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Posts posted by Alex93108

  1. On 5/5/2024 at 10:45 PM, solacesoul said:

    “Some” of them? Practically all of them are not gay, or do not identify as such. 

    Someone i used to be close to with LOVES them, and hires almost exclusively boys from the favelas, who somehow make it to London to "learn" English for 6 months .  🙄 Hello Border force / home office! . I found the ones I  encountered in London to be genuinely gay - though they eventually expire from abuse, GHB, meth. Not necessarily in that order

    At the end of the day, they just people like you and I . Some are gay , some are straight. I found that the providers ( mostly ) are at least bisexual, if you are catering to the male market. There are ones that do females only.

    If you are foreigner in Rio, a a good place to chat with them is the lookout bars at the top of the favelas. Those are foreigner friendly, but bring someone who can speak Portuguese with you if you only speak english . You'll find them to be very down to earth human beings.

    When I travel I am full of contrasts - I like to mix up that scene with the Bar at the Copacabana  Palace, which has a fair share of English speaking guys. "working"


  2. 13 hours ago, viewing ownly said:

    I wouldn't even know what to say to a microwave meth cooking suggestion. "Sorry, but the popcorn setting is all I'm good for, but my neighbor has a veggie steamer that might work. Be right back."

    Worse still this was at ( was was and perhaps still is) the nicest hotel in Sao Paolo. I'm sure I could have asked the concierge to muster up something at 1am. 

    Said provider worked in London for 6 months. I have a rule now : No Brazilian escort hires in Brazil that used to work in London. They are all wasted and used, the life sucked out of them by the time they return back. I would like to be proven wrong but there is a big difference - between enthusiastic and warm vs used.  6 months hoe-ing in England sucked the life out of them.


  3. On 4/16/2024 at 10:02 AM, SouthOfTheBorder said:

    @newdad the comment above was about only meeting providers in Rio in saunas bc I got stalked after taking someone back to my hotel.  The hotel meeting was without incident, but the provider just happened to be outside my hotel on two different days afterwards.  That unnerved me - to know someone was watching & waiting at my hotel.  I think it would be worse at an AirBnb without full security.


    Thats one of the reasons why I usually go for full service hotels in Brazil . I also speak BR Portuguese - though not 100% fluent, enough to have a conversation, and understand what the meninos/garatos are talking behind my back.

    I found that the concierge is often in cahoots with the providers - and if anything is not kosher / slightly dodgy, the concierge has your back.

    The nicest hotels will ask for provieders to register at the desk - which is totally acceptable .

    You don't have this facility at an air bnb - and you get what you pay for.   These boys come from the favellas, and some of them might just be gay for pay, you can't be too careful….


  4. Complaining about the tip after it was given ( Queens, New York, incall )

    My favorite one - deciding not to reply or engage, presumably after seeing my pic. ( London, UK)

    My worst appointment to date was by someone from this forum, who recommended highly  this particular provider. While he was "ok" what annoyed me the most what he left early - I booked him for 2 hours, he was done in 45 minutes . Brazilian in ( London , UK), though I heard he's become a British Citizen now..  I gave him a lackluster review on SB.  

    This is right up there with the guy that showed up at the Rosewood asking me for a microwave to cook his meth. What was I supposed to do? Ring the concierge for it?  Not that kind of hotel….( Sao Paolo, BR). Demanded compensation for his time. 

    There were fantastic appointments - which I haven't mentioned - these are the worst ones.  

  5. 1 hour ago, samhexum said:

    A typo on Cartier's website that incorrectly priced a pair of gold-and-diamond earrings ended up being a costly mistake for the luxury jewelry retailer.

    A consumer in Mexico said in a post on social media platform X that he was idly browsing Instagram when he came across the shockingly low-priced pair of earrings.

    Typically 237,000 pesos, or more than $13,000, the jewelry was listed for sale for 237 pesos, or about $13, the New York Times reported. It appears Cartier omitted three zeros, sheerly by mistake.

    When Rogelio Villarreal, a Mexican doctor, saw the low price, he broke out in a cold sweat, he said in the post.

    Upon clicking to purchase the earrings, Villarreal unwittingly kicked off a monthslong dispute with the luxury retailer that even drew interest from public figures.

    Initially, Cartier tried to cancel the order altogether and compensate Villarreal with a bottle of champagne and leather accessory to apologize for the inconvenience it had caused, according to reporting from Agence France Presse. But Villarreal deemed the offer unsatisfactory, and instead raised the case with Mexico's federal consumer protection agency.

