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So after a few encounters with men who have tattoos and alot of planning ... I finally decided to take the plunge and get one of my own. OK I love it...


But clearly I have found it could be addictive.


IT has raised the issue for me of how many is enough. Clearly I have seen what I consider over the top... I also know that many men find them a turn off. (not necessarily the men I am interested in ... but hey... you never know.) So how many of us out here have tattoos. What are they and where. No need to get too indentifying but at least a general idea of what the meaning was and where located.


Also please feel free to chime in on what you like on your men and where

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Hi Tom,

I don't mean to rain on your parade, but have to share that I don't like tattoos of any kind. One or two small ones I can tolerate, but the big lavish ones that cover much of the body are a real turn off for me. As men get older the skin sags, and tattoos then don't often look very good. Also they are very hard and painful to remove. So, IMHO, Tom... stick with just the one you just got!


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as you know I got my first tattoo last year (a gift from my son for my 60th birthday)...I am ready for another one soon...My tattoo is a dragon and on my left arm....There are several more that I want.....the sagging issue is not an issue for me...I have already sagged....LOL.


So Tomcat, did you get the tattoo you showed me earlier or something different.....

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Hi Tom,

I don't mean to rain on your parade, but have to share that I don't like tattoos of any kind. One or two small ones I can tolerate, but the big lavish ones that cover much of the body are a real turn off for me. As men get older the skin sags, and tattoos then don't often look very good. Also they are very hard and painful to remove. So, IMHO, Tom... stick with just the one you just got!



Well that aint going to happen... Thanks for the input DD... truly but I want more. This was a start with the central ink between the shoulder blades and I will expand this across the shoulders and down the back. perhaps even with a tramp stamp. Maybe an armband as well. Not looking for the full body or even full sleeves but...


as to sagging with age. I personally dont think the skin looks good either so I dont get the diff. at that point. But again I do appreciate the input and know there are man who would not find the tattoo appealing. and some that really really do

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I have to admit I simply don't get the desire to willfully disfigure your body in order to jump on some trendy bandwagon. I keep hoping the fad will die and that tattoo removal parlors will become more prolific than tattoo dens, but I am not holding my breath. I don't mind a small tattoo, discretely placed so that it can be covered by a minimal amount of clothing, but anything more than that - yuk! Why do seemingly rational people take leave of their senses and do this? You only get one body, in itself a thing of beauty, why put graffiti all over it?

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I have to admit I simply don't get the desire to willfully disfigure your body in order to jump on some trendy bandwagon. I keep hoping the fad will die and that tattoo removal parlors will become more prolific than tattoo dens, but I am not holding my breath. I don't mind a small tattoo, discretely placed so that it can be covered by a minimal amount of clothing, but anything more than that - yuk! Why do seemingly rational people take leave of their senses and do this? You only get one body, in itself a thing of beauty, why put graffiti all over it?


Same reason people color their hair... have plastic surgery .. get botox... spend money on designer clothing... get piercings... put on make up... wear leather... hire escorts to have on their arm.. Because something about them make the wearer feel sexy special better looking more desirable. Tattoos like most things are not about how they make others feel. Its about how they make you feel. I get its not your thing. But this trendy bandwagon has been around since.. well man. don't really think its going anywhere.

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I too am not a huge fan of tattoos. I can tolerate a few small ones...but I do not see the beauty in being covered in them. I am reminded of the 80's porn star Donnie Russo. Early in his career, he was so hot. Had a handsome face, hot bod, and yes....a couple of small tattoos. Fast forward to now. He is covered with tattoos everywhere. Looks a real mess.


In the end, it is a personal decision each person makes. Go for it if it makes you happy.

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TC- You asked for input so here it is. I think you are going to do what you want to do and that is all right. Would an overly done (however that is defined) tattooed guy turn me off - not as a friend but as an escort may make me consider carefully whether I would hire him. I really can't define a tasteful tattoo so I can't run that argument. One thing to consider is your professional or career position and whether visible body art would hurt you in that area. It shouldn't but in reality we all know things like that do matter. Just don't have an erect penis tattooed on your lower back pointing down toward your ass crack.

