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My time at REDs, Stella's & Gaiety - 9/7 - NYC

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I had some interesting experiences in NYC this past weekend (well, they were to me) and I thought I would share them here in the lounge. Since I am a Valley Dweller to the North of NYC so much of the “sex” stuff in the city is still somewhat new to me. However, after Saturday, I feel I have a better “grasp” on things.



A patron at the Gaiety mentioned a place to me called REDS (everyone calls it REDS but it is actually known as RED). He said that you could get lap dances there. Up to this point I thought the Gaiety was the only place in NYC where you could see men dance wearing next to nothing (and in the Gaiety’s case eventually wearing nothing). I also thought I would have to make a pilgrimage up north to the man Mecca of Montreal to get some entertainment via male lap dancing. So, I did more investigating and thanks to COOPER who gave me the exact address and some info I felt I had the right amount of information to go. THANKS COOPER! Your info and advice was both excellent and helpful!


So after a 9:15 show at The Gaiety (and I have some comments on that!!!) my fellow northern friend and I ventured to RED. Now, I am somewhat familiar with Midtown and I can get by in the village. It has been while since I was in this section of NYC. RED is located on 305 East 53rd Street between 1st and 2nd Avenues. Is this considered the East Side? Anyway, when we get to this neighborhood I notice that the only people “around” are all cast extras from “Dawson’s Creek”. It was a sea of straight people. Many waif-like spoiled females bitching out boyfriends or female friends on cell phones, small packs of men trying to make sure they look straight and many boring, white bread couples. There seemed to be no diversity, ethnicity or anything different. I guess that compelled me to start to sing and dance to add some flavor to the scene. I received looks. I didn’t care.


Well, you really have to look closely for RED. It is NOTHING but a red door. And there is a little sign that says “RED” and that is it. If you blink you miss it. My friend and I entered, paid our $5.00 admission (or was it $10 each? - I know it was not more than $10) and walked up a flight of stares. Now, I had prepared myself as a few different people used words like “sleazy”, “seedy”, “rough” and “nasty”. Since these things appeal to me (in small, manageable doses) I was ready. Well, I was pleasantly surprised! It was a bright, clean, adequately air-conditioned, fun mini-penthouse!


My friend and I bellied up to the bar right away for safety and ordered a drink from a handsome bartender who had nothing on but pants that were hanging on for dear life on the edge of his nice ass. I normally don’t drink beer but I wanted something in my hand fast as not to look like a dork. The beer was very cold and very good. My friend had a diet Coke because he is a Nancy. (However, later at Stella’s we took care of that!).


With beer in hand I made my initial observation. RED is three times as long as it is wide. The crowd was not to big where it was too crowded and uncomfortable. I made my way to the front room where there was a pool table, comfortable chairs and nice tables. In this lounge there was a window overlooking the street. In order to get to this lounge you must pass down a long hallway where there is the coatroom and bathrooms. Also, throughout RED, there were little white candles lit. It really added to the nice atmosphere. The fact the hallway to the pool lounge is narrow is great because you are forced to rub against a GO-GO BOY if they are coming down the hall! And let me tell you, these boys LOVE to rub (get to that in a bit!).


The main bar area is nice and very well lit. Next to the bar is a raised platform area where there are high tables and stools. There are also GO-GO boys dancing on the bar and on a speaker that is between the bar area and the raised platform area.


NOW, next to the raised platform area is “the room”. The room is separated by two curtains, one that was all the way down and one that was pulled back. This is where the action was happening. The GO-GO boys work the crowd, especially on the platform, and you can touch them pretty much all over as you put some singles in their g-strings. In return, they are all ON YOU, AROUND YOU AND RUBBING YOU like you are a genie’s lamp. Every time one came near me I talked to my friend in broken Italian because I was still “shy” at this point. That changed in 5 minutes. “Mike” came up to me. He was one of 9 dancers “on duty” (all 9 were not on at once as I was there during a shift change). Like 4 of the other dancers, Mike was some mixture of Latino or some other delicious ethnic combination. If your taste is Ken Doll perfection and Canadian white bread then do not go to RED. The four white guys I did see where a bit rough around the edges but I like that kind of thing. No, they were not exactly loading dock material but they would need some work if Queen Denise ever wanted them in her court.


