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Fin Fang Foom Deconstructs Benjamin's Mea Culpa

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Guest skrubber

Fin Fang Foom – Your post disturbs me. Let me be clear and concise so as not to confuse you.


I have never taken you as a vulture a Ben basher or one of Dougy’s mindless drougs [word stolen from Stanley Kubrick’s ‘Clockwork Orange’]. Most of your posts I have read have been quite humorous – some even hilarious. This post is so out of character for you. Are you the one saying “Give me a wagon, any old bandwagon will do. Drive it past me and I’ll hop right on”?


You have taken a beautiful, sincere apology written from the heart and torn it to shreds.


You have gone so far as to complain that readers was not capitalized and continuously calling Ben a LIAR – capitalization yours, is this proper?


Your basic information about Ben is incorrect as you quote his charge for services as $200/hr when everyone on this board knows that Ben does not do hours.


You have taken every sentence of this young man’s apology and made a mockery out of them. No, you couldn’t just let the apology stand and let everyone take it as they may. You had to take something sincere and destroy it. Oh, I can just see Dougy now sitting in the corner with his pointed head, a little spittle drooling from his chin, rubbing his hands together and squealing in pure delight at your post. Just who the fuck do you think you are? You sir should be ashamed of yourself.

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RE: Acceptance


Anyone who expects a man who will sleep with him for money to be a paragon of virtue hasn't got a firm grip on reality. Anyone who wants to put him out of business for a relatively minor offense to the social order hasn't got a firm grip on reality, either. I don't believe that an apology must be heartfelt, or that he should be first made to grovel in the dust, in order to feel that it's time to move on. The point has been solidly made: Ben is not very trustworthy. That doesn't mean that his friends should abandon him, or that men should stop hiring him, just that they should proceed with their eyes open.

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RE: Acceptance


> "I don't believe that an apology must be heartfelt,"


Wow! And just when I thought I had heard every stupid, moronic and idiotic statement that could possibly be made from some of Ben's hollow-headed followers, Charlie comes along to prove me wrong!

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RE: Acceptance


>> "I don't believe that an apology must be heartfelt,"


>Wow! And just when I thought I had heard every stupid, moronic

>and idiotic statement that could possibly be made from some of

>Ben's hollow-headed followers, Charlie comes along to prove me






Damn,i have to agree with you,how sad and lonely these guys must be.

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>Fin Fang Foom – Your post disturbs me. Let me be clear and

>concise so as not to confuse you.



It's pretty obvious you were disturbed long before fff's post.


>I have never taken you as a vulture a Ben basher or one of

>Dougy’s mindless drougs [word stolen from Stanley Kubrick’s

>‘Clockwork Orange’].


You consider calling a thief a thief bashing ???

damn boy you need a cash course in integrity






>You have taken a beautiful, sincere apology written from the

>heart and torn it to shreds.


Boy you are talking about a HO that was caught with his hand in somebodys wallet,do you really think he would have admitted his thievery on his own,he was caught,he had to mumble something.



>Your basic information about Ben is incorrect as you quote his

>charge for services as $200/hr when everyone on this board

>knows that Ben does not do hours.



Now thats just too funny,misquoting a ho's price,is that an capital offense in your little world.


>You have taken every sentence of this young man’s apology and

>made a mockery out of them. No, you couldn’t just let the

>apology stand and let everyone take it as they may. You had to

>take something sincere and destroy it.



LOL, no boy, the mockery is what he made of lonely old fools like you



sitting in the corner with his pointed head, a

>little spittle drooling from his chin, rubbing his hands

>together and squealing in pure





That sounds like one of "bens guys'





>the fuck do you think you are? You sir should be ashamed of





Nope boy,the one that should be ashamed is the thief

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RE: Acceptance


Finish reading the sentence--I didn't say I believed the apology, just that I didn't see any reason to expect anything more, under the circumstances. I don't know Ben, and don't particularly care what becomes of him. The really sad cases are those who won't let go of this thing until they see him lying in the gutter. Why on earth do you think you are entitled to something more than a public apology, whether or not it's convincing? It's the hysterical cries for his blood that make me certain this is more than just a story about plagiarism.

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I too was shocked to hear that gambling was going on back there, HOWEVER, you guys really need to get a life. For this blog to have carried this on for over nine days is the truly shocking part of this "scandal".

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>HOWEVER, you guys really need to get a life. For this

>blog to have carried this on for over nine days is the truly

>shocking part of this "scandal".


So let me make sure that I'm clear about what you're saying here....


It's ok for YOU to come here and post YOUR feelings about this thread, but when everyone else does exactly what YOU are doing, then they need to get a life.


I think I get it. You're a hypocrite. Thanks for clearing that up for everyone. :-)

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>Your basic information about Ben is incorrect as you quote his

>charge for services as $200/hr when everyone on this board

>knows that Ben does not do hours.


