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JunChoi in NYC


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4 hours ago, Harryinny said:

"If the person at the service site is different from the photos, I will serve you for free! ! And give you a taxi fare! ! Please don't come to me for a massage at the price of a fake photo! "  Translation?

?? Strange.... Guess he might be saying If you arrive here and find the masseur looking different to you than in the pics posted, you get free massage and cab fare? But 2nd part I have no idea at all haha  🤷‍♂️

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So he's moved to Chinatown apparently. Not sure the "Map me" is ever accurate though. He's changed his photos. The only one I could find on line is still there; it's the one in the red shorts and it's on a Facebook page posted in June 2020, as well as a Twitter page posted a couple of months later. (Maybe "Twitter page" isn't correct but Twitter is stupid so I don't care. Not looking promising, which is disappointing. Oh well.

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Wow. He's all over the place. When I saw his profile yesterday, he was in Chinatown not far from Manhattan Bridge. Now, he's a couple blocks north of Central Park. This, added with the Brooklyn and NY Spa locations in such a short time is a huge red flag for me. That said, if anyone does take a chance, please feel free to share your thoughts. 😎

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7 minutes ago, Stuysavage said:

The "map me" feature cannot be relied upon. There are providers that do not provide incalls yet their "map me" locations change often.

I've never seen the location jump around like that. In my experience, whenever a NYC provider doesn't have a location set, it gives a general location of lower Manhattan, right around City Hall ironically. And it's been the same in other cities, like Boston will show a location around the Boston Common if they don't have a location set, IIRC.

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13 hours ago, HornieMikey said:

i tried him. did not like. he has bit tummy fat. not at all  in shape. English is super poor.  i did not find anything special.

not sure if he same,  if he is then photos are heavily edited as he seems much older.



Thank you for your review. They saw your honest review and raised you two glowing ones! Lol


But that is when they start to fall apart. The next reviewer says JunChoi is handsome, but in the next sentence says "I am handsome" lol


Also, in his description JunChoi says body is average but photos show someone slim and fit.

Thank you for your service!

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Those positive reviews are hilarious! That's the first time I've seen someone praise a massage therapist for helping him get dressed because he's too old to do it himself. JunChoi is obviously a wonderful person, and he managed to raise his review average to 4 stars in just one day.

God I certainly dodged a bullet.  Thanks again Mikey!

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