Back to Mike - he was just delicious looking. He was eying me the whole time I was in there. I guess he could “smell” I was a newbie and I had money I did not use for a private that never happened. Before he came up to me I asked the cute, very young waiter about the back room and how that worked. He told me he had no idea and when I find out to let him know. This was his second night working. Well, Mike comes up to me and he is all over me like a cheap suit. He gave me a physical with my clothes on. He had nice chitchat. He asked if I would like a “personal lap dance”. I said “Sure. How much?” As you can see, my questioning skills are like a laser due to my time at the Gaiety. He said $20. I said ok and off we went. We went into the room.


“The room” is dark but you can still see. There was one electric light and many candles. The walls, ceiling and floor ere black and there were leather couches all over the place. Mike led me to our couch. (I also discovered the DJ is hidden in the room because when the WALL OPENED the DJ came out of it). Make gave me my first lap dance ever. I thought I would have to go to Montreal for this but I was wrong. He did rough nipple play on my. He damn near ripped my cock out of my pants. He handled that bad boy of mine like he was trying to land a 747. He was kissing me all over. He sat on my lap both facing me and then with his back towards me. He stood over me, again facing me and then with his back towards me, rubbing and jingled all his “stuff” in my face. Then, when Mr. Microphone Headset Manager Person was is not in the room Mike took his goodness out of his g-string and allowed me to man handle it. He then dangerously put his exposed cock on my face and forehead coming very close to my mouth but never going in. The only time his cock went into my mouth was when it was in his g-string (and I think there was flavoring on his g-string?!?) Now, there is no security “clerk” if you will but there is a store room that Mr. Microphone Headset Manager Person has to go to from time to time and it seems when he comes in the dicks must go in as well. I also noticed one patron had his pants undone. I did not go that far BUT on my next visit I will be wearing nothing but a t-shirt and shorts with no underwear. Does that make me a whore or just a friendly fellow?


I walked out of the room and I was happy. This is a cool place! After being in the museum atmosphere (all looky and no touchy) of The Gaiety this was a pure delight. No, it is not a private and you don’t get off right there (though I was VERY CLOSE as he was working my dick VERY hard through my pants) it is still a happy, AND CHEAPER alternative to the Gaiety. About 15 minutes later I was “pulled” in again by Mike and had another lap dance. He did a bit more for me this time as it was later and there were fewer people. You will have to go for yourself and discover what you can get when it is later and less crowded! He also offered his services for a private as many of them do but they will meet you later as they can’t leave until their shift is over. He also told me he dances at the Gaiety from time to time (not as Mike though).


Overall, it is very much worth the trip to this part of the city that was like another planet to me. All of the staff was friendly, the whole facility is clean and even the bathrooms were nice. However, the lighting in the bathroom was actually red. Also, when a GO-GO boy leaves they change in the coatroom and, if you like, you can stand there and watch this as they take off everything before they put on their street ware. Anyplace where you can get a good drink (I recommend Chambord, Raspberry Stoli and Ginger Ale), play some pool, hear good music and man handle (and get man handled by) handsome REAL men at a decent price then that place is for me. I shall return next weekend as I have a three-day weekend. Good people and good fun. Also, there was a VERY handsome papi wearing nothing but the Puerto Rican flag.


To learn more about what is going on at RED go to this great web site! It also has a listing of many bars, “back rooms”, sex clubs and strip clubs and other delicious places one our isle of man. I wasn’t too shocked to see the Gaiety listed under strip clubs BUT the add is nicely done with artwork! That shocked me, as I know DUHnise likes to keep a low profile.




Also, as we were walking away from RED the cute little waiter boy came up to us and asked for details. I shared. He has never been to the Gaiety. I will see him there next weekend.