A distinction without a difference.



>No, you couldn’t just let the

>apology stand and let everyone take it as they may.


The irony of this statement appears to be lost on you. I took the apology "as (I) may" and shared that with people. Other people may feel differently and they're free to share with the class their opinions. These were mine.


Little Benjie (and once again, let me stress this is NOT a thinly veiled reference to the size of his penis) has issued an apology after chronically committing theft, being exposed and facing the very real possibility of being sued. The only choice he had was to apologize. How brave of him!


The PROPER thing for him to have done was to take his blog down but he hasn't done that, now has he?


Clearly yours,



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RE: Acceptance


>It's the hysterical cries for his blood


Granted, this is hyperbole, but STILL!


Would you please share with the class three specific examples of how people have cried "for his blood." I'm fascinated to know what rises to that dramatic of a level.


Curiously yours,



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Guest EuropTravl

RE: Acceptance


"Benjie's Boys" continuous refrains of "nothing to see here, folks" and "why are we still talking about THIS?" remind me of when Bart and Ralphie broke into the Wiggums' closet and got scolded by Chief Wiggum:


"Ralphie, what IS your strange obsession with my magical mysterious secret closet of surprises?"


Benjamin has planted, watered, and fertilized (and I mean fertilized) his status as SuperStar Escort for years on the internet, and obviously didn't care to be everyone's "friend" - I've always thought he didn't care what was being said, as long as the talk was about him. Now there's a great fact-based quite interesting story line HE didn't plant, and everyone's supposed to lose interest and move-on and blah blah whine whine.....and what IS our obsession with........


Maybe it's been "going on for nine days" simply because it's fucking funny.

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RE: Acceptance


You're absolutely right, FFF--my phrasing was hyperbolic. Of course, calling me "one of Benjie's boys" is equally silly, since I have repeatedly made it clear here that I don't know Ben, don't want to know him, and have no stake in how this drama turns out. What I still haven't heard, and would like to hear clearly, is exactly what Doug, MindTheGap and their allies really do want beyond the public apology which has already been made, so we can know what their stake is.


RockHard has spoken with Ben, and he believes the apology was sincere; you did a rhetorical analysis, and you believe it was not (and I agreed with your analysis). However, unlike some people here, I don't pretend to be able to see into Ben's heart to know which of us is right, and if it is a more "heartfelt" apology they are demanding, I'd like to know how they intend to determine its sincerity. I suspect however, that they are so heavily invested in damaging his reputation that they want more than an apology, which is why this topic drags on and on.

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RE: Acceptance


Charlie: You state that anyone “who expects a man who will sleep with him for money to be a paragon of virtue hasn't got a firm grip on reality.” Does the same go for those who would pay someone to have sex with him or her? Why not? What, exactly, is the “sin” you are addressing? Mixing money with sex? Sleeping with someone without desire? Doing it “out of wedlock”? Breaking the law? Which part of the blame for this transgression lies with the escort? Why does the “John” bear no responsibility? Does every single act of social transgression brand one as without any virtue? Who gets to decide? I’m surprised by your comment, and would like to know more about how you think this is true.

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Guest EuropTravl

RE: Acceptance


Uhm..."we" haven't damaged his reputation.


And since you asked, I'd like to see him cover that awful shaved head and enter "Promises" in Malibu...

(whoops, wrong "celeb")

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Guest alanm

RE: Acceptance


RockHard gets some points for his loyalty, which are immediately taken away for his fawning attitude toward Ben trough this entire mess.


Ben needs an editor or, more accurately, a friend who will be honest with him. His apology was fine (well, not bad) until he started making excuses about trying to meet his self imposted high standard.


You talk above about the folly of expecting ethical behavior from somone who sells his body for sex. There's some truth there. But, not a lot. I trust people (including escorts as opposed to street hustler) until they give me some reason to withdraw the trust.


Ben's "guys" may still trust him up to a point, but they are fools (after Doug's research) to post that Ben is their best friend, as many of his "guys" have posted here and on MER.


Finally, I am not prolonging this discussion. This is my first comment on this whole sorry mess. Sorry for Ben. Good work by Doug. Also some great comments by Rick (one of many escorts who can be trusted), who can see the comical side of any issue.

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"RockHard has spoken with Ben"


I'm not a big fan of spreading falsehoods on the internet and Charlie wasn't completely honest when he wrote the line I quoted above. I'm sure it was an oversight.


My correspondence with Mr. Nicholas has been via email. Contrary to Herpes69's proficient understanding of the Aloysius Snuffleupagus Syndrome (he knows more about these things than I ever hope to), Benjamin Nicholas is one of many escorts who write me privately to chat. I love hearing from all my favorite guys and I hope Benjamin doesn't mind that I mentioned this here.


