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Posts posted by inladas

  1. I met him when he was in SD and while I had a very good time, his apartment (and esp bathroom) was a real mess which I just can't chill out about and even more amusingly (in hindsight!), he checked his phone after we were finished and someone who was airbnb-ing his couch that night was waiting outside. He said he forgot about him! Really nice guy and it was a good time but the other stuff was just too much for me to want to deal with.


    He was fun so the moral might just be don't go to his place!

  2. My first post and I can be vaguely helpful! So I was here less than a week ago and by here, I mean their covid outdoor sidewalk restaurant eating with a friend. When you need to use the bathroom, you go inside to the 'bathhouse'. I walked around a little and it looked nice. It is probably not going to turn into some hotspot. I bumped into some hot dude who would have been totally my type except he was inside and not wearing a mask. I don't blame the place itself, I'm assuming staff would have asked him to mask up one they noticed because they were diligent outside. I peed and went back to my outdoor table rapidly.


    'Bathhouse' is more of a name for a place than a place that deserves the name for what you can get up to inside. You could probably make something happen there but it's not Bathhouse's raison d'être. Wonderful food, overpriced wine, maskless bro inside, nice facilities, possibility of prearranging something but not stumbling upon a hot situation. Four stars on yelp except I hate yelp.

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