Besides Ben Versace and helmet boy William the show was OK and did not do too much for me this week. Antonio, however, blew me away as he was SO SENSUAL and I did not remember him being that way last weekend. He was wearing pants made from my grandmother’s couch. I had fun nonetheless as I was with a new friend I met via my 8/19/02 review and my fellow northern friend who is racking up frequent “private” miles left and right. He makes me look like Laura Ingles. However, the fun came at the end of the 9:15 show. Instead of Adeim (I have NO CLUE about how that is really spelled OR how the names I am about to type are spelled) coming out they put in two auditions. Brad the DJ announced Alesio. I though it was new guy Alesio coming out from last weekend but I did not see him in the finale at 6:15 show as I made it there in time to see the finale of the 6:15 show. Well, this handsome GOD straight from ITALY came out. I think I scared him as my face was in both shock and pleasure. I grabbed my friend’s arm and I gave my other friend a stare. He was dressed in a cross between A Partridge Family member and Prince (it sounds odd BUT his outfit was hot). He had shoulder length, untamed hair. A gorgeous face! His first song was WHAM’s “Everything She Wants”. THAT SONG brought back some memories! For his second number he was not able to come out with an erection. I feel bad for these guys that audition during a show because I am sure they are nervous to begin with and the majority of the Gaiety audience is looking at them with a semi-stare and glare and it is intimidating. I feel it would be hard to get hard with such mental stressors. However, he still did a great job and he is so handsome. Now, “Lorenzio”, (Alesio’s fellow Italy travel buddy) came out. I knew this was going to be interesting as a few of the dancers were looking through the curtain from behind the stage. He came out in total black from head to toe and he had on a black bag covering his whole head. He ripped this bag off his head and he looks just like Marylyn Manson! Many people got up. I was scared to move. He danced, in a mean way, to MICHAEL JACKSON’S “REMEMBER THE TIME”. At this point I just felt dirty and not safe. He then came out for his second song with the same problem his friend had.


After the show they were in the lounge in their matching dance troupe outfits. Another performer told me they are straight from Italy and they normally dance for woman. They are like the Italian version of Chippendales. I could only get so far with them with my broken Italian. Who the hell was I trying to impress? “Alesio” gets an “A” for effort, looks and attitude. “Lorenzio” gets an “A” for freeing up some seats for the finale. Seriously, I give him credit as well. Maybe he was too enthused and / or nervous because he was thrashing around a bit. Hell, why am I trying to sugar coat this?! He scared the shit out of me! He was calm in the lounge though.



I went to Stella’s before my dinner date with my new friend who I attended the 6:15 show with. This was my first time there. It is a very nice place. COOL jukebox and I won a free song! I then went to din-din, Gaiety, RED and then back to Stella’s. HELLO. It was a different atmosphere at late night / early morning for sure. I met “Azed” from Morocco. He was VERY handsome. However, I had no clue he was hustling. After a round of shots and some drinks “Azed”, my fellow northern friend and myself ended up at my friend’s room at the Super 8. Nothing happened as we were all tired at 4:30 in the morning but I guess I need to re-tune my hustler radar for Stella’s.


PEACE! Have a good week!

Valley Dweller North


PS - See page 70 of the September 13 issue of “HX” for a very interesting looking add for the “Gaiety”.


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Hey V D N:

What an amazing time you had in the City, this is what I'd call a real "NEW YORK EXPERIENCE".


Your detailed description of "RED" is the best review I've ever seen on that place. All I can say is that you did a truly thorough job of reporting. Soon you'll be posting reviews of the dancers...Hey NYO, you've created a monster!;-)


RED's seems to have changed a lot since I was there in the spring. I don't recall paying $'s to get in.(but I could be wrong). Since you liked the dancers there, I think it's time for me to tell you about "ESCULITA'S". It's located at 301 W 39th St. (corner of 8th Ave.) phone #212-631-0588. Since you've turned into this wild and crazy guy, try this "Latin" club and give us your review. You'll thank me later.


Have you tried another popular spot called "SBNY" aka Splash? (50 W. 17 St. between 5th and 6th)...If not, it's a must for the Northern Valley Guys! :p


I'm certain your review will wet a few people's appetite to try RED's. You did that place a great favor.


Again, a super post.



PS..When you went to the Gaiety, did you ever get to see Aidan dance? If I were to tell you that he lives in the Valley up North, would you be interested? I have his #...:p

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Greetings Cooper!!!!!


>RED's seems to have changed a lot since I was there in the

>spring. I don't recall paying $'s to get in.(but I could be

>wrong). Since you liked the dancers there, I think it's time


I do not know if it was because it was a weekend night or if there were more GO GO boys than usual but we did have to pay. The man taking the money had tickets and I thought I was going to get one for a free drink or something but he looked at me as I stood there and stared at him. He told me the tickets were for something else.


I would gladly pay to get in again as I REALLY loved the place and the experience.


>for me to tell you about "ESCULITA'S". It's located at 301 W

>39th St. (corner of 8th Ave.) phone #212-631-0588. Since

>you've turned into this wild and crazy guy, try this "Latin"

>club and give us your review. You'll thank me later.


