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Everything posted by uwsman2

  1. There is an entire tumblr devoted to him: Fuckyeahpietroboselli.tumblr.com
  2. Love being worked over by an imaginative top while blindfolded! These pics bring back some happy memories.
  3. Quite a beauty! Thanks for posting. Just got back from the gym myself. I wish more hot guys could lose their shirts, but the gym rules don't allow it. Sigh!
  4. Saw it today. Not a great film. A bit awkward and stiff at times. But a lot of it is historically accurate, actually, if one gets past the Hollywood convention of invented characters. The cast is very diverse, and I don't think it downplayed the centrality of street people, minorities and trans people. It's not a documentary. Don't expect a documentary and you might enjoy it.
  5. Critics are treating it like a documentary and scoring it for historical accuracy. That's wrong and unfair. It's dramatic fiction told from the perspective of a fictional character created by the filmmaker and scriptwriter to express their intended themes. It should be judged on that basis. I haven't seen the film yet, just the trailor, and I will reserve judgment until I see it.
  6. It's been several years since I experienced Rafael - it was a great experience. He's rather shorter than you might expect from the pictures, but he is a beautiful, sweet man with an ENORMOUS endowment and great enthusiasm for life and sex.
  7. Yeah, both really hot, but the second one is the one that does it for me... Shooting stars!!
  8. Ben Wishaw is a favorite of mine. I saw him in an off-Broadway play several years ago, and have especially enjoyed his performance in the British TV series "The Hour." Very skinny, in a sexy way!
  9. Rentboy says Eliron's ad is no longer available.
  10. uwsman2

    Colin Wayne

    Wow - I agree with Samai139. A cock shot would be icing on the cake!
  11. Thanks for the info, Bosguy. I assumed the envelope meant to click on to send an email message.
  12. He sounds exciting. Too bad there is no phone number listed on the ad. I tend to prefer calling to sending emails through rentmen's website.
  13. uwsman2

    Corey Cann

    I want those thighs wrapped around my neck. . . while my mouth is busy!
  14. That's exactly my reaction. It is a fun show, and Urie is great in it. Actually, I felt it was like spending 90 minutes in the company of a truly sweet, adorable guy - who is, on top of that, openly gay, which is quite a bonus.
  15. I'm going to see this off-Broadway show today, starring gay dreamboat actor Michael Urie. (He was to-die-for in the stage revival of Angels in America a few years ago, and I've seen him in a few other things.) One man show. He plays the ("fictional") manager of the shopping mall that Barbra Streisand maintains in the cellar of her mansion. Should be fun. I'll report back.
  16. want2bwrestled - How are you supposed to concentrate on work? Think about Rush Limbaugh.... your willy will wilt and you can go back to work.
  17. Another thing where I would like to be on the receiving end. Finding the right guy to do it with, that's the rub!
  18. Too bad, but I understand that Malachi retired from porn and -- if applicable -- escorting.
  19. Rafael definitely identifies as Jewish. I've been with him a few times. He is uncut, which is an artifact, I think, of coming from a mixed marriage, so his Jewish identity is genealogical rather than religious.
  20. uwsman2


    Well, let's hope that something shows up. He is a fine, fine looking guy.
  21. uwsman2


    Finally caught up with this summer flick. Anybody know if Chris Hemsworth, who plays "Thor," sells it on the side? The body of a total God. The character is arrogant most of the time, but has a soft and cuddly side, too.
  22. Michael Landon on "Bonanza" did it for me. And the actor who starred in "Wild, Wild West" (I don't remember his name). They used to find excuses to get him out of his shirt on almost every episode - and for good reason, he had one of the most perfectly developed muscular upper torsos every displayed on television. I would get all excited and bothered watching these two.
  23. uwsman2

    Kadu in NYC

    news to the game? Quite likely new to the game, since he doesn't know how to market himself. I go for nice abs, big-time, but I'd also want to see a face. Seeing the cock isn't the deal breaker for me, since I'm not really a size queen, but having a better sense of the personality is a big help in making a decision, especially if one has a limited budget and time while "shopping" the crowded NYC market. That said, he's got great abs in these pics!
  24. hard? since the penis on David is sculpted from marble, I think it qualifies as HARD, just not ERECT, and I think that's what you mean. No erections.....
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