    Villareal told the New York Times that Cartier had informed him it had fulfilled his order. "War is over. Cartier is complying," he said in an April 22 post.

    If there are lawyers on this forum, this is an open and shut case of a simple contract executed.

    The fault lies with Cartier for offering it for such a low price 

    I do respect and admire Cartier for honoring the purchase 

  6. On 6/23/2023 at 2:40 PM, BenjaminNicholas said:

    It means less than it used to.  A lot less.

    Don't expect your embassy to bail you out.  Don't expect Americuh to come running to save you from your own stupid decisions.

    When in Rome, you might not always do exactly as Romans do, but at least have enough respect to recognize culture and custom.

    When the war in Lebanon happened ( 2006), I was in Cyprus at the time, and the state department did send a ship, but i kid you not, billed the people they evacuated for the expense. Presumably some of this was paid by travel insurance, the Treasury  sought payment back from US Citizens, they evacuated. 

    Details here  -   It was under the George W Bush administration. At least the state department was able to get people out.

    The European nations did evacuate their citizens at no cost, up to a point. Not everyone was evacuated. 

    I used to think if you were British, you would be saved, but they let their own citizens rot in Gaza recently, so don't count on anyone for help. 


  7. 6 hours ago, pubic_assistance said:

    To jump in and redirect this conversation a bit I would interject that there are Muslims and there are MUSLIMS.

    Turkey and Morrcco for example are primarily populated by a very easy/benign sect of Islam. Other people and cultures are acknowledged and respected. I remember sitting on a beach in Turkey once. Two Muslim women to my right in full burkas and two German women on my left sunbathing topless in their bikinis. Turks are generally not extreme in their views on outsiders.

    Morocco especially Marrakesh has a long history of "keeping one eye open and one eye shut" toward the indulgences of non-Muslim tourists

    Many other Muslim countries have varying degrees of extremism and although some of the more extreme make space for tolerance toward tourists .(because they bring $$$)...those exceptions are extremely localized in specific hotels and resorts and you could potentially find yourself in trouble quickly by being too "obvious" if you stray too far from acceptable the tourist zone.

    I toured Brunei with a lovely gentleman who just happened to turn out to be gay. He explained living there was a matter of being discreet. Officially he could be arrested for being gay...but he said what that really means is getting arrested for BEING OBVIOUS.  Discretion goes a long way in the Muslim world as much as it does in the redneck states of the US.

    And these days that definition is moving fast.

    Dubai and much of the UAE, ( with the exception of maybe Abu Dhabi and few other emirates) is tolerant of just about anything, as long as you don't offend the local religion. These days also KSA ( Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) with the new king MBS, headscarfs / hijab ( or what my mom likes to call the beepers suit / zorro) - is not legally required to be worn by women.

    The two men kissing though, as an Arab greeting, gets me every time - as the ultimate irony. It means something else in that part of the world 

  8. Update  So the same former provider reached out to yesterday (again)  After a short chat decided to let him on.  I don't usually do that.

    I thought about this yesterday - someone who I used to know well  ( ironically a member of this forum)  blocked me on Linkedin but kept me on insta for reasons known to him . It all boils down to preference / comfort level and what barriers / lines apply to you. For me, my insta is a very personal collection of things I have done, places, and the people on there are people I know / have met. That standard doesn't apply to everyone.

    Anyway this Russian provider who I know well, messaged me asking for advice on jobs / recruitment. He works in tech and is very accomplished python coder, and  understands LLMs ( AI language models)   and is currently living in London, after being granted Asylum in the UK - as an objector ( not easy - can you believe the current Tory gov wanted to send him to Rwanda? ) .  

    I put him in touch with some people i knew for non escort work, and he just told me he's going to for his first interview at a start up next week, at an AI startup, thanks for my intro. 

    I think his all boils down to individual circumstance - no right or wrong answer



  9. A provider I used to see found me on insta.  I thought about it……. I don't think there is a right answer to this. It boils down to comfort level, and how comfortable you are mixing providers with your personal private life.  

    I personally know someone who does allow several providers ( regulars , I suspect) who he likes / is comfortable  on his personal locked insta. And follows back of course.  Weirdly enough this same person allows his own siblings on, but not his own mother, who doesn't follow him  .   That arrangement works for him.  For what it's worth, my niece won't let my sister ( her mom) on her insta, so I won't judge people who do this.  Not everyone gets along with their own mother or wants to share.

    For me, my insta is basically people i know personally, whom I have met, and have an active cordial relationship with. The number count is low as a result. I don't just let anyone in - less is more. I actually let only 1 escort on, one that I had a good relationship with and was retiring from the business, going to graduate school in Spain.

