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What is the point of a "limited time, free consultation"?

viewing ownly

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All I can gather is that since time is money, someone who offers this is simply not cutting into your massage experience when discussing your needs beforehand, and does not imply that the massage is free, too. In essence, it seems a silly offer to make from a massage seeker's standpoint.

Also, what's with the discounts being offered on random days of the week? Is this recommended or even required by the massage website to the people placing their ads? Whenever I've booked a provider on purpose, mentioning the discount, it sets a (not untrue) tone from the get-go that I'm a bargain hunter, therefore a less desirable client . I still leave a gratuity based on the full value of the non-discounted rate, usually.

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I have a different opinion. I think it's great to personalize the service with a call, have information that is needed to ensure that the experience is appropriate for both parties, and discounts are great for providers to increase busines during their slow times.

I call that manging a business and catering a client.

Edited by soloyo215
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I've been asked several times by potential clients to meet me and chat about my escort services.   I generally don't charge so long as it is local and if the proposed client wants to buy a drink or lunch,  I'm totally open.    From those I have had,  almost all have been successful and all but one have booked me after.    The one that didn't was in town on business and hasn't been back as of yet.  We'll see.     


The bottom line is,   the business is yours,   if you want to make the time or not,  it's a decision you make.    I don't htink there is a "right or wrong",  but what makes sense to you.

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6 hours ago, viewing ownly said:

Also, what's with the discounts being offered on random days of the week? Is this recommended or even required by the massage website to the people placing their ads?

assuming you’re talking about masseurfinder, and the answer is actually yes.

They grade your ad (mostly by hand) on 4 factors: photos, if you’re using the features, if you’re ad text is updated regularly, and the quality of your text. Each factor also has factors within it.


I attached a screenshot of part of the dashboard. Some makes sense (update your ad text regularly for seo). Some do not (add a day of the week discount because people love stuff that’s offered for less than it’s worth).

but thanks for asking the question!



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I should also say that after SESTA/FOSTA passed, masseurfinder also made weird changes (it wasn’t just Rentmen).

the added a lot of odd rules to photos (no shirtless, nothing remotely suggestive like having your hands in your pockets and giving the illusion of pulling your pants down), and would randomly ding our ads because of it. 

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Thank you for this insight. That is interesting that the 1 day a week to offer a discount appears to be discouraged to avoid for the advertiser! BTW I (cheapskate alert, here) look to see the masseurs I'm attracted to to find if that 1 day matches the time I'm in their neck of the woods. With masseurs well aware of this, it could be a day, all the time, they're "all booked up". (wink)

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Thanks for sharing this insight @Shawn Monroe. Agree, MasseurFinder is very restrictive and they ding your placement if you don’t follow all their criteria. One of those criteria is using all of the features, like offering a day of the week discount.

I advertise weekly specials, but stopped advertising ongoing day of the week discounts because MF will only allow you to frame it as a flat % rather than a dollar value. Since my longer sessions are already discounted, it would be a disservice to myself to offer another discount on top of that. Besides, the day of the week discount wasn’t bringing me much extra business anyway.

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Also, MasseurFinder is among the most expensive ad platforms around. The only way to be in one of the top slots is to pay an outrageous sum every month. You can follow all the rules and be the most up-to-date, etc and still fall in the middle of the pack (at best). I pay $105/mo for bronze based on rates a few years ago, but they keep jacking everything up. It’s crazy:


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4 minutes ago, Simon Suraci said:

Thanks for sharing this insight @Shawn Monroe. Agree, MasseurFinder is very restrictive and they ding your placement if you don’t follow all their criteria. One of those criteria is using all of the features, like offering a day of the week discount.

I advertise weekly specials, but stopped advertising ongoing day of the week discounts because MF will only allow you to frame it as a flat % rather than a dollar value. Since my longer sessions are already discounted, it would be a disservice to myself to offer another discount on top of that. Besides, the day of the week discount wasn’t bringing me much extra business anyway.

Good for you 👏🏽 You don't strike me as a discount operation brother man. 🙌🏽🫂

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