weekend, so guess he had a good time. He gets all the fun, I just hand around with him and tag along.



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Guest sebastian

Thank you Charlie, I am now back to work after only a week. I still have soreness but nothing tylenol can't cure. Hope to see you all soon,



Sebastian (Premier Philly)

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