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Uh Oh...



TruHart1 :cool:

I remember that Final Destination movie....

Leave while you can!




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I remember that Final Destination movie....

Leave while you can!




Of course, in that movie and the sequels, even if you didn't take the flight, you ended up dead by impossible means anyway because it had been your destiny to die on the plane in a horrible, fiery crash! Fun times!!! :eek::eek::eek:


TruHart1 :cool:

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years ago, a friend's roommate said something like "Sorry I got home so late, I hope I wasn't too noisy when I got in". The friend said "We didn't even notice it until the lights dimmed when you plugged in your vibrator."

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Funny in wry sort of way, Junkee published a piece on old white men huffing off in 2016 and crying into their wheaties about how difficult life is for them. The examples in the piece are Australian but there's enough about them for you to get the idea and perhaps think of your own parallels.


Speaking of assholes, 2016 was yet another year of spectacular Old White Man fails. Spat dummies* littered the year as one Old White Man after another threw all their toys out of their cots*, took their footballs and their mixed metaphors, and flounced into the public spotlight to sook about how mean the world is to Old White Men everywhere.


And look, Old White Men have a point. Apart from being represented by at least 70 percent of senior members of the parliament, the judiciary, the media, the arts, the corporate sector, the sporting elite, the entertainment industry, and academia, where can they go to have their voices heard?



*dummies = pacifiers; cots = cribs; 18C (in the linked article) is a controversial section of the Racial Discrimination Act that old white men (amongst others) claim inhibits their right to insult and offend people on the basis of their race.

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True anecdote:


Years ago I was taking a college tour given by this jock/bro type. At one point he goes on this odd tangent saying “my freshman year I lived in this all-male housing, my sophomore year I lived in that all-male housing, and my senior year I lived in some other all-male housing.”


Someone asked “what about your junior year?”


He says “my junior year I was abroad.”


I burst out laughing…


Kevin Slater

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OK...Not officially a joke, but I just thought this was hilarious.

She was dragged of this Delta flight for not following boarding procedures then for refusing to give up her seat. What is it about flying that sends people into some alternate universe?

Oh, these people are the way they are when they're not flying, too. A lot of people exist in their own little world of "no limits." Since they were toddlers, they were taught that the way to get what you want is by acting out. And if you feel like doing something, you just do it. I see this behavior in many of my patients. Often, the only way to limit behavior is to incarcerate. It's sad to see, because these people rarely have functional lives.

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