Fawning is such an inappropriate characterization of my contribution to this subject. I believe I have been quite critical of Benjamin Nicholas ever since I joined this MC and many of my posts prove it. NEVER ONCE has Benjamin Nicholas criticized me or chastised me, in public or in private, when I gave him generous cause and reason to do so. That, my dear MC members, is the mark of a true professional and honorable character in a man. And I believe every man's honorable character is made up of more than just one mistake.


Respect is a two-way street and you RARELY experience this when dealing with an escort. I'm grateful that Benjamin Nicholas HAS ALWAYS GIVEN ME THE BENEFIT OF ANY DOUBT. This is the simple reason for my compassionate position on this subject as it pertains to Mr. Nicholas and how he handles his career.

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RE: Acceptance


I would not claim that escorts were any worse than members of any other occupation. I was addressing those who idolize escorts and make more stringent ethical demands on them than on others, and then become outraged when the escorts turn out have human failings (you of all people must recognize the ironic intent in the phrase "paragon of virtue"). Without clients there would be no escorts, so I think clients should be held to the same standards as escorts, and I don't think that either of them is committing a "sin" by engaging in commercial sex. I would be the first to say that selling sexual services is no worse than selling any other personal service--I firmly believe that the only difference between an escort and a masseur is that the former gets more grief from moralists and the legal establishment (and deserves to make more money as recompense).

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RE: Acceptance


>> "I don't believe that an apology must be heartfelt,"


>Wow! And just when I thought I had heard every stupid, moronic

>and idiotic statement that could possibly be made from some of

>Ben's hollow-headed followers, Charlie comes along to prove me




If it weren't for their hollow heads, where would they put their pompoms? I find the prostitute as celebrity mentality quite bizarre.


Someone posted in response to all the negative comments made about BN that it was just a blog. Obviously, it is much more than just a blog to BN. He uses it to market himself. I can somewhat understand how one might inadvertently copy another's work a time or two without giving proper credit to the author, but BN did this knowingly and repeatedly. Other people's uncredited work became a significant portion of the blog itself. The posting about attending the Lamaze classes was not just plagiarism, it was an intentional act to deceive the reader. IMO the only thing left of his blog should be his apology along with his farewell to the blog.

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>I think I get it. You're a hypocrite. Thanks for clearing that

>up for everyone.

Never underestimate the power of hypocrisy. It lets you get through the day without telling people what you really think of them; which in general makes a more mannerly and civil world.

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Guest zipperzone

RE: Acceptance


>Maybe it's been "going on for nine days" simply because it's

>fucking funny.


Exactly! You've hit the nail on the head. It's not only fucking funny (which is justification enough) - it also has the same facination as watching a train wreck in slow motion.

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RE: Correction


Rockhead, Daddy's M4M very own Internet Troll: "Respect is a two-way street and you RARELY experience this when dealing with an escort."


My, my. I guess Rocky’s had just one bad, bad experience after another. One might expect that he who whines and moans and carps so much about the way other people treat him would have the good sense to take a nice long look in the mirror.

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RE: Correction


>And I believe every man's honorable

>character is made up of more than just one mistake.




RockHard, are you existing on some parallel universe where Spock has a goatee? This is not "just one mistake". It would like saying Jeffrey Dahmer made just one mistake because all he did was murder - who cares that is was fifteen (?) different guys.


Little Benjie (and let me once again stress that this is not a veiled reference to the size of his penis) didn't make "one mistake" - it was a CAMPAIGN of theft, lying and impersonation.


Does any sentient being think that there aren't MORE columns that were plaigerized that Doug wasn't able to trace elsewhere? I don't see any mention of those in Little Benjie's coerced apology. What happens when THOSE are exposed? oops! "I'm so sorry blah blah blah."


Little Benjie is a psychopathic liar and a fake.


But even worse than that, he's literally pathetic and in serious need of clinical help. Benjie, get professional help before you hurt yourself.


Pathologically yours,



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RE: Acceptance


>I find the prostitute as celebrity mentality

>quite bizarre.


So do I. As a matter of fact, I was just saying that to Anna Nicole the other night on the red carpet at the...oh wait, she's dead, isn't she? OK, let me start over. I was just saying that to Britney the other night at the pre-Grammy...oh wait, she's in rehab, right? Well, then it must have been Paris-Lyndsey-Jessica-Nicole, and just as I turned to her to say, "This whole prostitute as celebrity thing is quite bizarre," suddenly a barrage of paparazzi assaulted us with their bright flashes, so we ducked into the nearest Hummer-zine and as we sped away, I rolled down my window and shouted to the frenzied photogs, "Don't forget to crop my face above the chin!!!" :p

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