LOL - I LOVE this. I hope you do not run out of places! You tell me where and I will go, experiement, report and review. This is like a project with benefits. Do I need to brush up on my broken Spanish?


>Have you tried another popular spot called "SBNY" aka

>Splash? (50 W. 17 St. between 5th and 6th)...If not, it's a

>must for the Northern Valley Guys! :p


I heard about it and many of the Gaiety boys told me about it and few invited me to go with them. I will give that a whirl as well.


>I'm certain your review will wet a few people's appetite to

>try RED's. You did that place a great favor.


Well, I could see how people would not like it if it got crowded. However, it isn't that small. I could also see if people were picky on perfect faces, bodies and did not want anything South of Jersey in terms of ethnicity. I love ALL of the flavors. However, some of the RED boys are "rough necks" and that is OK by me. It is, and was, a good time. My "Mike" was just right for me.


>Again, a super post.



>PS..When you went to the Gaiety, did you ever get to see

>Aidan dance? If I were to tell you that he lives in the

>Valley up North, would you be interested? I have his #...:p


I saw Aidan breifly at the end of the 6:15 but the Italian duo knocked him out of the 9:15 line up. AND if he is a neighbor then I would LOVE his number! It seems the more North I get the rougher the trade is. Someone like that is in or near my Valley? Well, I just might have to open an Upstate Gaiety!






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>... My friend had a diet Coke because he is a Nancy. (However, later at Stella’s we took care of that!).


OK, what is a "Nancy"? It's a term I've never hear before. I assume he was the designated driver but why would that make him a "Nancy"?


BTW, great reviews and I loved your details. I think it's time for another trip to NYC. :9

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Hello OneFinger ( I LOVE that name ),


>>... My friend had a diet Coke because he is a Nancy. (However, later at Stella’s we took care of that!).


>OK, what is a "Nancy"? It's a term I've never hear before. I

>assume he was the designated driver but why would that make

>him a "Nancy"?


LOL! None of us were driving at that point. I use "Nancy" the same way some people use "Sally" or "Nelly". I was making fun of him and mocking him for being a little girl, a femmy, for not getting a REAL MAN'S DRINK right away.


It is NOT NICE if a totally straight guy uses it towards a male who likes males but between males who like males it is OK (well, OK with me and my friend because we call each other bitch, whore, slut, etc. out loud infront of others - it really starles people and we tend to do it now just for effect)


>BTW, great reviews and I loved your details. I think it's

>time for another trip to NYC. :9


Well Mr. Finger, my original goal was to CEASE my jaunts to the city as work started up for me again in Sept. (I have off July and Aug.)and I would go again in Oct. MAYBE, etc. That is now a farce. I have been in the city every weekend since mid-July and I can't stop.


I have off Mon 9/16 so a three day weekend of fun is what I want. Cooper told me about this place I have to check out now (see previous reply) and, just a few minutes ago, my friend that I called a Nancy called me from the Dugout in the village. I have never been there and he is there for the 1st time. He is loving it and told me he was hit on like 4 times already. It seems that this place is a good place to be if you are a "bear"?


BTW - can you, Cooper, or anyone else tell me the true definition of a "Bear"? I think I may be one but I do not know if I am simplifying this.



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>Hi Cooper:


>You like SBNY? I always found it to be pretty boring and



>I like "Roxy" and "Heaven" much better.


LOL..., I guess I must be a "pretty boring and snooty" type of guy. Another place I often go to is the "Townhouse", and people describe it the same way!


Haven't been to the "Roxy" or "Heaven". Could you give location and details?


I always attend these places with a friend. It makes it more comfortable for me.

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I went to the web site and it is like Telemundo on speed ... AND I CAN'T WAIT! Maybe it is because of my hick status but does the city have these places tucked away all over? Many people who I talk to make it sound as if the only fun place for a "guy" in the city is in the village or the Gaiety. THIS PLACE LOOKS FUN! Do you like it and / or go often or are you waiting for my reaction before you comment?


I plan to go there, RED, Gaiety and the Dugout this weekend. How the HELL am I suppose to focus on work?




>V D N:

>For general information on Escuelita's, go to their webpage

>at http://www.escuelita.com

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>This is all very interesting, since I plan to be in NY next

>week. I have already taken notes on what I have read above!