    There is no right answer, you should do what is right for you. which is what I did. 

    In this case deny. 

    For those who have the energy, you can easily set up multiple accounts, one for the your regular life and another naughty one full of sexy men, and have all the hookers follow it.

    Be sure to send me handle so I can check it out 😋





  10. You're over thinking it  - it's fine, as long as you are not overt about it.

    Depending on the hotel, they won't care. 

    The King of Morocco doesn't actually live in Morocco. Most of the time he's in France living a life that makes him happy ( I'm guessing), outside of Maroc - going back for state occasions and emergencies - like the earthquake last year. 


  11. 3 hours ago, robberbaron4u said:

    Hmmm...Kosta, a "white Russian" lad of exceptional physical beauty, and, more importantly, a whirlpool of sensual delight in which a man could happily drown.

    Hes living in Bali to avoid conscription. Yes - he is very beautiful 

  12. On 6/17/2023 at 5:50 PM, SFChinois said:

    Austin Wilde.  He is surprisingly not needing to escort.  

    I know a few people he fucked. I don't know him personally but lets say the reviews are not glowing, he is not known to be a courteous lover  and I am not sure worth 1000

  13. On 4/5/2024 at 10:19 AM, KyleSmith4 said:

    I loved the "Fasano Rio" this last trip. Really impressive room furnishings, furniture and go for the ocean front rooms. They were really spectacular. 

    God that hotel is overpriced, and I didn't think worth the money.

    To be honest, all of the hotels in Rio are kind of not worth the money, but the only reason why you would stay in it is for security.  There is one hotel I like though it has gone downhill the last time I was there. Not going to mention which one, but its one of the top hotels in Rio.

    Where I stayed they asked room visitors to register details, which I complied. It was all very classy.

    I said in English, "This gentleman will be accompanying me to my room, please get what ever details you need from him, I'll be waiting at the bar" . I then stepped away to lounge area.

    They spoke in Portuguese after and he didn't mince words, introducing him as a garato ( male prostitute) . Being a real 5 star place, they treated him with respect, and even offered a drink while he waited.  I think people should not see the procedure of registering guests as a hindrance, it's for your protection as well. 

    I thought that was classy. Provider was a porn star from the site meninos ( boys) and to date is one of the best session I have in ia while. He's a real professional. 

    I also speak Portuguese, but I address the hotel staff in English, so I can understand what they are talking behind my back. I'll speak to the locals, i.e the Barracca beach guy in portuegese of course. 

    Need to plan a trip back, the last time I was there it rained for 3 days straight! ( in the summer) 


  14. On 12/18/2023 at 1:17 PM, glutes said:

    Although the sauna has had a wonderful makeover, the providers available have declined.  Aggressive Romanians, Turks, etc. are prominent. The days of BelAmi boys and studly Brazilians are pretty much over.

    Really sad . Can anyone give an update?

    Given that Zurich is such an expensive place, ( its one of the places I really feel poor) this was one of the bargains I enjoyed in an otherwise expensive city with lots of wealth 

  15. I have no problem doing this in Brazil. Largely because the city is so big ( example Sao Paolo) and often the providers are coming from far places that are not safe at night . Or from the favelas in Rio to my hotel in Leblon   It’s also cheaper. 

    I once had a provider ask this from me in London - I reluctantly agreed . Sorry coming from North London to RBKC is not the same kind of danger 

    In the states is a flat out no . London as well 

  16. I personally know someone who is a member here who has

    -received freebies

    -routinely quoted below market rates.

    I think he's very handsome and a lovely individual, he's getting older though, and we all know white / pale/ faire haired men don't age well. 

    I doubt providers will give him a discount on his beautiful soul, ( he does have a beautiful soul) but it would be interesting if he continues to get favors once he turns 40 and > 

    Most providers see me as an ATM machine - no discounts for me!

    Edited : Not sure why people find this sad - it's the sad truth perhaps? 

  17. 6 hours ago, d.anders said:

    That does seem strange to me. Most of the guys who advertise on the gay massage sites are not professionals. Most of the customers here seem to be looking for a HE, or more versions of sex. I don't understand why anyone would expect professional behavior from a non-professional. It's a fantasy.

    I counter this. We are looking for professionals who can do sensual therapy. It's hard to find - but lovely when you do.

  18. Most British people will just go for the escort experience, the gay spa that exists stateside doesn't really translate over in the UK, except for maybe Villa Gianni which really isn't a message place in the real context.

    Jamie who posts here frequently does do massages. I haven't tried him personally.

    I would try rent masseur 

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