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Muscle in FTL


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I know Johnson’s is the best spot for muscle but I’m looking for some other opinions on where else to go. I’ve had great luck at Boardwalk and there was some promising talent at LeBoy last year around this time of year.  But I miss the “raunchy” side of the strip clubs in FTL and while Johnson’s has the muscle, they also have the lights and the crowd. Matt runs a great club and I enjoy myself there but it’s a tad “sterile” in the bar. 

Thoughts from the peanut gallery on where else has some muscle fun to play? I could just “order in” but that just gets so pricy!!!

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I totally agree with your take on Johnsons, however with the right guy you can have some real fun in the lap dance area (voice of experience here). Unfortunately, you might have to weather a few nonexciting lap dances until you find Mr. Right.

Good luck wherever you end up, and do let us know about your experiences. 😜

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2 hours ago, jcmiami1 said:

....last time there the dancers were twinks that look like they were just pulled off the streets.

An interesting statement ... My experiences in trying to hook up in FTL was always that. Bars full of guys who looked like street-trash meth addicts. I always wondered where so many came from. Even the hotel where I stayed had a cocktail lounge full of skinny twinks with their older male companions.

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1 hour ago, pubic_assistance said:

An interesting statement ... My experiences in trying to hook up in FTL was always that. Bars full of guys who looked like street-trash meth addicts. I always wondered where so many came from. Even the hotel where I stayed had a cocktail lounge full of skinny twinks with their older male companions.

I’ve seen the same in the regular bars like you in FTL. Maybe these are guys that “ party-n-play” way too much and it’s showing and taking it’s toll. I guess the older companions are their sugar daddy’s that like guys like that - who knows. 

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