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TC . . . My tastes in men are evolving and expanding a bit as I continue my journey. I'm much more attracted to a wider variety than I ever thought possible before, and that includes men with ink. Your latest acquisition gets two thumbs up from me, just don't go too far. ;)

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I like seeing tattoos on other guys, especially when they are unique or artistic. The main problem I see with tattoos is that some designs are very common, especially the armbands and the tramp stamps. Then it gets stale quickly. The 'best' tattoo I have ever seen was on Victor who danced at the Gaiety - he had an animalistic skeleton tattoo covering parts of his back and legs. His appearance and personality perfectly matched that design. But those are rare.


Would I ever have a tattoo myself? No way. I get tired of things too easily. I can get excited about a new Hermes tie, but then hate it after I wear it ten times. It would be the same with a tattoo. No, thanks.

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I have one tat, sort of. Was with my fraternity brothers in college intending to get our frat letters tattoed on our ankles. My tequila buzz wore off just as the first dot was applied on my ankle; hurt like a MF. Alas, that is all I have, a tattoo freckle. I love the tribal tat on Frederick Michalak's leg and would love to have the same, look like him, do him, but am too chicken shit to ever make that happen. As someone who works specifically with the elderly population, I can share in the concern voiced by others with large ones that are in areas prone to sagging, scarring, or discoloring. Their shape, colors, and distinction can be grossly compromised.



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well guys I think Im pretty confident I wount be covering my body in them. But I must admit the right armband and the right back tattoo I find incredibly sexy. As I said its a matter of personal dress/appearance as we all know. Just wondered how many out there on the forum were also ink lovers. Yeah Chitown I think this one works well for me. He has seen the pic so he actually can comment more clearly

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I am not a tattoo fan. Something with personal meaning might be worth carrying around with you forever. However, tastes change and something that attracts you now may later become a regret. Given a choice, I go with a tattoo free body but with the lights low and sweat pouring a glistening tattoo on a well satisfied partner can be exhilerating.

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Your tattoo(s) will NOT affect our friendship, but I have to say it does affect whether or not I hire someone. Fortunately you are not an escort, so you don't have to worry about that!! :-) Enjoy what ever it is you decide to do, as I know you are well aware of the pros and cons, both for you personally and professionally. I am looking forward to seeing you, regardless of how your body is decorated... or not decorated as the case may be!


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Fortunately you are not an escort, so you don't have to worry about that!! :-)


I wouldn't be too sure of that one, DD.




As the only forum member who has TC on his 2011 wish list (http://www.companyofmen.org/showthread.php?78104-Who-s-On-Your-Wish-List-for-2011&highlight=list), I certainly hope he's still out there as a working boy. :) roflmfao


Sorry TC. I just couldn't resist. As Flip Wilson used to say "the devil made me do it"

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TC, looking forward to seeing the tat when we gather in Chicago. As you said if it makes you feel good then that is what really matters. I have thought about getting a tatoo but aside from not knowing what or where, I doubt that I will ever get one.

I am neither attracted to nor turned-off by guys with tats. I normally avoid guys with excessive (which can only be defined within the eye of the beholder) tatoos. I find that I am frequently unaware that the guy I am attracted has tats. For me it is so much about the person and the inner beauty and sensitivity.

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I used to be against tats. Then I started to like small ones like an armband, especially one some guy with good biceps/triceps.


Then I met Dane Michaels. And I saw how they really don't affect anything and I came to really appreciate it. I love his fleur de lis on his back. The tats on his arms from his service days signify something very personal and meaning to him. All in all, I've come to appreciate it.


And how can one possibly argue with the ace tattoo that Ace has on his ass? I mean really, how perfect is that? (how perfect is he, btw?)


Can it go too far, or be too gauche or gawdy. Oh, god yes.


Tats that are too much are similar to the way Potter Stewart described pornography: "I know it when I see it"


As for me, I just don't think it would work. That and the needle phobia and pain phobia certainly doesn't make it easy.