> One more question. I have heard of a place called Regents.

> I think it is in the same area as the Townhouse. Does

>anyone know if it is a place for working boys as well?


Cooper would know. He knows all the good spots. He is my erotic travel agent.


And, Mr. Eye Doctor, make sure you do visit the Gaiety (click on the Gaiety section way up on top).





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>> One more question. I have heard of a place called Regents.

>> I think it is in the same area as the Townhouse. Does

>>anyone know if it is a place for working boys as well?


>Cooper would know. He knows all the good spots. He is my

>erotic travel agent.



Hey V D N,


So you see me as your "erotic travel agent", thanks for the compliment, (I think?);)...Now tell me VDN, when you first heard the mention of "REGENTS" didn't it give you some stress. Remember those good ol days in high school and we had to bone up for those NYS Regents Exams...Christ! am I happy those days are over...


Out to "C E O"... Yes, Regents is located near the Townhouse. It's at 317 E. 53rd St. between 1st and 2nd Ave. If you need to reach them the # is 212-593-3091...It's a "Cabaret style" bar and restaurant. Yes, it does cater to the gay population, but not a "pick-up" spot. It closes at 11pm! It has a piano player and after a few drinks you can hear some of us trying to sing along, but that's about it for the excitement...The Townhouse is a much nicer place and you'll have an opportunity to meet an escort. It's a very nicely decorated place and will give you the impression of being at a "country club" bar. There are two bars on the first floor, the first one provides you with a view of who's coming in, and behind that is a piano bar. Downstairs is more for the "socializing"....I hope this helps.


I've always found the best person to speak to regarding the "action" at any of these places is the bartender. Usually very friendly and cute. He can guide you in the right direction. Good luck!



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Hello Cooper!!


>So you see me as your "erotic travel agent", thanks for the

>compliment, (I think?);)...Now tell me VDN, when you first


Yes it is a compliment. Just don't start charging me.


>heard the mention of "REGENTS" didn't it give you some

>stress. Remember those good ol days in high school and we

>had to bone up for those NYS Regents Exams...Christ! am I

>happy those days are over...


The NYS Regents are the tool of the devil and they are evil and need to be destroyed.




PS - good website for you all to check out




I am also on deck to do the review for the Gaiet the weekend of Sept 21/21 - I hope you all tune in. I promise it will be shorter than my debut.



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Hello Cocked Eyed,


I can't wait to go. As I will be in the city Friday night and all day Saturday I plan to make the rounds. Escuelita's sounds fun! I will report back.


AND I may be sitting next you on on the lap dance couch at REDs!





>I have enjoyed your reviews, Valley Dweller! Don't forget

>to do one on Escuelita's. I'm waiting for that one. ;-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

>I had some interesting experiences in NYC this past weekend

>(well, they were to me) and I thought I would share them

>here in the lounge. Since I am a Valley Dweller to the

>North of NYC so much of the “sex” stuff in the city is still

>somewhat new to me. However, after Saturday, I feel I have

>a better “grasp” on things.



>A patron at the Gaiety mentioned a place to me called REDS

>(everyone calls it REDS but it is actually known as RED).

>He said that you could get lap dances there. Up to this

>point I thought the Gaiety was the only place in NYC where

>you could see men dance wearing next to nothing (and in the

>Gaiety’s case eventually wearing nothing). I also thought I

>would have to make a pilgrimage up north to the man Mecca of

>Montreal to get some entertainment via male lap dancing.

>So, I did more investigating and thanks to COOPER who gave

>me the exact address and some info I felt I had the right

>amount of information to go. THANKS COOPER! Your info and

>advice was both excellent and helpful!


>So after a 9:15 show at The Gaiety (and I have some comments

>on that!!!) my fellow northern friend and I ventured to RED.

> Now, I am somewhat familiar with Midtown and I can get by

>in the village. It has been while since I was in this

>section of NYC. RED is located on 305 East 53rd Street

>between 1st and 2nd Avenues. Is this considered the East

>Side? Anyway, when we get to this neighborhood I notice

>that the only people “around” are all cast extras from

>“Dawson’s Creek”. It was a sea of straight people. Many

>waif-like spoiled females bitching out boyfriends or female

>friends on cell phones, small packs of men trying to make

>sure they look straight and many boring, white bread

>couples. There seemed to be no diversity, ethnicity or

>anything different. I guess that compelled me to start to

>sing and dance to add some flavor to the scene. I received

>looks. I didn’t care.


