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Strip Club FAQ could use some updates


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Strip Club Forum members, 

Can you help in updating the clubs in the FAQ? Check it out and if you have any current information please share. Some clubs haven’t been updated in several years and, sadly, some are now closed. If you know of a club not reviewed please introduce a thread on it. Try to follow the previous format by posting the club’s name, location, website, and a review of what’s available to the customers. 

The FAQ has been very helpful to members who travel to different locations and are looking for strip club entertainment. Thanks to the magic of @RadioRob the threads in the FAQ are not subject to the 2 year no reply rule. Any thread in the FAQ can be replied to.

Any help you can give will be most appreciated. 👍🏼 Reading some of the old club reviews has brought back so many memories. 

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10 minutes ago, BeamerBikes said:

@Cooper @RadioRob tried updating the Lucky Horseshoe post and it shows a status of archived and closed to new comments.

Thanks @BeamerBikes. I just moved it to the FAQ section, which should allow it to be updated. I believe it’s only the threads in the FAQ section that are able to be updated. Please give it a try and let us know. 

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