But TC, I love your new tat. I think it's tasteful, meaningful to you, and very well done.


But be careful so you don't go overboard. Because I'd hate to not be able to hire you if you go too far :)

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TC, You’re going there and already thinking scale. With that in mind, here are some thoughts:


1. Don’t go “off the shelf.” You are unique; your tats should be, too. Hook up with someone who can design images specific to/for you.


2. Think in terms of iconography. Design tats that have both a public and a private meaning. The panther is a good example—publically, it would be a cool image, but privately it’s your connection to coming out and the MC. In a way, each tat is like an avatar.


3. Think in terms of being able to expand the image. I would suggest you avoid an armband because it is difficult to expand—unless you had it designed as a base for other images.


4. Tats are permanent body art (or painful to remove). Don't be impulsive--instead, get ones you really want/like and will still want/like 30 yrs. from now.

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I love that your ink is personal and meaningful to you. The ink I had designed as panels on my left leg and butt and back and shoulder and chest looked somewhat like this: http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.nainlove.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/Polynesian-tattoo-Art-work2.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.zimbio.com/Tattoos/articles/vkfQ9WyB56D/samoa%2Btattoos&usg=__0yrrC4R_zCjlYo0qqh-pwVrnD8Y=&h=462&w=260&sz=18&hl=en&start=12&zoom=1&tbnid=86vc_W7yHdBddM:&tbnh=128&tbnw=72&ei=ug7BTcXMKMbOiAL5l4CIAw&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dpe%27a%2Btattoo%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1086%26bih%3D855%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1






I'd had the guys in Tahiti work on the history of my Family and my own history... making panels. They were just finishing up lunch and and getting their tools ready for the traditional tapping it in.

My partner happened to be walking by just at that moment and he came down to see what I was doing. Once he found out I was getting this massive traditional tattoo, he lifted me up and dragged me out of there.

So... I have no ink to date but have a large design drafted for some eventual time... It won't be anytime soon though. These things come in their own time... TC your time was now and your ink is your shield, (the signature of who you are). It's not just something on you. It is something of you~







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TC, You’re going there and already thinking scale. With that in mind, here are some thoughts:


1. Don’t go “off the shelf.” You are unique; your tats should be, too. Hook up with someone who can design images specific to/for you.


2. Think in terms of iconography. Design tats that have both a public and a private meaning. The panther is a good example—publically, it would be a cool image, but privately it’s your connection to coming out and the MC. In a way, each tat is like an avatar.


3. Think in terms of being able to expand the image. I would suggest you avoid an armband because it is difficult to expand—unless you had it designed as a base for other images.


4. Tats are permanent body art (or painful to remove). Don't be impulsive--instead, get ones you really want/like and will still want/like 30 yrs. from now.

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If you head down this path, should I real you in?









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http://www.men4rentnow.com (tygerscent in Portland, Oregon)



well guys I think Im pretty confident I wount be covering my body in them. But I must admit the right armband and the right back tattoo I find incredibly sexy. As I said its a matter of personal dress/appearance as we all know. Just wondered how many out there on the forum were also ink lovers. Yeah Chitown I think this one works well for me. He has seen the pic so he actually can comment more clearly
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I love me a hot Latino/Italian guy with tattoos LOL. My weakness.


But I haven't gotten any myself because the things that were emotionally or spiritually significant in my life did not warrant getting a tattoo. And like others have said, my desires change from 1 year to the next. I also don't like to be reminded of certain things either, and a tattoo tends to do just that.


I was particularly annoyed when a friend called me the other night in tears because he'd went to some amateur artist and got a fucked up crown tattoo on his back. Then he was bitching about not having money to fix it and then had the audacity to ask if I knew any clients he could escort for to get it fixed...when he's been telling me since I knew him that he could never escort :mad:


Anyhow...if you are going to get more tats just make sure its professional. At this point I have enough scars, those are my tattoos LOL.


I think in order for me to get a tattoo, I'd have to marry a tattoo artist and he can draw whatever he wants on me LOL

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