>Well, you really have to look closely for RED. It is

>NOTHING but a red door. And there is a little sign that

>says “RED” and that is it. If you blink you miss it. My

>friend and I entered, paid our $5.00 admission (or was it

>$10 each? - I know it was not more than $10) and walked up a

>flight of stares. Now, I had prepared myself as a few

>different people used words like “sleazy”, “seedy”, “rough”

>and “nasty”. Since these things appeal to me (in small,

>manageable doses) I was ready. Well, I was pleasantly

>surprised! It was a bright, clean, adequately

>air-conditioned, fun mini-penthouse!


>My friend and I bellied up to the bar right away for safety

>and ordered a drink from a handsome bartender who had

>nothing on but pants that were hanging on for dear life on

>the edge of his nice ass. I normally don’t drink beer but I

>wanted something in my hand fast as not to look like a dork.

> The beer was very cold and very good. My friend had a diet

>Coke because he is a Nancy. (However, later at Stella’s we

>took care of that!).


>With beer in hand I made my initial observation. RED is

>three times as long as it is wide. The crowd was not to big

>where it was too crowded and uncomfortable. I made my way

>to the front room where there was a pool table, comfortable

>chairs and nice tables. In this lounge there was a window

>overlooking the street. In order to get to this lounge you

>must pass down a long hallway where there is the coatroom

>and bathrooms. Also, throughout RED, there were little

>white candles lit. It really added to the nice atmosphere.

>The fact the hallway to the pool lounge is narrow is great

>because you are forced to rub against a GO-GO BOY if they

>are coming down the hall! And let me tell you, these boys

>LOVE to rub (get to that in a bit!).


>The main bar area is nice and very well lit. Next to the

>bar is a raised platform area where there are high tables

>and stools. There are also GO-GO boys dancing on the bar

>and on a speaker that is between the bar area and the raised

>platform area.


>NOW, next to the raised platform area is “the room”. The

>room is separated by two curtains, one that was all the way

>down and one that was pulled back. This is where the action

>was happening. The GO-GO boys work the crowd, especially on

>the platform, and you can touch them pretty much all over as

>you put some singles in their g-strings. In return, they

>are all ON YOU, AROUND YOU AND RUBBING YOU like you are a

>genie’s lamp. Every time one came near me I talked to my

>friend in broken Italian because I was still “shy” at this

>point. That changed in 5 minutes. “Mike” came up to me.

>He was one of 9 dancers “on duty” (all 9 were not on at once

>as I was there during a shift change). Like 4 of the other

>dancers, Mike was some mixture of Latino or some other

>delicious ethnic combination. If your taste is Ken Doll

>perfection and Canadian white bread then do not go to RED.

>The four white guys I did see where a bit rough around the

>edges but I like that kind of thing. No, they were not

>exactly loading dock material but they would need some work

>if Queen Denise ever wanted them in her court.


>Back to Mike - he was just delicious looking. He was eying

>me the whole time I was in there. I guess he could “smell”

>I was a newbie and I had money I did not use for a private

>that never happened. Before he came up to me I asked the

>cute, very young waiter about the back room and how that

>worked. He told me he had no idea and when I find out to

>let him know. This was his second night working. Well,

>Mike comes up to me and he is all over me like a cheap suit.

> He gave me a physical with my clothes on. He had nice

>chitchat. He asked if I would like a “personal lap dance”.

>I said “Sure. How much?” As you can see, my questioning

>skills are like a laser due to my time at the Gaiety. He

>said $20. I said ok and off we went. We went into the



>“The room” is dark but you can still see. There was one

>electric light and many candles. The walls, ceiling and

>floor ere black and there were leather couches all over the

>place. Mike led me to our couch. (I also discovered the DJ

>is hidden in the room because when the WALL OPENED the DJ

>came out of it). Make gave me my first lap dance ever. I

>thought I would have to go to Montreal for this but I was

>wrong. He did rough nipple play on my. He damn near ripped

>my cock out of my pants. He handled that bad boy of mine

>like he was trying to land a 747. He was kissing me all

>over. He sat on my lap both facing me and then with his

>back towards me. He stood over me, again facing me and then

>with his back towards me, rubbing and jingled all his

>“stuff” in my face. Then, when Mr. Microphone Headset

>Manager Person was is not in the room Mike took his goodness

>out of his g-string and allowed me to man handle it. He

>then dangerously put his exposed cock on my face and

>forehead coming very close to my mouth but never going in.

>The only time his cock went into my mouth was when it was in

>his g-string (and I think there was flavoring on his

>g-string?!?) Now, there is no security “clerk” if you will

>but there is a store room that Mr. Microphone Headset

>Manager Person has to go to from time to time and it seems

>when he comes in the dicks must go in as well. I also

>noticed one patron had his pants undone. I did not go that

>far BUT on my next visit I will be wearing nothing but a

>t-shirt and shorts with no underwear. Does that make me a

>whore or just a friendly fellow?


>I walked out of the room and I was happy. This is a cool

>place! After being in the museum atmosphere (all looky and

>no touchy) of The Gaiety this was a pure delight. No, it is

>not a private and you don’t get off right there (though I

>was VERY CLOSE as he was working my dick VERY hard through

>my pants) it is still a happy, AND CHEAPER alternative to

>the Gaiety. About 15 minutes later I was “pulled” in again

>by Mike and had another lap dance. He did a bit more for me

>this time as it was later and there were fewer people. You

>will have to go for yourself and discover what you can get

>when it is later and less crowded! He also offered his

>services for a private as many of them do but they will meet

>you later as they can’t leave until their shift is over. He

>also told me he dances at the Gaiety from time to time (not

>as Mike though).


>Overall, it is very much worth the trip to this part of the

>city that was like another planet to me. All of the staff

>was friendly, the whole facility is clean and even the

>bathrooms were nice. However, the lighting in the bathroom

>was actually red. Also, when a GO-GO boy leaves they change

>in the coatroom and, if you like, you can stand there and

>watch this as they take off everything before they put on

>their street ware. Anyplace where you can get a good drink

>(I recommend Chambord, Raspberry Stoli and Ginger Ale), play

>some pool, hear good music and man handle (and get man

>handled by) handsome REAL men at a decent price then that

>place is for me. I shall return next weekend as I have a

>three-day weekend. Good people and good fun. Also, there

>was a VERY handsome papi wearing nothing but the Puerto

>Rican flag.


>To learn more about what is going on at RED go to this great

>web site! It also has a listing of many bars, “back rooms”,

>sex clubs and strip clubs and other delicious places one our

>isle of man. I wasn’t too shocked to see the Gaiety listed

>under strip clubs BUT the add is nicely done with artwork!

> That shocked me, as I know DUHnise likes to keep a low





>Also, as we were walking away from RED the cute little

>waiter boy came up to us and asked for details. I shared.

>He has never been to the Gaiety. I will see him there next




>Besides Ben Versace and helmet boy William the show was OK

>and did not do too much for me this week. Antonio, however,

>blew me away as he was SO SENSUAL and I did not remember him

>being that way last weekend. He was wearing pants made from

>my grandmother’s couch. I had fun nonetheless as I was with

>a new friend I met via my 8/19/02 review and my fellow

>northern friend who is racking up frequent “private” miles

>left and right. He makes me look like Laura Ingles.

>However, the fun came at the end of the 9:15 show. Instead

>of Adeim (I have NO CLUE about how that is really spelled OR

>how the names I am about to type are spelled) coming out

>they put in two auditions. Brad the DJ announced Alesio. I

>though it was new guy Alesio coming out from last weekend

>but I did not see him in the finale at 6:15 show as I made

>it there in time to see the finale of the 6:15 show. Well,

>this handsome GOD straight from ITALY came out. I think I

>scared him as my face was in both shock and pleasure. I

>grabbed my friend’s arm and I gave my other friend a stare.

>He was dressed in a cross between A Partridge Family member

>and Prince (it sounds odd BUT his outfit was hot). He had

>shoulder length, untamed hair. A gorgeous face! His first

>song was WHAM’s “Everything She Wants”. THAT SONG brought

>back some memories! For his second number he was not able

>to come out with an erection. I feel bad for these guys

>that audition during a show because I am sure they are

>nervous to begin with and the majority of the Gaiety

>audience is looking at them with a semi-stare and glare and

>it is intimidating. I feel it would be hard to get hard

>with such mental stressors. However, he still did a great

>job and he is so handsome. Now, “Lorenzio”, (Alesio’s

>fellow Italy travel buddy) came out. I knew this was going

>to be interesting as a few of the dancers were looking

>through the curtain from behind the stage. He came out in

>total black from head to toe and he had on a black bag

>covering his whole head. He ripped this bag off his head

>and he looks just like Marylyn Manson! Many people got up.

>I was scared to move. He danced, in a mean way, to MICHAEL

>JACKSON’S “REMEMBER THE TIME”. At this point I just felt

>dirty and not safe. He then came out for his second song

>with the same problem his friend had.


>After the show they were in the lounge in their matching

>dance troupe outfits. Another performer told me they are

>straight from Italy and they normally dance for woman. They

>are like the Italian version of Chippendales. I could only

>get so far with them with my broken Italian. Who the hell

>was I trying to impress? “Alesio” gets an “A” for effort,

>looks and attitude. “Lorenzio” gets an “A” for freeing up

>some seats for the finale. Seriously, I give him credit as

>well. Maybe he was too enthused and / or nervous because he

>was thrashing around a bit. Hell, why am I trying to sugar

>coat this?! He scared the shit out of me! He was calm in

>the lounge though.



>I went to Stella’s before my dinner date with my new friend

>who I attended the 6:15 show with. This was my first time

>there. It is a very nice place. COOL jukebox and I won a

>free song! I then went to din-din, Gaiety, RED and then

>back to Stella’s. HELLO. It was a different atmosphere at

>late night / early morning for sure. I met “Azed” from

>Morocco. He was VERY handsome. However, I had no clue he

>was hustling. After a round of shots and some drinks

>“Azed”, my fellow northern friend and myself ended up at my

>friend’s room at the Super 8. Nothing happened as we were

>all tired at 4:30 in the morning but I guess I need to

>re-tune my hustler radar for Stella’s.


>PEACE! Have a good week!

>Valley Dweller North


>PS - See page 70 of the September 13 issue of “HX” for a

>very interesting looking add for the “Gaiety”.



Hi: I haven't viewed all of this, but I was struck by your paying any entrance fee to get in to Red. I have been many times, as I go to the restaurant/piano bar, Regents, up the block, and have never been asked to pay a cover. Just thought you would like to know. Maybe it was a special night.

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Guest Bitchboy

I've been twice to Red and both times there's been a $5 cover. I believe I read somewhere that it's a recent charge (weekends only) since the place has become more popular.


I think it's the kind of place you could have a better time if you were 1) extremely rich, or 2) with friends so that you could chat and not be at the mercy of the dancers. You can go through a $100 in no time. I totally disagree about the "planet of the apes" remark. The guys are varied and many are good looking. It's true that they are not all the coiffed and shaved Gaiety type. I happen to like both types of guys, so neither place is a problem. :9

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>Hi: I haven't viewed all of this, but I was struck by your

>paying any entrance fee to get in to Red. I have been many

>times, as I go to the restaurant/piano bar, Regents, up the

>block, and have never been asked to pay a cover. Just

>thought you would like to know. Maybe it was a special



It seems to be something they do on the weekends.


I do not know what happens weeknights.



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>I think it's the kind of place you could have a better time

>if you were 1) extremely rich, or 2) with friends so that

>you could chat and not be at the mercy of the dancers. You


I agree with you. It is a good place to go with more than one person. I learned that the line "Thank you I am fine' works and they will stop grinding you for a bit.


>can go through a $100 in no time. I totally disagree about

>the "planet of the apes" remark. The guys are varied and

>many are good looking. It's true that they are not all the

>coiffed and shaved Gaiety type. I happen to like both types

>of guys, so neither place is a problem. :9


HERE HERE! I am happy at both places. I do like variety and at RED you can touch where at the Gaiety you can just look and then touch for a very larger price.



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Hello Donnie,


>>My friend had a diet

>>Coke because he is a Nancy.


>Yeah, we all know alcoholics are real men.


Donnie, since you chose not to use emoticons I am not sure of your tone (it "sounds" sarcastic and, therefore, I love it).


My friend, who has drinks from time to time but it not on a 12 step program chose the diet Coke as he was nervous because he was never in a place like RED before. When he felt more comfortable he had a beer.


Then we said the Rosary and prayed for alchoholics every where.


I also know some real men who drink diet Coke and they are very manly.





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